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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    I thought that afterwards and if you noticed, I was more concerned with squeezing under the steps away from the edge than fighting when I started to get pushed and hit. They descended on us pretty quickly (mix of wolves and infected) and I was caught a bit off guard initially but I managed get my wits and put in some good work with the repeater. For a relatively short session it was a really fun one.
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Played a while solo and then a couple hours with GaryWalnuts. At first I had some fun clearing a small but densely populated section of a town with a chambered Amphibia. While I was doing so I noticed an infected up in the high branches of a large tree. I wanted a good screenshot before it came down but I had more infected surrounding me which would have aggro'd had I ran straight out. Here are a few pics, it's probably hard to see him without zooming but he's straight up and a little to the right of my gun. In the last pic he is to the left of the infected in the middle and floating in mid air. This is just before he glided down for a soft landing. At one point I entered a cabin and there was a full size MP-133 shot gun in the entryway and this in the main room. Soon Gary popped into TS3 and we met up and decided to check out Krasnostav. After looting a bit (and Gary being shot at with a round of .22 by a well) we moved on to Novo where the wolf pack that he had seen earlier was apparently still tangling with the infected. We chose this perch to mount an assault and without too much trouble we handled the wolves and infected that came. 2 white wolves which had been fighting an infected seemed to be bugged after the infected aggro'd to us. They continued to circle and leap even when nothing seemed to be there. You can see where they were bugged as I sniped them in front of the shed in the distance. Gary actually took one down with the Amphibia at nearly 100yds as it fled. We then went across to the hospital to try to find me a holster but just as we were about to entered I mentioned that I thought a strange foots steps in the grass nearby. Rather than finding an infected bugged against a wall, we found a wolf with it's head encased in frozen carbonite! With my newly found kitted CR handgun I put a round between it's eyes but it did not fall. It looked like the shot had freed it a little so I carefully put a couple more rounds into it and it fell. With no holster to be found at the hospital we left the town behind and set out North to a suitably desolate spot to cook and eat. Man, if you can't enjoy this patch, I feel really sorry for you. Back after foooooodz!
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Indeed! I think it was waaaay back when we pooped empty cans that this was discussed publicly!
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Yup. I found them when we were playing a couple days ago as well. Rocket = kiwi Hermit = stone knife Mil zombies = ammo These aren't set in stone but are common to those infected types. Finding infected and items with 2 pieces of loot inside is nice as well. I killed a hermit that contained a can of peaches as well as 5 rags.
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    The Good Old Forum's Camp - The Tent City

