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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣
Sometimes it's easier than others, but mostly you're right. Logged on to a 1PP server outside of my region because well, US apparently only needs a single 1PP server that is always HIGH pop right? So currently that server is basically a KoS server due to the popularity of this patch, but I do play there sometimes if only for the fact that I won't let the others "run" the only US 1PP all the time. Logging into what was shown in the browser as a low pop server I found myself #39 in queue which then rather rapidly counted down until I spawned on the beach. Loot and infected were readily available and I managed to grab a few decent things before bugging out off the coast. After maybe 20 minutes of play I lost connection to host and was booted from the server. During the session I also saw some global notifications of others losing connection. I'll try again....
Thanks for patch! Boy, it sure would be great if people channeled their interest in DayZ into actually following the project and staying informed.... I need to tune out the world, I'll be in shortly. *Bonus
This is a forum and needs to facilitate text, pictures, and video. I would love to have the old theme back but I'm happy as long as I can contribute to the games development. We have a mature and intelligent group that contribute regularly to the build threads and we've done excellent work to further DayZ Alpha, all the time keeping the trolls and lesser informed flamers at bay.
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[REVIEW] Dynamic Spawning of Infected
☣BioHaze☣ replied to Weyland Yutani (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
This is the most important point. We are seeing a very bare bones Alpha version of a mechanic here. There will be something in place that will stagger the respawn of infected as well, but we have not seen this in play yet. I would like to see the game take into account our sight distance whether aided or otherwise and have something in place to make sure we see infected where they will be when we arrive regardless of other players prior presence. -
[REVIEW] New Server Browser
☣BioHaze☣ replied to Weyland Yutani (DayZ)'s topic in General Discussion
Correct. Double click would be nice, I fully agree with you here. -
We're getting stamina too eventually.......
On a high ping server, 1PP. I had a great time stealthily landing headshots with the amphibia and looting a large NW town. Heading further North, I found myself at Kamensk base with a large variety of civilian firearms with ammo for all (amphibia, red 9, magnum, winchester, mp-133). BUT, almost as soon as I found the barracks, wolves descended on me. They seemed to have trouble pathing around the buildings and initially I had no trouble running from building to building. Once I looted the area I thought I would try to be "cool" and kill all the wolves. At first there was just one wolf and he came through the door greeted by a shotgun blast to the face which dropped him. I closed the door and skinned him. Still thinking I was cool, I opened the door and backed up again. That's when complete havoc broke out and it was jaws and claws a slash n' and a snappin'. I managed to hold them off for a bit but started to bleed and wanted to bandage and change weapons. I was able to clear the structure and close the door but almost as soon as I started bandaging there were infected now inside with me! Either the infected clipped through the structure or the high ping/desynch conditions allowed the infected to now be trapped inside with me when I thought I had safely closed the door. I dropped a couple more infected and maybe another wolf and bolted out the door. As I was running I was trying to zig zag or outrun the wolves as instructed here but I was continually getting bitten. With motorcycle helmet, raincoat, vest, jeans, and sneakers, I took at least 4 direct strikes from the wolves before I went down and that includes many infected strikes as well. So yeah, even though that character wasn't particularly long lived it was actually really fun. I am looking forward to future patches where the interactions are improved. With alllll the bugginess, trying to manage the mayhem with consistent results is challenging to say the least.
I believe some changes may have been made to ambient soundscapes. I don't know if it's seasonal or weather related but I have not heard the loop that has the bird chipping, the fence being kicked, and the bucket being blown over sounds..... I have been hearing more small random sounds. Like a twig falling off a tree etc. *Many of us agree that this first iteration of gun shot orientation can sound absolutely fantastic. *I would like to see different voices for the infected based on type. Senor Hix @Hicks_206 (DayZ), we had a preview of some new infected sounds a long time ago and a little info on any progress would be nice if possibru.
Only about 1.5 hours play in 1PP tonight. Same as my last spawn, within moments I found a Sporter with 30 round mag, this time only half full. Heading North towards the storms the search for rags > rope > burlap began. Entering Krasnostav I found my burlap and then proceeded to gently loot about avoiding aggro. Having stashed some apples and a few odds and ends I became anxious to head North but just as I was about to head out of town I heard wolves and they were close. With little to defend myself with I ran into a house and closed all the doors. I had drawn a single infected along and hoped I would see some infected vs wolf. Unfortunately the house I was in did not offer many good views but I did manage to empty most of the .22 into the wolves as they panned by a small window. There was a lot of snapping and growling and biting of the house. My character would shake and sometimes seem to desynch a little as they jumped on the building exterior. After a while I sat for a couple minutes and the infected calmed down and I could not hear the wolves anymore. I opened one door to find this: A wolf butt, clipped through the house. SO, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, click, I emptied the rest of the mag into the wolf rump, which merely seemed to make the wolf curious rather than hurt it. Then as it turned and made it's way into the interior room I landed a few strikes with the hatchet, but the animal still seemed unimpressed. That's when I noticed his friend had clipped through a wall as well and I decided it was time to exit. Bleeding I ran for the woods expecting them to descend on me but I quickly realized that my shots had drawn more infected and they were occupying the wolves enough for me to retreat. Past NE airstrip, and further North to the small group of civilian barracks that sit neglected alone in the woods. I found some canned food and a couple of other useful things before continuing North. Now headed more West, I thought I had a good chance to find the Northernmost cities and towns when I heard the chilling howl once more. Sprinting desperately hoping for another structure with a closable door I ran through the trees. 2 minutes, nothing, 3, minutes nothing, 4 minutes? Server restart. -_- ~fin~
The same night you posted about your aggro experiments using a flash bang I had also done some testing myself. I landed 3 flash bangs within close range of an infected and it merely stopped in it's tracks for a bit before continuing normally. I had no indication that it took damage but it might have. A very long time ago, I believe someone went through the trouble of killing an infected with empty cans. I think it took 100's of throws.... Here's a couple brightened up shots from the experiment. I had also peppered the scenery with different colored smoke grenades to see what the infected did.... which was not much. I kept one flash bang and decided to finish him with a frag grenade, crumpled like a cheap suit.
