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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    Project - Supplying The Survivors (Free Gear)

    Died to hackers also. Some good will in the form of the M16 I lost would help restore my faith in humanity. I am a pure survivor. My last character assisted 2 noobs, and had survived 9 days before hacker death. I am on EST, currently, no gear whatsoever....
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    DayZ Stories

    9 day survivor lost to hacker. I was running along the north western perimeter looking for camps and vehicles when suddenly someone took a shot at me. I could not hear where the shot came from so I tried to run for the nearest row of trees. Next thing I know, large explosions are erupting from the treeline I am running towards, and the first thing I thought was, "Satchel charges", (now I believe this to be artillery), so I still think I am in a legit PvP run for my life and don't Alt-F4. Now my assailant starts firing with a different gun and I am shot dead. Heart pounding and now beginning to get the slight inkling that I may have just ran into a hacker, I respawn near Cherno. I run in the general direction of my first possible loot location when I am suddenly teleported to the wilderness up north with a large group of other new spawns mostly barehanded, some with hatchets. People are generally bewildered running around yelling. Suddenly cows parachute down from the sky. And then what I believe was a serious of bombs or nukes went off. After aborting and switching servers I spawned in the wilderness bleeding knocked out and with legs broken. Needless to say I respawned when I could. I dont feel I have it in me to play more right now. I might fire it up in an hour or two.... The only consolation I take from this is a full reset of my kill count now that ammo limits are now in place. From now on, the kill count will mean more. Edit: I found a low pop server and gathered some basics and headed to the NE Airstrip After clearing the control tower, I found what I would describe as a "survivor tent" pitched directly in front of the first hangar. Inside was mostly lower tier weapons, but the remington was better than the crossbow I had. Also inside that tent, to my surprise, was a GPS! Which had not found up until now. The latest patch seems to run very well for me too, btw.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket in the news.

    "Mr Hall said he first got into gaming when his parents bought a Commodore Amiga when he was about to start secondary school." Your childhood was awesome if you remember this.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz = PvP

    Where did I say I could gear up faster? Did you take something I said out of context? I did say that finding an AK and some hunting supplies was easier or at least equally as fast as finding a sniper rifle. If you go by spawn percentages at all, my logic makes sense in that regard. I swear to you, I care NOT for how long it takes me to gear up, this was your concern alone. Your obsession with efficiency either means your German (I'll be visiting family there soon), or possibly the least fun person to play games with on the planet. /enter jokes Seriously, I feel I've explained my viewpoint on this subject fairly clearly, and my first post was a point of pride in accomplishment without being "evil". Not some attempt at hipsterism. And as a former tournament level gamer (in other genres, not FPS), I have great respect for all gaming skill, but I save my praise for those who can be humble about it. And after all, I think Rocket dubbed us "DayZ hipsters" in the Rezzed Q&A (say with kiwi accent for best results), we are playing an Alpha build. If you see me, and feel the need to shoot me, I won;t take it personally. Regarding Bandit skin glitches, I wasn't aware it was so broken. *sigh* Oh well, soon enough, soon enough....
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz = PvP

    Don't give up hope! You're bound to run into a like minded person sooner or later, and it's awesome fun!
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz = PvP