  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Played another couple of hours. I found a large herd of cows and took one down just before I began to starve. Still running north, starvingart popped into TS3. We followed the railroad tracks from our locations and met without any trouble. Not very long after we met up, wolves descended on us. Thankfully art was well armed for the occasion and I managed to land one with the mosin. He already had wolf steaks and I had my cow, so I only could carry one more wolf's meat. We entered the lodge near devils castle and set to filling our bellies. A rather peaceful way to survive the day. Dat helmet upgrade tho.
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    No Walter! I mean coffee lizard. I believe the status reports have made it clear that we won't see vehicles back in .61. Character stamina and vehicles should be released in close proximity IMO. I would like to see stamina tested first if possible... Can you imagine making some of these people walk more? So many delicious tears!
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    No. Dry kit or no fuego! I feel this will be a thing in the future, no worries.
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    We've seen a few waves of popularity and I believe DayZ is due a few more before it's done. As features are added, peoples interests pique, and the hype train fills up once more. Add vehicles and base building to dynamic infected and predators and you're going to see a lot of new faces and formerly voyeurs of the game start to join up. Console release will also spur people to cross platforms from both sides bumping popularity even more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm going to be the first to come out and say that I believe melee with infected is MUCH MUCH improved! I was having fun using stealth to stay unscathed but I thought I should try my shiny splitting axe, for science! I snuck up on a hermit infected and stood as I approached. My first swing was a spaz and total wiff, next swing after taking a single swipe, 1 hit kill. I did not get pushed and the infected did not circle about. Hit detection seemed spot on, and all in a high ping environment. After that Rocket tried to jack me but I put him down as well, without any of the collision bugginess. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I managed to swap my skate helmet for a motorcycle helmet and found a repeater, .308, .22, sardines, and a coke now. I'm trying to hunt down a hacksaw to cut down the mosin to make best use of the ammo's but for now I'm double carrying (which I rarely choose). Do want/need silencer + magazine too...
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Nope. Thankfully, those players will be more interested in the modded versions.
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    I always liked this, and every additional day that ticked off got more and more tense. The first time I broke 30 days I thought I was a bad-ass. I think we are going to have a character stat page, like a url for some fun facts about his life. Maybe we'll get a pure, "hours alive" stat there in the future.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    I wanted to mention that I thought I perceived an improvement in infected reactions to sound. I closed a rather loud door and a nearby infected definitely took interest. He didn't aggro but I'm fairly certain he increased his pace in my direction and seemed to have covered half the distance to the door in short order. When I heard his steps I froze crouched, out of sight, and he lost interest pretty quickly. All of the other smaller sounds I made within the vicinity of infected, like footsteps inside a house, seemed to draw a reaction of sorts but lesser. If I entered at one end of a house and circled around, I could draw an infected around and exit the other end before he could track me. I have not fought a single infected yet so I cannot comment on improvements to being pushed or circled around. People make the mistake of not taking helmets or passing some up for appearances. I would rather wear this derpy looking thing than get one shot killed/knocked out any day. So, until I find a motorcycle helmet or ballistics helmet I'll, "Never take it off".
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    So I played for about an hour, looted a little near my spawn point and then slowly made my way north-ish from where I started. I didn't really bother to get my exact locale and as I am playing solo I didn't feel it terribly urgent. I'm fairly positive I spawned somewhere on the south eastern coast. Anyway, in about an hour this was what I found: Mosin - 20 rounds, chambered P-1 - 1 box 9mm, .357 rounds, 1911, splitting axe. Hunting jacket, rain coat, wellies, skate helmet. Improvised backpack. I did NOT spam for apples but merely picked enough to keep from thirsty/hungry and ate a can of spaghetti, and drank well water and a couple soft drinks. That's enough to do basically anything in DayZ. Thanks for playing?
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    I have to say, I give you credit if this is true. I think of myself as something of a purist but I do spam apple trees, and now that I figured out how to spam rain into cooking pot, I'm doing that when I can as well. Any apple baring orchard will give you 12 consumable apples immediately at arms length too right? Filling a pot instantly? I took my 12 rags and sopped up the rain on the tree leaves and squeezed them in.... maybe I just feel less dirty by telling myself this. :P If I recall correctly, apple trees/fruit baring plants will be handled differently in the future. Apple trees will be world containers of a sort and have a finite amount of apples per server restart/decay and respawn times. I will embrace this happily if/when it arrives. :)
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    ding ding ding Give this guy a prize!
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    MrMoon is obviously a PvP poser if he doesn't like the current loot distribution. "Doesn't want to move north.... Only a couple places where people are...." Tough titty. Go play an instant gratification shooter and stop infecting the player base with your CoD play in a survival game.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136253

    I forgot to add this pic to the last post. After IMT threw a flare, his right foot shot sparks and streamed smoke, logging out and back in again fixed it. Oh Alpha, how we'll miss your quirky idiosyncrasies!
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136253

    Approx 12 hours in game today! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I may not remember everything but I will try to keep things in order. After lunch I ran further North until I came upon the edge of Kamensk mil base. As I crouched near the edge of the wall I heard the first howls of wolves. With little care for infected around I bolted for the jail building hoping for protection. By this time I had been in contact with emuthreat and he heard I had run down my ammo and apparently my luck. He said he was nearby so I patiently watched as the infected and the wolves fought and hoped the insanity would keep randoms at bay. One thing I noticed, sometimes the infected would aggro on the wolves and sometimes they would stay aggro'd to me without any regard to the wolves biting their backs. Thankfully, emuthreat arrived in short order. Armed with an M-4 and plenty of rounds he played hero and rescued me from the wolf pack! We left the area after looting and not long after GaryWalnuts joined us at devils castle and I think IMT met up around this time too. emuthreat grew tired of soaking through M65 jackets and freezing and finally wised up and into a rain coat. Here I realized you can spam catch rain with the cooking pot to instantly fill it! Just hold the pot in your hands and scroll down to catch rain and just keep hitting the F key. Devils castle didn't offer much but the views are always worth the hike. Here Gary shows off his levitation skills before logging off for the night and IMT logged out a little while later. emu and I then met up with starvingart and helped bring him into, "The 5,000 Club". Over the course of my session I landed in most of the military location but we only encountered a single heli spawn. I held onto my P-1 but eventually ended up with an AKM. We successfully hunted to herds of deer and cooked up all the nutritious meat and lard to warm our bellies. Skinning and quartering is a bit buggy and sometimes logging out and back in again makes one able to actually harvest the meat. Throughout the day I was able to keep enough ammo the kill most of the infected I encountered but it required some focused looting (both civilian and military locations) and emuthreat's navigation skills certainly make a big difference in that regard. We played on a high ping/low pop server and never once encountered a player. We also only found wolves once and that was near the beginning of my play session. I had a blast today with this patch, it's great to see all the tweaks making a difference in real time. *Also ordered an official DayZ logo shirt today!
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136253

