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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣
That's an open Skype chat window with the other person's name in it. What would I have open that would have my name in the corner like that?
Ach, I didn't even think of this! Well, I guess it means I'll buy the update when the time comes. :) I thought to iron it but I was afraid to possibly damage it. I guess the maps have been sitting around since 2011.... It's framed silly! And my 2nd post says, dry erase markers, which would be for on the glass. :)
I guess I need dry erase markers and at least put marks where missing towns and landmarks are?
Why does it still feel like im 'driving' a tank, instead of a dude wearing a t-shirt.
☣BioHaze☣ replied to stilton's topic in General Discussion
Considering I grew up in a time when games could easily take 5 years to make and well, age brings patience too; yeah I don't mind the slow train if I get my dream game. Also, this has been a project especially plagued by unforeseen problems and systemic changes that are difficult to follow at best. These have hampered and staggered progress throughout. Some it has really sucked but most of it is understandable if you've followed closely and kept an open mind. -
Why does it still feel like im 'driving' a tank, instead of a dude wearing a t-shirt.
☣BioHaze☣ replied to stilton's topic in General Discussion
How far are we from the optimization passes that will bring us to what resembles 1.0 performance? .68? .82? .99? Do not try to gauge future performance on current results in Alpha with a 1,000 borked things dragging us into the frame death. I'm waiting to upgrade my graphics card for when we know what is working most reliably with DayZ 1.0. What we play now is a fractured platform to test bits that will be tied to a better platform. ^I'm convinced this is lost on 99.99% of the playerbase. -
Why does it still feel like im 'driving' a tank, instead of a dude wearing a t-shirt.
☣BioHaze☣ replied to stilton's topic in General Discussion
No one said it pained them to reply, it pains me to read a repeat topic for the umpteenth time. Replying in snarky fashion can be cathartic. If you really think you are offering anything new or constructive here when you actually had no idea what you were talking about, and now you're taking the holier than thou approach accusing us of ganging up on you, or being oldfags, you are seriously deluded. No one told you not to post anything. Feel free to post redundant post after redundant post, using the forum like a chat room for easily searchable topics on the same thing discussed in detail, ad nauseum. Or maybe, step back for a second and recognize that the topic of DayZ is 5 years old and almost everything has a thread. Does it not behoove you as a potential contributor to use the forum search function? While we "can't tell you what to post as we are not moderators", we are the community, which is what the forum consists of, and if you can't embrace the development side the way you embrace the "game" (see also, barely DayZ), you will be asked in friendly and less than friendly terms to do your research on the topic before trying to contribute. Now where's my banana holster. -
Most of you cannot know what this wait is like for me/those of us here from the beginning. Forget .62..... I'm talking 1.0. I am prepared for all 1.0 release estimates to be missed by as much as a year! If you can be objective and not invest too much emotion in the DayZ dev process you'll find the rough patches easier to swallow. Bohemia is only as beholden to us as they chose to be, there is no unbreakable contract here. Whether it takes many months extra to complete or not, if I have most of what they promised in the end, I will be happy. New environments weren't even a dream until recently, so extra time = extra awesome to me!
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Why does it still feel like im 'driving' a tank, instead of a dude wearing a t-shirt.
☣BioHaze☣ replied to stilton's topic in General Discussion
If you care about DayZ dev you will follow it's development, CLOSELY. Those of us who have taken the time and energy over the last 5 years to actually follow DayZ are right to be annoyed at ignorant posts. NEW PLAYER CONTROLLER. If you only try to play DayZ you will only be sad and angry at how it plays. If you take the time to follow and contribute to development you will couch your expectations more realistically and be able to have an INFORMED conversation on all topics related to DayZ. -
IF you decide to disallow rental of public hive servers this will help a bit with server hopping but definitely not solve it. The only way to help with hopping is to either make each server it's own hive or create successively larger log on time penalties for hopping. 1 hop within 2 hours = 5 minute timer, 2 hops within 2 hours = 15 minute timer, 3 hops within 2 hours 30, and so on. ^With something like this, you lose nearly an entire hour by the 3rd hop. I think this would dissuade a lot of people from hopping.Not everyone, but many. If you want to REALLY talk about what ruins the DayZ experience, you need to talk about removing, changing, improving, or restricting 3PP, period. 1PP is DayZ, everything else is easy/casual mode. Most of the player base does not care what the devs want for a DayZ experience and will continue to exploit and abuse aspects of the game for as long as the devs make it possible. Until you FORCE a change in gameplay style with mechanics or drastic changes to bring DayZ closer to it's intended experience people are always going to play outside the intended experience. Currently, as much as ever, the players are dictating what constitutes the majority DayZ experience due to the ability to simply CoD in Chernarus. Until Beta brings the balancing of scarcity, the restriction of foot travel distances of the new player controller, plus stamina, weight, and many future gameplay changes, people will CoDayZ forever. If DayZ takes a drastic turn with a firm hand to make it cerebral, brutal, and nail biting again, so be it, thy will be done. Good riddance to the ill prepared, they will be replaced with like minded people who want a real challenging game.
Hey, pssst, hey you, yeah you. How we all play the game currently is mostly irrelevant. Have nice day.
The degree of 20/20 hindsight here is pretty extreme. This talk almost plays out like, "Here's a list of the EA development and community decisions we could have made differently." I'm likely considered a fanboy but even I would have trouble not ticking most of the bullet points he presented as having been poorly handled by them at one point or another. That said they were pioneering things....
Yes, YES, YES! Best. Status report. EVER. Thank you so much guys n' gals!!! *fanboy gush* As always....
