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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    Fixed. /as you were
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rocket is Streamin ALPHER on twitch right now!!

    missed it :( 3,2,1 youtube upload i hope....
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    Just saw Rocket again.

  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    CD Key in Use? wtf?

    There is a Russian haxor somewhere who will return your stolen key for "woman in avatar... and 3 chickens."
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    I try to tell people about DayZ but it takes like 20 mins to begin to describe the scope of this game. I don't even want to send them the most recent videos because they can't accurately convey the magnitude of this projects awesomeness.
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Just saw Rocket again.

  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    Reason why the Standalone will be great

    I'm going to strap hotdogs to my torso like a suicide bomber and stand in Times Square with a sign that says, "GIVE SA". *plods off*
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    snip1: If they have any compulsion to bite then it should be a somewhat common "attack" but the way I see it they would only do so more frequently to weakened, prone, or subdued (if they add grabbing for zeds) characters. I am aware they are infected and not undead but that doesn't make them not cannibals (which they obviously are in the mod). When you watched zeds scooping up your guts in the mod, were they damaging you with that animation? (Anecdote: People often forget the original zombies were Voodoo "undead" that were controlled by a shaman. Voodoo zombie > Meteor zombie > biological/chemical undead zombie > biological/chemical rage zombies.) snip2: My thoughts on gore were simply to illustrate the fact that the original infection played out in a very bloody fashion. When 10% of the population turns and starts murdering people, there should be quite a bit of leftover evidence inside and outside of houses. If it were tastefully done I think it would add well to the ambiance of DayZ.
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    I was only referencing the triggering of a Zed you think is just a corpse as being cliche. I would like to see a bit more gore and a few more bodies. I thought the mass graves were a nice touch in the mod but more evidence of infection related carnage within towns and cities would be more authentic. Blood splatter and the odd bloody hand print, maybe a pile of guts or a well chewed skeleton in a bloody corner.
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    I've mentioned grabbing>biting as Zed attack a few times. Lying stationary grabbers are a bit cliche now though, no?
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    They have a 12 step program for that.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Just saw Rocket again.

  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    Hmmm, the stew thickens.... Surprise confirmed for standalone.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    Sounds good, Steak. I'm still curious about: How many attacks SA zeds will have and I would be interested in seeing a list of zed attacks and the baseline damage they do.
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    Thank you, Rocket. It will indeed be done when it's done and I'm excited watching the whole thing unfold in real time. The open production policy you've tried to manage is admirable. Would someone care to elaborate on this? Edit: How many attacks will SA zeds have? I would be interested in seeing a list of zed attacks and the baseline damage they do.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    I'm patient and optimistic. I'm patient and optimistic. Meditate on this my son. Is the server half full or half empty?
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I was happy that I was able to use that one pic for my Kenny McCormick....
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Just saw Rocket again.

  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    Hetstaine in Standalone confirmed

    The winners all seemed to have a very loose definition of "dancing".
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    You're equally likely to see both of the above gestures in my town.... Rock on with these:
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    No war intended what so ever. In the future I was hoping that they could add an attack for zombies at point blank range where the zombie would grab your character by their nearest limb and try to bite.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    Nah. I'm hopeful. I have a feeling that they would release at -50 players capable rather than hold up release too much longer. November, November, November. We will be thankful.
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    You aren't paying attention. Firstly some of the added glare is due to time of day in game. Everyone needs to relax on that one observation. I think you aren't taking all of the factors into consideration here. 1. Hetstaine is actively dodging the attacks to use the last frames of animation to essentially "back stab" the zombies. A good ol' shot to the back of the head is always ideal.... 2. The zombies you are looking at are likely "skeletal" in nature as they do not include much of the planned AI and programming that will go into them in the future. 3. For the game to be a balanced survival experience it was more important for them to make hoards of zombies very dangerous and not individual zombies. *If you are going to take the time to post and criticize please go scour Rockets reddit feed and read the first page of the Round Up threads....
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    November Round-up

    Yeah. People are screaming about options that should be default customizable in any decent PC FPS game. I was a little worried about no lefty perspective setting as this is more and more being over looked by programmers but it seems that will be a feature. Different types of riot shields would be very handy indeed.