    Played for 3+ hours uninterrupted. <3 SCARCITY <3 I LOVE scarcity! It makes thorough looting more rewarding and formerly mundane items are valuable again! Found mostly 9mm and mostly inside industrial sheds (I think 85 rnds), 1 box of .380. and some loose ammo in rak mags, and 2 stacks of 4 shotgun shells. Found a silencer for my P-1 and the fun began. Whoever prefers the style of iron sight for the P-1 I do not understand, but I still really enjoyed sneaking around head shot clearing towns as I moved semi-North. Food was harder to come by but apples do still spam and by the time I logged out for lunch I had cereal and rice. I think I killed about 40 infected in total? The P-1 went to worn but the silencer stayed at damaged. After clearing a good part of Krasnostav I decided I should calm my blood lust until I found more rounds. I came across a body in the road at one point and scouted around it for a moment and reloaded my mag but just as I was approaching the body cautiously, It despawned before my eyes. :( Time for food in RL, looking forward to more later... I caught this funny little detail while looting. Seems when the devs enabled this door to open and close, they forgot to update the floor texture.
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    Make the NE Airstrip millitary again.

    I liked when the airstrip had at least a smattering of weapons inside the large building but I would not want it to be a full mil base again. I have a good feeling this area will undergo a lot of changes in the future.
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report 22 Nov 2016

    Thanks, devs/all! .61 is the first time I feel the same consistent tension that I felt in the mod and it's a magical relief. These wolves seem to be working well so far; I'm impressed! I'm liking what I'm seeing with loot distribution for this patch too. All in all .61 is a big step forward and I feel it's the beginning of a new era for the SA. Your faithful lab rat, Bio
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136240

    Absolutely igor! When I'm not playing solo I'm usually on TS3 with a couple other of the regulars here. We use The Riddlers TS3 called Welcome to the Jungle. Feel free to PM me your Steam name if you like and we'll meet up soon.
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136240

    The crafting stations will likely make this possible in the future. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had a fun time gearing up and picking my way North. I made it to a large town with a police station and decided to loot more thoroughly. With just a damaged bat and a chambered P-1 I carefully looted one end of town not seeing many infected initially. As I neared the police station I began seeing many more infected and tried to find a clear path to loot the station. Drawing aggro I bolted into the police station but was not slick enough to close doors before I was surrounded and being thrashed. Squeezing out again I ran to the other side of town loosing the infected on the way and scooping up a magazine for the P-1. Eventually I made it up into the woods nearby to catch rain, eat, and lick my wounds. After healing most of the way, I made a wide arch around the police station and was able to stealth my way in without aggro. Due to the entire rest of the town being seemingly untouched, I would assume the police station was stripped bare by hoppers. There wasn't a single piece of loot. This did not sit well with me so I decided to vent my frustrations on the infected and see how many I could kill. First I killed a nearby infected with the P-1 which drew many of his friends. They swarmed about, killing a chicken, but the window heights made killing them through the windows difficult for the most part. With 50 rounds to play with, little by little I wore their numbers down and found only a few stragglers wandering about, losing aggro. I popped out the side door and got behind a farmer infected beating him down with my bat. Another stood down the street, but not for long. I would guess I killed maybe 15 infected in all. I had decent hit detection and less physics "bullying" when in melee with infected, even though I was in a higher ping environment (100+). Infected did not push me through walls in situations where they had in the past. I wish we had a perfect public hive fix for, server hopping.... sigh.
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136240

    Where's the status report thread? Should I be looking somewhere else first for them other than the forum? https://dayz.com/blog/status-report-22-nov-2016 So all afternoon I'm waiting for a thread after some guy posts a thread about getting an SR on his birthday....
  25. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136240

    Looks like the the turn over or tick rate of character related text notifications have changed. It seems they are ticking more incrementally somehow. Can someone also confirm that apple spamming is still working?