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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    bad joke

    In Soviet Russia, bandage bleed you!
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    Nice screens. Welcome back.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Incoming Radiation Storms!!

    This sounds a lot like a certain very popular game that exists already. I believe it will be a variety of in game diseases you can contract from exposure to the zones or maybe some other diseases specific to the zones. Also, being hit by dirty infected claws will cause infected wounds again in the future. Which will make you want to avoid them more. So much is still to come that will shift a lot of how vanilla DayZ is played. Most people cannot conceptualize this.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Update 0.62.139835

    Where are all the pants shitting server hoppers complaining of the broken hive? I'm shocked I only saw 1 thread crying about this. Are these people actually forced to loot a map and build a kit organically right now? Actually forced to care if their character lives or dies? Why won't you let them rinse and repeat!?!
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    New public character handling sucks³

    I think what you're describing is a bug that was filed already. Also, server hop much?
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Incoming Radiation Storms!!

    No one said radiation that I remember. They talked about, "contaminated zones", and those are Biohazard showers, not specifically for radiation at all. That said, I was thinking the coloring of the clouds might be reflection of the grounds color on the underside, but that's just a guess. I too have screens of the phenomenon.
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    I am surprised that posterization is still a thing at all. Many years ago successive game consoles would boast how big their color palette was compared to their competitors as a selling point. I thought that once we got past the point at which the human eye could differentiate shades that we could simulate any color to color transition, especially within the same color no less..... but I'm no expert. So yeah, I guess that's my long winded vote that posterization needs to go.
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    come on stop

    Man, that's some typically awful DayZ shit there but some people want to RP a murderer. Just try to stick with the way you want to play and know that a large percent of other players will attack you on sight or try to trap you. Don't let it get you down too much and just accept the random nature of the experience. If you try to talk when you see players first, you might have a fun survival buddy for the night, or for years! Don't let the murderers turn you into one of them!
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    I fucking love Alone. If you are not familiar with Ed Stafford (Marooned), or Hazen Audel (Primal Survivor), you may like them.
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    Some shots from yesterdays ill fated journey to the new west. I was starving and planted some zucchini in the rain. Below me some shots rang out, could have been someone player sniping or sniping the infected.... About half way through the grow cycle, the server crashed which causes the graphical asset to bug and become invisible and frozen at the current state. If your crop isn't fully grown when there is a crash you will not be able to eat. When I spawned back in and found my plants bugged I decided to eat the worm I had, which made me sick. :( Now starving and sick, losing blood rapidly, I ran into the valley near the new railroad bridge and wolves were nearby. I found a good spot to stand my ground but they never came.... After looting the castle and finding nothing of use I ran further South before passing out. RIP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today I spawned in with my lucky duck character from yesterday. He has been handed nearly all essential gear from the moment he spawned. I barely had to pick apples but hadn't gotten full healthy nor had I found rounds for my SKS. Entering Severograd this little shrine had a box of SKS ammo and 2 carbine mags partially loaded. Just below that in the parking lot a blue car had 2 more boxes of SKS ammo! The DayZ GodZ continue to smile upon this fool. I looted a little but then heard some careless or reckless player firing rounds near the town center and decided to continue the journey NW. After looting Kamensk I planted zombie tomatoes (tomatoes looted from a farmer zombie) and about half way through the server crashed! Coincidence? I then made my way to the military base nearby and was quickly set upon by wolves. I ran to the hesco structure and fired down upon the 3 milling below. 2 went down fairly quickly but the 3rd was pathing in an inconvenient fashion so I shot a few infected through the ladder hole and slid down the left side of the hesco, walked into the concrete wall corner there, and picked off the rest of the infected that streamed out from under the hesco. Then what I thought was the last wolf came around stopping to growl in my face only to drop from a round between the eyes. Suddenly I heard more wolves from behind and sprinted to the jail hoping they would follow but they did not. Now I was paranoid that my shots may attract some other players and IMT decided to come and back me up. After a few minutes he arrived and we looted the area as a team. As we approached the wall where I fought the last wolf we heard scampering of wolf feet and found the remaining 3 wolves from the pack stuck running in circles. After looting we put them down but our shots drew too many infected and we were forced back to the jail. Swapping our gear we looted inside we ate until healthy but returning to the spot where the wolves fell, the corpses had already despawned. :( IMT still enjoying his lightning fast sword, shows off more moves....
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    Right yeah, bark can make fireplace too. I stand corrected.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Update 0.62.139835

