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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

    1) Because be it a day or a week ago, once you say your "final word" and leave the game, you no longer have new experiences with the game, and therefore have nothing new to offer to the conversation except never ending complaints. 2) Here we go again with the KoS is the "best way to play" crap again, Mr. Sil. Apparently NOT for me, as I have survived 20+ days with my latest character. At the very least maybe we can agree that this game falls into the genre "survival horror", so I'm doing a decent job of surviving, regardless of multiple attempts on my life by murderous people like yourself. If you are impatient, then by all means go back and forth with the gutless murderers trading rounds in skulls for the same backpack. You might find what I do boring, but I don't need you or any other player telling me "the best way to play", I found the way I prefer to play, and it just so happens to be a way that avoids many of the things you all complain about. 3) I did not experience the GFX glitches until fairly recently, and I have had some decent results with flush and changing settings personally. I frequent the tents at Stary and Berezino fairly often. Sometimes if I server hop, the GFX problems go away too. It seems you have forgotten the existence of Deerstands and Heli Crash sites, but I assume that's too much trouble for you based on how important you seem to think it is to save time in your never ending cycle of shoot, loot, die, repeat. You all can KoS, I never said you shouldn't, but I will defend the idea that it is not the end all be all of DayZ strategy. The down side to KoS, is encouraging KoS, IMO.
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

    Yes it does matter how recently you have played in terms of how much you should contribute to the progression of a games development. If that doesn't make sense to you, then your grasp of logic differs greatly from mine. Your type of feedback is bouncing off the walls and phase cancelling itself, pointless at this juncture. I understand if you have made friends here, and want to still be a part of the board, that's great. But to say that repeating the same thing over and over is productive, doesn't make sense. The way I choose to play avoids PvP which in turn avoids hackers (I was nuked once). Sorry if your rampant killspree deathmatch fun (if thats what you do) is ruined by a like minded person who would rather push button kill you all, then have to actually aim a weapon, and fire, but you're the same jerks who would kill my 20 day character for little to know reason whatsoever, so my sympathies are jaded at best. Glitches are a problem sometimes, but I find many many military spawn locations which are glitch free. Sorry if your loot bloated PvP hotspots are useless to you now, still not a problem for me. You may perceive me as some sort of "fanboi" but the fact is I am a an older, longtime gamer, who very rarely gets hooked by a game anymore, and it takes a unique experience to inspire me to stay in a game for more than a couple of weeks. Ever since I played BioHazard in March of '96 I have been waiting for this game. A giant open world, sandbox style, survival horror game, and to see one that's an MMO as well, was the icing on the cake. I've done some testing for Nintendo and Ubisoft in the past, thanks. And, I'm testing just as much as you are "mate". Playing an Alpha is one way it's tested. Am I missing something? And before you start the name calling, and labeling of people, it would help to know a little something about that person you are addressing.
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

    The argument is, if you stop playing, you're no longer contributing to testing, therefore if you have said your piece about why you left you should then remove yourself from the discussion until you are directly involved again as you will have nothing new to contribute. If you're bothered enough with current problems to stop playing, then you should (for the most part) wait patiently and quietly. You are owed nothing by DayZ, and you all are basically yelling at your monitors, "fix glitches, get rid of hackers!". Big help there. *Bonus: Newsflash for those who aren't paying attention, hackers will ALWAYS be in the mod. It's also likely that the standalone will see hacking as well (but at a far lower rate). If you can't handle hackers in your game to some degree, you should not be playing online.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

    If you stop playing the game, the impact of your opinion on said game diminishes, period. IMO, all of the people who don't play anymore SHOULD step away from the forums as well, if they have nothing constructive to offer. Apparently a certain demographic of ex-players feel the need to whine and whine and whine while they wait for a patch or the standalone. This just makes them enormous tools. The people who left the game mostly left due to the bugs and hackers. (thread end game achieved) While I appreciate their frustrations, clogging this forum with their pointless BITCHING accomplishes nothing.
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    1) It took me 2 minutes to read your post, and one to reply. It speaks to my intelligence in that I can display the rationality of a person playing a game that is currently still in development without bitching every time things aren't working the way they should. How does it speak of your intelligence to create this thread in the first place? 2) How does it speak of your intelligence to make a thread that's horribly redundant and accomplishes NOTHING, knowing full well when the next update is slated to drop? 3) Agreed that negative and positive feedback both have a place in the community. Fact is, ANOTHER one of these threads proves nothing past your lack of patience or understanding for what the devs are dealing with. Do you really think anyone of any consequence will read this thread before the 10,000 other threads on the same subject? Do you really think that your rehash of the same subject will garner new revelations about the current problems, or spur the devs in more? They all tuned you out after QQ thread number 1,467. 4) Dude you are obviously not happy with the game currently = not happy with DayZ, thats where I got it from. The simple solution, take a break, find a game you like that isn't broken. If you don't have the patience for all aspects of this games development (promo tours count, sorry), you shouldn't be playing an Alpha. 5) These last few weeks of DayZ history will be long forgotten soon enough, and when you look back at your bunched up panties, let's hope you feel a hint of shame. When the standalone drops, I'm sure a resurgence of interest in the game will take place, and thousands of people not involved in the Alpha are going to throw money at their monitors. Your $$$, and the $$$ "lost" from the perceived exodus of all the flavor of the month players that left recently, will not be missed in the slightest. If you think my first post was trolling, then you haven't seen me troll. Actually, it was my slightly more elegant way of saying, STFU! There are many many games I have paid 50$ for in years gone by that ended up collecting dust on my shelf. The hours of fun gameplay I already have had playing DayZ make it worth every penny, and then some.
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket: Losing faith.

