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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣


    It would be nice if there were a stickied complaints thread. But then, nobody would use it....
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    People who murder bandits =/= heroes

    I avoid all of you. Apparently this saves me a lot of trouble.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket Livestream Q & A @ IGN tomorrow

    They were sort of pathetic in that they were over their heads and out of their element. Many of us could have made better use of that time. And the stream of this guy derping through new spawns was sort of detrimental to the interview, though entertaining at times. Yes, let's all watch you throwing cans! :\ "How do they know what server you're on!?" Well bright eyes, I see your friends IGN, thats 1, AND I see all of the names that popped up with hacker death. Find the server with those names. Mystery solved!
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket Livestream Q & A @ IGN tomorrow

    Helicopter Jihad was epic hilarity. "I'm on TV!"
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket Livestream Q & A @ IGN tomorrow

    They're late. :|
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Magazines refilling

    i think he was just supporting your idea by giving a second vote. :) I was just thinking this same thing the other day, and I totally agree.
  7. I have come to the conclusion that the vehicles return to the last location they were saved at or spawned to before the update. I found 4 locations on 1 map where the vehicles keep resetting to reliably. Of course the only one worth running to is the motorcycle because of another bug, "auto-fix".... So take note of where you FIRST find a vehicle and MAYBE when the reset takes place it will be where you found it.
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    My little rant

    I never even started the engine of the pick-up, I left it right where I found it. :) I'll keep my motorcycle, thank you very much. "Hoarding", lol. Somehow I doubt those are scripted in, I found them and would never know the difference. Now if you're implying I scripted them in, you should bite your tongue.
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    My little rant

    Taken earlier today. I keep hearing people say "no vehicles".
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Thirsty while it's raining?

    I do endurance sports, and I can tell you from experience, you cannot drink much directly from falling rain. Filling a canteen, from rainfall, without a device to catch it, would take forever.
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    A change is as good as a rest!

    I gave up on tents until I hear they are fixed. Use at your own risk. I have a sleepy server where there is usually less than 10 people on at a time where I play. And I have a motorcycle there. I don't mind avoiding people at all.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket Livestream Q & A @ IGN tomorrow

    Cool, I hope I can catch this, thanks.
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    My most epic haul.

    btw, you'll probably lose stuff to the vehicle respawn bug. also this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/56-dayz-stories/page__st__1400
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Shoot on sight!

    I don't mind surviving alone, stock piling ammo, and working on vehicles. When you do this all alone, it takes a lot more time.
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Shoot on sight!

    I do not KoS, I have, but only a few times, a long time ago. I've enjoyed survival horror since 1996 and to me I'm playing an enormous survival horror mod, and part of that is surviving the murderers, and bandits. Also, I am not a jaded FPS maniac so shooting/killing zombies in different scenarios is still fun (though not particularly challenging). Once people organize properly, I believe the Good guys will vastly outnumber the Bad guys. I'm hold up in the woods until things pan out more. Things will likely take some time to develop depending on changes that happen through the mod, and when stand alone is released. I am tempted to hunt solo bandits, or maybe a sniper with one spotter, but it seems the humanity mechanic is still not working so I haven't taken that leap. I have assisted noobs a couple of times, which was nice, but I find making contact too risky in general.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Vehicle respawn during server restart?

    Right now, if you find a self repairing motorcycle, you'll always know where it will be when the server restarts, and can hop on and ride (provided you have a jerry can). I always save within 2,000m of where I know the motorcycle will spawn on a particular server, and if there is no server reset, then there's a chance it will be where I saved it.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Any tips for finding vehicles?

    I went 3 days straight looking for a vehicle without finding one. It can be extremely frustrating. ATV's are easy to find, but I find them difficult to handle, and they can flip, crushing you. Also, vehicles beget more vehicles. Once you locate one, and can zip around, you start finding more. The first time I found a motorcycle, within twenty minutes I had found a bike, and a tractor as well.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Creepy Santa Smoking Tower Easter Egg Thing?

    no, we all noticed it before, that's why we acted surprised. /enter sarcasm
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Any tips for finding vehicles?

    I'm a lone wolf, and at one point last week I had 1 motorcycle on 2 different servers, and nearly had a sedan fixed up on one of the servers where I had a motorcycle. I play on low pop servers. If you find one that's "sleepy" enough and carefully search the spawn areas, you will find a vehicle. Legit DayZ requires patience as well, so take your time and plan out your moves around the map. If no vehicle in spawn point A, have a B,C, and D lined up. It also helps not to be picky. My first 2 vehicles were tractors.
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    Creepy Santa Smoking Tower Easter Egg Thing?

    Is that...? Could you have...? Never mind, beans-at-you.
  21. There's a bug with starving and dehydrating. If you log out and back in you go back to the health you had when you started starving, but you begin losing health again immediately.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Found a red Motorcycle, with flames on the side. It doesn't seem to have the auto fix bug and I keep killing tires... This was taken a few days ago, I am now at 9 days and about 700 kills. Currently working on a sedan too (if it's there when I sign back on), just need 2 tires.
  23. The only two people I've seen in the last three days were actually afk and i could have easily shot or looted them but instead went my own way. It's a conscious choice we all make, and their shouldn't be flags or stats that drew it, skins would be enough (when they work). Living in the woods on low pop servers makes reading parts of this forum seem like reading a newspaper from a foreign land. As a lone wolf recluse, dayz is a totally different game.
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    Posting location of camps?

    Last night there were two threads with camp locations, both were obvious traps imo. I'm against it but it's really just meta griefing, which is allowed. I've found some fortresses and never even wrote down the locale so i could revisit it myself.