    If you haven't noticed my location, hipsters are those rodents in Williamsburg or the East Village that usually came from the midwest to display their pegged jeans, fixie bikes, and ironic neck tattoos. Fuck your internet definition of hipster for real, I have to tolerate these douchebags. Wow. Ok. Survivalist strategy: Finding the most reliable and efficient means by which to survive the longest. #1 on the list of priorities for me is to avoid conflict with deadly weapons, as they may cause death, ending said survival attempt. If you want to approach people and ask if they are friendly, add not risking your life to it. - I'm not quite sure what this means but the couple of times I had a chance to confirm friendly were worth all the times I got shot in the face. Who's the elitist here, using a qualifier like, "better"? I never once said that you or anyone else should give up the PvP you enjoy so much. Yet you have taken every opportunity to belittle other ways of playing to show how your way, is the best way. I've merely cited that people who don't go for as much PvP are the minority, and from what I can tell are likely the more open minded and imaginative players when you consider how many players gravitate to ONLY PvP. Also, the best gear for me may not be the best gear for you. If you take that into consideration, then my idea of fully geared might require a lot LESS effort than acquiring the type of gear you desire and also doesn't require PvP to really speed up that process. Once I have an AK, a compass, hunting supplies, and a canteen I'm geared enough for most anything. The rest is just gravy, and the core gets upgraded as I continue to loot. This also circumvents the "lost gear blues" that make people QQ in at least one thread a day. "Waaa, my sniper got sniped, and I lost my sniper!" Well, if you weren't such a gear snob in the first place, your butt wouldn't hurt quite so much. As far as helping people is concerned, I don't go out of my way.But I've luckily come across a couple of people who I could help without getting shot in the back, and it was some of the most fun I've had in DayZ. After clearing a pack of zombies off a noob with a makarov and covering him while he looted he said, "It was the most amazing thing ever, when you didn't shot me in the face!" Oh yeah... BTW, I haven't referenced the fact that bandit skins are back but yeah, bandit skins are back. When I couldn't differentiate survivor from bandit I didn't want to risk the murder. Now, I can shoot wrapped heads if I see them, before they see me (that is).
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz = PvP

    Hipsters don't like DM? Proof? No I'm not a hipster, thanks. I blast hipsters in mosh pits in RL. I'm likely at least a decade too old to be considered one too. You keep citing supposed benefits that make KoS or DM playing so much more advantageous over a survivalist strategy, but the only proof you gave was loot collecting. That form of instant gratification may appeal to you, but I have found 90% of my best gear in legitimate spawn locations without having to shoot any other players. The rest of my loot I found in camps, which I didn't grief (except for the one tent filled with hacked weapons)! Part of what I was saying regarding creativity is not that the play style is so much more creative, but rather that the conscious choice to play differently requires a leap in imagination not required to decide to be a 1337 bandit/KoS/PvP/sniper gawd. Also when I supported a few guild missions a few weeks back (just to see how much I would enjoy playing in a guild), I met more technically proficient players than I who actually helped me, and didn't look down on me because I wasn't working to be a super soldier. They put up with my noobish questions, and seemed casual in their enjoyment of the game while still playing the game in a more militaristic fashion. I respect this attitude as it seems they could except all types of players, and play styles.
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    Zombie Survival or Deathmatch

    It took me about 3 weeks for a random friendly encounter. Most of the time you are lucky if people merely let you pass without shooting at you. I rolled with a clan on a couple of missions but I met them on the forum which wasn't nearly as much fun as finding your first random friendly. For me, it was worth the wait. Other people might not be as patient....
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    Adding 'gas' powered weapons...

    All of these sound good, but I'll take a baseball bat over a golf club.... My personal addition would be, vice, hacksaw, double barrel shotgun = sawed off double barrel shotgun, and ability to empty both barrels at once. This would make an excellent close range, high density, zombie suppression weapon, holstered in your side arm slot.
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz = PvP

    I'm sorry "real shooter" uber asshole who doesn't realize he is playing a survival horror game, I can't hear you over how much I don't give a shit. You sound far more butthurt by SOMETHING to be such a perfect killing machine. Odds are, you're not even in the top 10% of the best snipers in this game. You're just another murderous snob with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. My idea of fun is not the same as other peoples idea of fun; only difference is, I can handle that concept, whereas most internet tough guy shit for brains like yourself can't. I'm also not a gear snob, not for bike, my cameras, my guitars, or in the video games I play, it's a boring. My M16 are PDW just fine for now, thanks.
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    Spawning on coast when switching servers? READ THIS

    95883 seemed extra buggy, I had spawned on the coast a couple of times running that version but never lost my stuff or changed skins. I decided to roll back to 95417 for awhile until the latest patches were sorted out. Today I made the leap to 95913 and I spawned properly, in the last place I saved.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    To whoever shot me on US 666

