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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Indeed, this is true for getting caught in the rain as well. You're more likely to die while looking for a raincoat, trying to make a fire, or running to stay warm, than just immediately going into a house and waiting out the storm (assuming you aren't starving as well).
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    I also believe some kind of trauma is being tested. If you take too much (shock?) damage you become more susceptible to a 1 shot kill. *Do not mention bone damage! My character from Xmas had fought many infected in melee and suffered more than 1 fracture or injury which caused the red flash and scream. His clothes were in tatters, his helmet useless, though I had nearly full health, one last hard shock inducing shot from a zed killed him dead with the quickness. Beware! *This could have always just been there in placeholderland but wasn't a factor as much as we were not taking as much damage from PvE.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Have you tried 32 bit or 64 bit client (switching from whichever you are using)? Also, try booting up with steam overlay minimized, possibly from a desktop shortcut. I think some crashes are associated with steam overlay somehow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had a long run yesterday with some of the usual folks and a few new voices as well. Well met, @Thurman Merman! We drove trucks and Lada's around looking for a sedan to destroy with no luck. Disappearing clothes and gear is still a regular thing. emu thinks it's cute to punch me once in a while, I decided every 3 is worth a lug wrench to the back of the skull (see pic of KO'd emu at gas station below). We have a Lada stuck by our camp and put a lot of rounds in it which merely ran it up a tree, and now there is a Lada in the sky about halfway up a tall tree... We looted Tisy, fought of some wolves there (FYI, it's very satisfying to shoot a wolf in the head with a magnum) and were about to leave all packed in the truck when IMT spotted a player. That's when our games all crashed at the same time! We logged back in thinking we would all be shot or had been shot at some point in the crash but found we were OK and the guys who entered the base made neutral contact! Keith and Patrick had returned to DayZ after a long break and were impressed with the changes they found. They were also very happy to find other players who didn't KoS and preferred 1PP. They piled in to join us in a trip to more military locations leaving their truck behind. At one point emu got that truck stuck and he volunteered to get the one our new friends left at Tisy while we looted NWA. After a rather fruitless excursion there we went to a nearby town still looking for an elusive sedan. We all had our effects volumes down due to extra loud truck engine but I managed to just barely hear a howl outside of town. No one else heard it and they were starting to question if I had actually heard wolves when they descended from the treeline forcing me into a house. Frantically calling for help I start popping rounds into the wolves as the circle and my friends quickly followed the sound and began unloading on the pack. Now with a lot of steaks and lard to cook we set about trying to find a house which would accept the fireplace and cooking pots we had. After a couple of failed attempts we were able to suspend a fire from the ceiling and cook as it burned overhead.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    Well, you may not like that the lead developer said something to the effect of, "I don't care if just 12 people end playing Vanilla 1.0.". That was directed at the shooter community after complaining about PvE mechanics. When you've dealt with the far less eloquent and far less objective (than yourself) massive influx of revolving door population here who rarely know anything about the dev process and merely scream when they can't get an M4 in -2 hours, you may find your patience thin and choice of words unapologetic at best. Realism is not what this project aims for, authenticity while retaining fun factor is the goal. There really is no middle ground between what I understand is a feature complete Vanilla 1.0 and what you would likely prefer. The only solution is modding..... for you (or me if Vanilla isn't to my liking!). You may not enjoy how much time you need to spend finding food, getting healthy, and staying healthy. Will you let the rest of your group build your base/camp and fill it with loot never taking the time yourself? ^This is my biggest issue with the future of clans personally. You can have your friends find all your gear and then go PvP people who actually earned their stuff and are truly invested in the lives of their characters. I'm not sure how old you are but FPS games have always been the most repetitive and the least creative genre and the diverse intelligent gamers I meet DO NOT come out of that community. I do not have to denounce people who completely remove themselves from the rest of the gaming world at large and ONLY play shooters. They have invalidated their contributions (short of graphical and performance gains, shooters have added very little in the last 20 years), by discounting all other types of games as "kiddy". Now please tell me how you enjoy, Mario platforming games, point and click adventures, party games, puzzle games, and role playing games.... because something tells me you most likely don't. What does that mean? Someone who enjoys a dynamic, creative gaming experience on a regular basis surely would have more creative ideas about what constitutes fun in games. Those people who only enjoy one super aggressive single minded style of game are going to try to force that on the rest without a single thought for other ways of interacting (even if it's merely talking before shooting, or holding someone up, *balls required). Then they burn out at +/- 500 hours, declare themselves done with DayZ, and a master of DayZ, or some other horseshit, and to them it's old news, broken, and will never be finished, then they simply move on to Gears of War 2/3/4 ad infinitum.
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    3PP vs 1PP - I finally have an opinion