    Berezheki is teh 1337 .62 spawnxors. Mini low teir gun lootsplosions. Just what the pewdiehipsters want.
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139869

    A: The body loses heat 25x(!) faster when wet than just cold. You can die of hypothermia in warm 90 degree water. B: The moment you start to see "I am cold", you should be looking for, sticks>rag>craft fireplace>use flare to ignite or make hand drill kit with stick and bark. Even when it's cold, if you aggressively warm your character to HOT status with a fire, you can run for quite a while in spawn clothes before you need to warm again.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Update 0.62.139835

    Thank you!! The look and sound of Chernarus has taken a massive leap forward! I appreciate the hard work and dedication of the devs and look forward to all of the awesome changes to come! Na zdraví!
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139835

    I don't care for much punk, but there's this....
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139835

    As far as birds are concerned.... I was just outside in my busy NYC neighborhood, with construction, traffic, and a lot of other noise pollution, and do you know what I heard in the background? Constant bird chatter.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    My All Night, 10 hour Adventure w/ @emuthreat (Long Story)

    Friendly by force. Good show.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    One good example of another item specific slot possibility (as boonie hats can feature hooks, and combat knives into boots) are backpacks with mesh side pockets. These should be able to hold PET bottles, rope, or most any 1-2(vertical) slot items, and be quick access without inventory restrictions.
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    I've had trouble with my reload not working properly with the key bound to a side mouse button. Key bindings may be related to reload problems, but I have not been able to test this. It's possible damaged rounds were jammed as well....
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    I really hope they we get weight and stamina balanced properly so we all have to WALK everywhere. Unless you have a vehicle, getting around should be very time and resource intensive. I'm happy they are putting in "restricted movement" while accessing inventory. I really think the clothing pockets, item specific pockets (mag shaped pockets, grenade shaped pockets, etc) and backpack pockets should be handled differently by the inventory system. Some clothing pockets should be accessible while running, while backpacks should really be restricted to a crouched rummaging pose, with blurry peripheral vision outside the inventory graphic. Zombie-U had this, and other games have similar as well. Look at all those special pockets on those vests! Is there even a spot for a canteen....?
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    Looted my way Northwest after spawning on the East coast. This tree is in an annoying spot.... Found a truck which got me to Altar. Then found my way to a wilderness camp which was apparently unlooted, scoring some decent loot. Found this silly business: Made it to Gryshino and again found decent loot, strangely untouched. Here you see IMT displaying his 1337 Samurai skillz. IMT and Thurman then rolled through and Thurman drove us to Vybor to hit another police station. Thurman found a chainsaw and made short work of a few infected before an unseen assailant opened up on him from behind. I ran for cover as bullets hit the brick wall behind me, then I jumped through the crack in the wall and zig zagged my way up on the hill dropping a hand carried AKM so I could sprint to try to get a vantage point. Looking down I could only see the top of the police station and IMT kept watch on the bus. I hoped he might try to come North or try to steal the bus but neither things happened. After a few minutes I sprinted through town to see if he would show himself but he did not. IMT and I had to log off, and we had taken most of Thurmans loot as he was not likely to be playing later this week and would be wiped. Dylan/LibertysSon is a KoS douche.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

    This too....
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139808

  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    Exp Update 0.62.139796

    For a while now, and it's a known bug, sometimes the audio for swinging a one handed melee weapon will play on a loop after swinging. The fix is to swing and the weapon then swings without audio but the loop stops. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I spawned in on the southern coast. Turned towards the road and immediately found a V3S. The tires needed fixing and rotating but it was good to go. My player on the other hand kept whining about being cold and hungry so I built a fire and spammed apples. I drove around the horn of Chernarus and fairly soon was running with Gary Walnuts who had a shotgun and raincoat for the freshie fresh bio fresh haze. fing was nearby and hoofed his way over, soaking up more of Gary Packrats "spare" loot. We then beat feet to Novo as the V3S was merely a chassis. Currently there is no way to access the items in this container on a flatbed railroad car connected to the engine. I'm guessing the engine and the rail car steps will be enabled at some point. I had found a pump action shotgun for IMT and he was able to make it to Novo in short order. Then it was time for Saving Private Dudester. He dodged a few sketchy players along the way but did make it to Novo in one piece just in time to eat, drink, and be merry. Having some things to take care of in the real world, I had to bid them all goodbye and happy trails. 2 hours, no crashes until exiting game.