    22 Days, way to go man, now beat that! (And bring me a GPS when you find one again, thnx.)
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz = PvP

    Yes. 1,000 times more creative scouring for camps for vehicles and loot, avoiding multiple pointless attempts on my life, all while looking for random friendlies (rather than finding them on the Forum/TS3/Mumble etc) for a spur of the moment survival team-up. I also enjoy supporting new spawns when the conditions present themselves. Killing Zombies isn't a big challenge, but it is proof I haven't spent ALL of my time in the woods. There's at LEAST 1,000 PvP virtual soldier boys for each lone wolf like me I imagine. Medics, Traders, Armed Robbers, Mercenaries, and Delivery People exhibit more imagination then the hormonal alpha male meathead response of, "have gun must KILL KILL KILL". I really don't care how far you can shoot me from. PvP belongs in this game but for me, it's a very small aspect. This game is evolving so much, I'm just curious how many Beta patches this character will last for, lol. And yes, hopefully the standalone will facilitate more play styles in a way that is more apparent and more easily accessible for the masses.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Dayz = PvP

    yawn 9 days, nearly 400 kills, 0 murders, 2 noob assists. everyone's a 1337 snipxors! this game lends itself to creativity, that fact is lost on many of you. Go play C.O.D. for #1 best super PvP experience!
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    How to downgrade to

    lol, you're welcome.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    How to downgrade to

    There's a much easier way. Verify in six launcher. Run both the new dayz and arma patches. Launch from six launcher. When the new patch is more stable i believe six launcher will provide a proper working update. Some people are also saying to switch to dayz commander to fix the problem but i have not tried it yet.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Starting group for older guys

    Yeah I'm in my thirties, i started with Atari, and don't plan to give up gaming at forty. I've probably forgotten about more games than some of you have ever seen. Before i had an Atari i had wooden blocks to play with.... Try just clearing a jrpg without game faqs or a walkthrough for once. So many of you kids appreciate so very little.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Troll Win Bandit Attack

    Sounds like a nice round of C.O.D.!
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    The hypocrisy regarding hackers

    Meh. You either play legit, or you don't. I left a camp with 14 tents intact... except for the 2 tents with hacked items in them.
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    heres my suggestion for the future

    I have my first week old character going, and I'm scared shitless one you murderous bastards is going to kill me when I let my guard down. And I definitely think that's how the game should be. I have my first RL friend coming into DayZ after playing mostly alone for over a month. I think we will likely be a 2 man survival/noob assistance team.
  21. I hope ammo limits help to discourage all out KoS. Choose sides wisely, Bandits may one day live in fear....
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    [FIX] Stuck on loading screen

    This is much the same way that I have been rolling back Arma patches when needed. I've basically been telling people do do this for a few weeks now and had assumed it was fairly common knowledge. Simply put, if you patch DayZ or Arma2 after loading and Verifying Six Launcher, you may then use Six Launcher to merely launch the game. (Also I recommend setting Six Launcher to close after game launch and choosing servers from Arma2 multi-player menus.)
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    heres my suggestion for the future

    I want the devil in the details but I don't want to be a murderer. Does it mean that I'm a "carebear" because I don't KoS and prefer not to PvP?
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    release the hounds

    I had thought of this when they announced player dog companions in the future. I don't think they need to be super strong or deadly as suggested though. My idea would be closer to a Resident Evil type dog; fast, and vicious, but maybe half the health of a human. They would often jump on you knocking you down, jaws locked on an arm. You would definitely need a shake free mechanic, or a auto-set melee attack. Possibly both, like burying your hunting knife in the dogs neck as a scroll wheel option (losing the now tainted knife possibly), or opting to shake mouse back and forth which could take longer causing more damage. Increased but not guaranteed infection might be good as well.
  25. Thank you. This is the clearest most concise reason for the loading screen problem that I've heard of yet. Someone else posted a long convoluted fix that I didn't have the patience for last night. I wonder if I can patch Dayz after verification in Six Launcher, and then launch like I do to roll back to 95417. I don't think I have manual launch set-up properly.... I should probably stop being lazy and get it together.