    Didn't we just see a new video of 3PP that zooms into your back when approaching walls etc? I thought I saw something recently. As far as I can remember, they are working on changing it from the way it is.
  6. ☣BioHaze☣


    I would love to hear about how many hours he has in this unplayable game. -_-
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    This forum is a survival game unto itself. I've lost friends and foes alike to burnout and meltdown. But I'm a fucking ROCK. Moer patchx plox'z
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    3PP vs 1PP - I finally have an opinion

    To me, this is the best argument to keep 3PP (which will never go away). However, increased frame rates may help you with this in the future.
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    Yeah, I realized what you meant but it was not the underlying meaning, I was going for more of the barbarian context.
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    I know, the ancient Mongols will be horribly offended for being equated to CoD kiddies.
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    3PP vs 1PP - I finally have an opinion

    My problem with 3PP is that it turns the infected patterns in towns into RTS view and makes avoiding them 100x easier. DayZ is intended to be played in 1PP only for full immersion as stated by numerous devs in multiple status reports begging you to try 1PP. 3PP is easy mode (literally) left over from ARMA2 because they could not strip it out of the mod initially. People then felt safe and grew accustomed to 3PP and had a major backlash when 3PP is considered to be changed (which it is). 3PP is ridiculous to me and spoils the DayZ experience top to bottom.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Unfortunately we haven't been able to separate double wheels in quite a while. Maybe when we start testing the more in-depth parts planned it will be a thing again.
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    I'm resentful for the stale, idiotic genre that is shooters. Nothing new in the genre has really been introduced to make, "aim, shoot, repeat", a dynamic formula for replay value. Sprite based RNG games have done more for gaming in the last 10 years than shooters have done since GoldenEye 64. I'm a GAMER, I do not consider most shooters-only players really gamers at all. I would be SHOCKED if you had what I would consider "good taste" in games outside of DayZ, SHOCKED. The lack of features in ALPHA has facilitated and yes coddled the shooter community into thinking DayZ is just that, a shooter. I do not blame Bohemia for milking these monkeys* for every penny they are worth and know it will just go to making my survival horror game even better. Regards (That guy who has been having this conversation for longer than you can fathom and only gets proven more right with every update and status report.)
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Yeah Gary, Torch takes maybe 10 or more hits to kill an infected. I was using a lit torch for melee and while it looked cool it was not very effective. Maybe in the future striking an infected with a torch will have a chance to catch them on fire. I would also like to see tree sap added to torches as well as other fuels and extenders that the wrap can be soaked in for longer burning time.
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    I know you call men feminists like it's an insult. That's all the ignorant horse shit I need to see. Also, careful they don't give me the ban stick one day, or it might be.... "Buakaw!", for you.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    Did you happen to glance my forum join date? I know it's difficult for you to equate my words with passion and not an anxiety attack but there it is, I am more passionate about DayZ than you've likely been about anything in your life. (And my writing skills far exceed your own tongue in cheek, vapid content, lack of perspective, self serving, pointless, attempts at discourse.) "Surviving" knuckle headed mental children who can't shoot straight is not my problem. Your lack of imagination and poor understanding of what constitutes fun drags DayZ down to the level of CoD. I do not "know" Kirov outside of the forum and we've never spoke outside of a thread, I could hardly call him a friend (though he makes good quality contributions when he posts), again your wholesale ignorance shines through. I take breaks from DayZ (over the last 4.5 years, do you see that Skippy? I've forgotten more about DayZ dev than you know) when the patches no longer have new or testable content for myself and friends to work on. See, while you run around with your dick in your hand, patting your friends on the back for sniping a guy with a garden hoe, I am out working on the cutting edge of the project and supplying the devs with feedback. ^For years man; it's obvious you have no idea what I've dealt with on this forum over the last 4.5 years either, DO YOU? I have seen 100's of your type burnout, meltdown, and LEAVE; and I've forgotten them just as fast as they've arrived. You're another wanna be tough guy, who thinks his griefing is the pinnacle of bad assery and makes DayZ so much more difficult. The devs will school you as to what Vanilla DayZ will be, I do not have to do that. We can debate this until blue in the face but that last word resides with Bohemia. You sir are..... mod bound! Have a nice trip, Ramboner.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Another fun run with the some of the usual suspects. (IMT, emuthreat, starvingart, and GaryWalnuts.) We tried everything we could to find and destroy cars. I died 3 times, once to exiting a moving vehicle, once to being punched into a wall by an infected, and once to being run over by emuthreat (not his fault). We also tested the hand crafted torch to see how we could light it. A flare will not light a torch, a campfire will not light a torch, but a hand drill kit will. (we did not test matches). Torches when thrown will stand on end. Pressing freelook with my inventor open made my face disappear. Desynch from vehicle vicinity is greatly improved. Traction and torque characteristics for vehicles need some more attention. Rocket has a weak chin. This wolf carcass would not skin until I logged in and found it had repositioned itself.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Forced to surrender to Ceremors Literacy Posse Gang -[8:12]

