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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. Crashtastic. Why no Steam guys? Lord help meh!
  2. subreddit shit the bed? "Read only mode." lol Epic.
  3. He's going to go live on twitch. Push button (receive bacon). Lol at cam. Close stream.
  4. That place that should go unnamed and any mass grave areas should have random airborne infection rates IMO. Adding extra spooky/dangerous yet subtle things to key areas like castles or odd houses stuck out in the woods would be nice.
  5. http://youtu.be/GPcG-ZOV-hY Max in blue? Grats?
  6. I knew what you meant in your sig. If you approach the game thinking this is possible (constant gear wiping), anything better is a bonus. Did you hear how proud Rocket sounds of even his small technical contributions to the SA? It's nice to hear someone still so inspired after all of the trials and tribulations he has gone through.
  7. *hai guise, i think it's 'habbening'. If it comes out tomorrow I will vomit with excitement. If not, choo choo.* We're all going to look back and laugh at this insanity (I hope). Then we will all proceed to argue about the direction of the standalone in similar fashion. Dear Chernarus+, Kill me. Rock on.
  8. I kinda wish I knew the time of day (Eastern Standard Time) the game will hit steam. Will I be sleeping when they GIVE? Testers should burn all their loot on the beaches before launch and start fresh. :)
  9. there's no such thing as a rotten kiwi. :|
  10. If I can manage to get a saddle on orlok I get to keep him. SA GET MondayZ? I'll call in "go fuck yourself" to work and rot in my own filth while I play for days.... Edit: Use this to download clips if you like. http://www.twitchtools.com/video-download.php
  11. Hi! I was out watching my brother get beat up at his dojo. May I please have a link to the most recent stream?
  12. it's the "late for meeting" guy at work!
  13. ahem *rawr* I wonder if they are "approved" for >50 players on launch? 100 player servers would halve the amount of total servers needed.
  14. Google defines "few" as "....one or two, a couple, two or three....". I've always thought "few" to mean no more than 3 personally. That's quantifiable. How will you pay him?
  15. shop skills level 9000 Edit: gimped for text.
  16. Positive. Round-up threads are habbenings. I have another EBN video better suited if I care to sniff out the thread you mention.... Your reaction to EBN is typical mind full of fuck and should be nothing to worry about. If we SA GET this weekend I will be so happy! Did you SEE the outskirts of Cherno from that rooftop? The state of readiness at which I find my body has never been at a higher level.
  17. I've been waiting to whip this out:
  18. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE
  19. I hope useable car parts aren't too plentiful. It is reasonable to strap a tire and even a rim to a large back pack IMO.
  20. Rocket spoke of having items strapped to your backpack, saving space. I think you should only be able to carry larger items this way. Things you know won't fit in a backpack; tires, autoglass and other large car parts and certain building materials should probably always be carried this way. Would you stalk the guy with car parts on his back to see where and to what he leads you?
  21. *choo 2013 choo* I believe in Rocket Clause!
  22. I think Rocket hinted at the desire to do other cultures/western culture type maps in the future. If we could get 225 square km of each continent or major culture I would be all for it.
  23. I like your line of thinking. Personally I would be happy to see similar size maps for other "fictional countries that resemble real countries". That would give DayZ a global setting.