    So tired of you whining entitled Prig-orodki's. We were told the next update would be some point after Sept 6th. How is another "QQ, the tents won't save!" thread going to help anything! You don't like DayZ? Leave! Go play something else! You don't like how Rocket has handled the mod lately? Don't buy the standalone! Redhead with the eye patch and a club foot turn you down for a date? Drink Drano!
  7. ☣BioHaze☣


    No no, how do you stop people from broadcasting hate speech, or trolling with the song Friday on a loop?
  8. ☣BioHaze☣


    So how do you propose we control what people broadcast?
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    Tired/Bored Of DayZ?

    Years gone by, the only way to share a gaming experience was to go to the arcade. All of your gaming accomplishments weren't FRAP'd, streamed, or co-oped. The hours of unrecorded, unshared gameplay were not, "boring as fuck and sad as fuck", but your myopic opinion is duly noted
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Tired/Bored Of DayZ?

    I don't trust people I can't slap in RL. So, if I could convince one of my gamer friends to jump in I might play with them. And no offense, I'm not risking my 20 day character to play with some random "kids" (I'm over 30), who I might hardly be able to relate to. So far, I'm enjoying the immersion of surviving alone, and my experience has been mostly untainted by hackers, and maniacal grief troll COD kids. IMO this makes the game more playable, the way it "should" be played. You know, surviving....
  11. ☣BioHaze☣


    Welcome. Trust no one.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Was i justified in this?

    Justified. No response. I'll eat the murder. Hasn't come to that for me in a long time.
  13. But i can kill Zombies without them seeing me.... I believe your logic to be flawed. And anyway, it;s not the Zombies I hide from.
  14. i HIDE. 19 days 1,046 Zeds 0 murders 0 bandits
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    All players with vehicles are hackers?

    As a lone wolf I have fixed a few vehicles, but find many more to steal. The best vehicle for me right now is the motorcycle, and most of them "self repair". I often find motorcycles in one particular spawn location, which is a mislabelled location for a different vehicle on the Wiki....
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    I spawned naked and hungry....

    Don't give Rocket any big ideas! /joke
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    20th day alive!

    grats on 20 days. im on 18 days myself. 940 Zombies killed 0 murders, 0 bandits killed, avoided numerous attempts on my life, and had the opportunity to snipe players I've stumbled across, and decided to just leave them be. I've found some reliable motorcycle spawns, and use them to collect ammo for my M16ACOG and PDW.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Hacker grey area

    Cue guy this hardly applies to. Lone wolf mountain man sees few people, let alone hackers. Wouldn't take weapons from a crate either.
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Zombie aggro totally broken now?

    I have noticed some unusual long distance aggro, most often when I am in a valley or slight downhill from a zombie facing me. Mostly though, I feel like zombie aggro is fixed. If they have "poor vision" with tunnel vision properties, then imagine a "cone of awareness" in front of them, and a pattern can be crept through crowd. And, if their "aggro timer" is longer you can alert them to a sound near by but not fully aggro them, while creeping by rather close. That's how I see it from a gameplay perspective as I'm not super technical....
  20. This bug has given me a self repairing motorcycle for over a week now. Weeeee!
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    Post your highest kill count

    17 days 900+ ZOMBIES killed. 0 murders 0 bandits evaded 3 invisible assailants attempting to snipe me, and one guy who tried to intercept me in his pickup while I was approaching the airstrip on my motorcycle. I watch as man tears himself asunder, waiting for order to rise from chaos. I need a mountain man/Unibomber skin.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    Thanks for the re-arming

    Sweet! Ever read the DayZ Stories thread? Yeah....
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Best vehicle idea to connect main cities [called 'Drezyna']

    there are also many types of "rail speeders" https://www.google.com/search?q=rail+speeder&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=4HtDUMudFaPb0QGPqIHYCw&biw=820&bih=672&sei=4ntDUNitN4260QGC1YHQCw
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    Why the radio silence?!?

    I can't even imagine how awesome the stand alone is going to be. And if you fix the "big 3" glitches in the mod, you will make A LOT of people happy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pERrVMbsCfg