And you wonder why I get frustrated with the ignorant things people say about DayZ dev.... I'm super psyched for a whole new game; the king is dead, long live the king.
Thanks for the updates! I'm on a little self imposed break from DayZ but I'll be back to bork and test again soon! THANK YOU
Happily.... like a murderer! Had you spoke instead of fired you would have had the car and someone (a quality contributor at that) to enjoy/test it with that you've been reading on the forum. Your lose.
Dear OP, please take some time to read about the last 5 years of DayZ. Thank you.
*I have been engaged in the conversation longer than anyone here. Once again I will offer what I have learned in hopes that it sheds some light on the subject. Shooters train people to KoS everything. Asking people to try a game with guns in it and not have them shoot everything that moves goes against all of the ingrained habits from every other game. Now take into account how the brain of most men works under the age of 30 and their need to feel "tough" or puff up their ego's at the expense of other peoples fun goes up exponentially. Shooters are one of the least "fun" types of games out there but people are addicted to an endorphin bump from feeling they preyed on someone or the adrenaline dump from a firefight. The irony is that just like hard drugs, thew law of diminishing returns kicks in and the habit of KoS losses it's rush in relatively short time. IF people were more creative OR they could actually think for themselves, they would realize that the most replay value is in exploring all aspects of the game. People try to argue that KoS = survival. This is incredibly false. When you fire upon someone you are inviting gunfire in your direction which is exactly counter to survival. I talk first always unless fired upon and I guarantee you I survive longer than most KoS players, easily. Server hopping for gear and 3PP add to the problem as this decreases the need to spend as much time looting and reduces the sense of danger by giving overhead and corner peeking views. TL;DR It is possible to be "bad" at having fun and many peoples ideas of what constitutes fun is stupid, repetitive, boring, and requires little to no creativity or talent, like the music they listen to!
That's all fine with me but as a lefty I want to choose a left handed stance for my character for everything. Shouldn't this just be a mirror image thing?
There is only one true beefening, we know this. It involves Pvt Meatbag, a leather hat, and a pantless wolf combat strategy....
5 years, 5 long years, the same bird sound, over, and over, and over.... the same bucket being kicked over by no one, over, and over...... the same fence being banged, over, and over.... Will it really end? Can it possibly? I won't dare to dream! Thanks for all the hard work devs/everyone!
*Beta is for balancing. We need access to more stuff, more readily, in Alpha. There will be insanely brutal mods that I think people who want more scarcity will gravitate to. It's possible that future server options will allow people to very easily have lower loot numbers and you can have vanilla + scarcity without feeling like you're playing a mod as much. In experimental the devs have toyed with scarcity across different builds and are still now putting finishing touches on just how the loot economy will work let alone balancing values. I remember there were versions of the mod that were extra harsh. Always night, super aggressive and powerful infected, super scarce loot, I forgot what this version was called.... I realize that Vanilla may not be my preferred version in time. But I hope to enjoy Vanilla enough to want to maintain a character in the official hives as well as play the more brutal and unforgiving versions that pop up. I'm really excited to see what people do with modding. I really think a lot of the best post 1.0 content will come from modding communities and we are going to see some really innovative, fun, and challenging stuff come from DayZ/Enfusion. And yeah, I'm pretty much a fan of scarcity, and making guns more valuable/harder to come by, maintain, or complete.
I have succeeded in destroying 2 vehicles in short order while stressing nearly every element of physics during driving and crashing into other vehicles and map elements. First I found this sedan and drove it for a while getting a feel for the how it handled. The shifting seemed a little more responsive and the acceleration and traction seemed improved. I did not get the sedan into 4th gear at this point and was merely eh, experimenting. As luck would have it, I came upon this 4x4; and the 1 man demolition derby was on! I proceeded to ram the sedan into a heavy fence with the 4x4 until it looked completely bombed out and then kept ramming it in an effort to kill the 4x4 against the sedan. The 4x4 was able to crawl up on the sedan rather easily like a tiny monster truck, crushing, spinning, flipping, and bashing it but the 4x4 wouldn't die. Eventually, I ran the sedan up a tree, or fence, or maybe it;s stuck in the sky somehow, I dunno, pretty sure it's kaput. I still had this problem of a functioning 4x4 so I found a suitably enormous tree and it took 2 rams, the last being quite hard, to kill the engine on impact. By this time I had all of the infected in the area chasing my car so I jumped out and made a wide circle to take this last pic. I hope you devs got the data you need. I had a bit of fun getting it for you. :)
I'm guessing the update is to the general physics involved with driving (how the vehicle physics interact with map physics/geometry perhaps) which can in turn effect most aspects of vehicle performance. That is a guess though.....
^You have one of my all time favorite signature @odin_lowe, glad to see it back. And, thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I spawned back in near the ski lifts and almost immediately had to seek shelter from the rain. Though hungry and thirsty I knew that if I stayed in one place (literally) I could likely ride out the storm without starving. After a good long while vaping and poking my phone, the rain finally backed off, but almost as soon as it abated it returned, soaking me on the way to Kamishovo. Here I found some of the food I needed and built a fire just in time to save my sorry ass. Police station was empty and I quickly headed North guided by my shiny new compass, not stopping to strip loot, trying to save time to get back to the bus up North. After eating a milk pouch and downing well water I was still in need of some more supplies so I popped into another town on my way North who's police station was also 100% empty. In an hour and a half I was severely hampered by the elements so I never reached the bus.... now with only a short while before restart it is futile. I hope you all crashed, smashed, exploded, shot and, dove many a vehicle into ruination!
You know, I think that was just for the infected but my memory could be flawed.... Off topic @Espa - is your avatar Mallory Knox about to shoot Scagnetti?