    Misleading title is misleading. That's a much more easily defensible position than I would have assumed. Did you think to try lobbing your friends grenade down or were you content with just covering the stairs? Well done for you, I guess. Too bad for your buddy....
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Christmas in Chernarus 2016

  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    Absolutely NOT the same thing. Nobody called you an asshole. They did call you a fuck though. If you make bigoted remarks you should be dealt with as such, bigot. I guarantee by your statements that your relations with the opposite sex play out like a retarded shit show of abuse and head games. I wasn't going to report that post but yeah I think I will, and I'll let the FEMALE community manager decide what you deserve. @Baty Alquawen
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    KoSers (tossers) are GRIEFERS and burn out WAAAAAAY faster than the truly dedicated players. KoSers (tossers) are GRIEFERS. KoSers (tossers) are GRIEFERS. There is little difference between the KoS guy and my 1yr old nephew who PvP's in minecraft. They pay off is the same for both of you. Soon enough DayZ will punish casuals who have only 2 hours a day to play. The tears have already started to flow and a deluge will be upon us with the survival features left to be put in place. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT WEIGHT AND STAMINA CoD fuckers?
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    You must be a real charmer.
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    While players will always be the most dangerous single element they are not the biggest element or most constant element to survive in a finished balanced DayZ 1.0. "This incomplete car body floats so it must be a boat. Even when they put the wheels on and it no longer floats, I'm going to insist it's a boat." "This sliver of steel can cut like a knife so it must be a knife. Even when they cut prongs into it to make it a fork and it no longer cuts, I'm going to insist it's a knife." Does DayZ currently function well as a crappy, borked, loot and shoot? Yes. Will vanilla DayZ 1.0 function well as an instant gratification shooter? God I fucking hope not.
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    is it just me...?

    Do you even realize that your entire stance and statements as a whole can be completely discounted with one word....? ALPHA Are you completely unable to envision how 1.0 will play? Seriously un-fucking-believeable. Keep drinking your own Kool-Aid and when you say vanilla is stupid and you end up just playing modded DayZ you'll get to tell yourself you were right based on how many people play mods over vanilla (pure DayZ), so you get to be right in your own little world no matter what!
  25. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.61.136887

    Some pics from last nights run with IMT and GaryWalnuts. Desynch with vehicles is greatly improved After IMT left I killed the first lada by ramping it up an unseen guard rail behind a rise which sent the car spiraling into the air which made my game crash. I logged back in untouched but the car was no where to be found. Thanks devs! I'll have more time to play tomorrow!