Yes, I believe they do. Someone else placed one too close to someone else last week and it damaged stuff.
My new thing is throwing a flash bang when my friends aren't paying attention and simply saying "flash bang" right before it goes off. That's if I'm bored and feeling antsy, or want to spook someone.... As reported prior, the flash bang no longer flashes or creates the ears ringing. In fact, I've always thought the flash bang sounds like someone kicking the side of a dumpster, albeit a hard kick, it's the sound of a dumpster being kicked nonetheless.
Yes, emuthreat took a pic of it raining in one of the newer barracks buildings, I'm not sure if he reported it anywhere. @KingOfTime I kept thinking to close the windows on the tent but never voiced my concern or took the initiative, definitely another poor choice on my behalf.
The helm was emuthreats. If you have moved over to the dark side and KoS, you have lots and lots of company. I do not believe I ever will and if all of my friends here decided to do so when I played with them, I would go lone wolf again. I know I'm in the minority but I also know I die less, in a survival game. P.S.: I do appreciate you coming forward. It's always interesting to hear the other side.
*You should know you killed someone who NEVER Ko'S's. And every time I am KoS'd I do not run to seek revenge in some fashion. After 41/2 years of being spawn sniped or being shot at for the crime of checking my compass, the sting doesn't last long. No need to make excuses for being a murderer. Everyone tries to justify passing the grief potato but you had no way of knowing who we were or what our motivations were without verbal or text interaction, which you were too cowardly to attempt. You always have a choice, it's always "your story". In this case, your story wasn't very creative or sophisticated (IMO) but you managed to get some fast and cheap gear. I hope you lived on, warm and dry, with maybe a hint of my innocent blood still lingering on my collar/your mind. Anyway, YOLO Experimental, all lives are sacrificed to the all powerful hive data GodZ, ready to eternally wipe all our ass, Amen. (*emu thought we were killed by 1 man for the record. He never saw more than 1 person after running out)
Improvised stone knife.
Killed some wolves finally. emuthreat and I killed all but 1 from a pack and got shot friendly like but survived. Shortly after that everything went downhill. Throughout the session I told him to mind the rain, and told him to take the first (yellow) raincoat we found but he insisted Gorka pants and running would be enough. You were wrong! Here's emu dying while roasting his butt. After stashing emu's stuff with Brooks, we hunkered down in a mil tent to eat and heal. That's when the last wolf sought revenge. We heard the howling close in for quite a long time. It kept circling our tent and eventually when Brooks ran out it pounced on his back. I winged it, Brooks finished it off, and then logged out shortly afterwards. Left here in the tent alone, I was nearly healed and decided to wait the last minutes until emu arrived. Soon after he arrived he began piling on his old gear again and we merely prattled on as if we hadn't a care in the world. Bang, blood squirts from the right side of my head and I fall to my left in a pretty graphic depiction of my demise and I am dead.... emu runs out in a panic and is gunned down as well. My first run in with KoS in a long time and I really blame myself. Our location and the length of time spent there was certainly pressing my luck. After spawning near Tulga I immediately found a Taloon backpack and Sporter with a nearly full 30 round mag and began the trudge North, once more....
Lol. Yeah the black hole face isn't new but 0 texture zombies is new to me! Good to know about the Scorpion. This may imply that even if a gun sound plays through the client the infected are hardwired to not hear any shots covered with a silencer and will not aggro. I just want another pistol suppressor. :( I found one early with my first character but he died due to curiosity about the large red and white radio tower.....
Play was similar to previous patches today. Here emuthreat tests the range of the sad Alpha crossbow. The glorious player controller module will hopefully solve it's issues. Here we see emuthreat and GirthBrooks practicing their mil-tent soccer skills in Tisy base.... After GaryWalnuts and GirthBrooks signed off, IMT, Dudester100, and I went to Sinistok for some delicious well water and a zombie shooting gallery. At the top of the field on the east side of town we stood there and drew aggro to see how many came out to play. A wave of 10 or so infected came from all parts of town and we made fairly short work with AKM (drum mag), AK-101, Scorpion, Glock.... We looted for maybe 5 minutes before more infected began to appear again. We killed off this 2nd wave and that's where I decided to log off to get food. Zombie slaughter sure can work up an appetite!
Played on a high ping/low pop server for a while. The infected still have the same bully effect during melee and it seems a fix for the new character position system is not in yet. There was no sound or animation when I emptied an SKS.... Lunch time.
@HaseDesTodes There was a theory or rumor about the needle+vial being a cure for illness in game. I have never confirmed this myself and hoped someone might chime in. As you have pointed out, NaOH solution is for another purpose entirely (are we still getting sepsis?) that is likely as yet to be seen in game and I agree would be incorrect as antibiotic. Maybe they will add more types of vials in the future...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We looooove patches! Thanx, Byron!
Seems no one had detailed this.... Version# 136013 48.7mb
A: the condition of the antibiotics may effect how well they work. B: 1 dose has been enough to cure an illness in the past but takes quite a long time. C: 2 or more doses have seemed to work faster. D: If/when injecting antibiotics becomes possible (again?) I believe this will be fastest cure. Good luck.
I spent some time searching Trello and youtube but I did not come across it..... But now after searching the status reports I found it in an April 2016 report. @25secs