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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    We are shutting down Experimental servers

    I believe DayZ, especially once modding is going in full force, will offer a far more diverse sandbox than it has in the past. Most people may prefer the PvP heavy play style but I am sure there are many who would want something a bit less predictable, and more diverse and challenging, for reasons other than marksmanship. "Hardcore survival" mods and whitelisted private servers will likely be quite popular for those people.
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 13 April 2018

    Thanks devs, all! I definitely thought we would have to wait until next Tuesday.... Good luck with those bugs!
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    We are turning off some Stable servers

    My body is ready but I'm afraid you'll release during my vacation this month. :P
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 27 March 2018

    Are they so focused on getting a patch out today/this week that the status report takes a backseat? Or do they want to pair up a status report with the patch release next week?
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Checklist Updates

    The stream was on the 14th so it's technically not a month yet, but if we don't see it tomorrow or Wednesday I think it will be past the month mark before we see the stress tests. I also agree with people who think that summer 2019 seems likely for 1.0. I do hope I'm wrong though.
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    We are shutting down Experimental servers

    *Dare I hope for Monday or Tuesday?
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    We are shutting down Experimental servers

    Apparently the initial stress test versions will be limited to the extent that DayZ .63 will be PUBZ for awhile. If I remember correctly, during the stream the devs mentioned limited functionality in stress test versions which would basically leave us with a PvP focused experience. I'm still looking forward to it though. :)
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    We are shutting down Experimental servers

    Thank you. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give SA
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Stress tests

    I feel like the devs have said 100+ should be the goal. I think anything over 200 might be too many....
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Status Report - 27 March 2018

    Thanks for hype!! You guys are awesome! :) I bet you release stress test builds while I'm on vacation in a few weeks, that would just be my luck.... Either way, I'm just glad the little alpha that could will be showing public progress again soon.
  11. There will be added sway when aiming and injured, tired, or sick.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    That's what crafting stations are for! XD
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    A stone knife can be more sharp than a scalpel.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    "Loaded marches in the United States Army are known as ruck marches and are part of basic recruit training. In order to gain the Expert Infantryman Badge (a further qualification for existing infantry personnel) candidates must complete a ruck march of 19 kilometers (12 mi) within three hours, carrying a rifle and load. The total load (including the rifle) may be up to 31.75 kilograms (70 lb). The march is individual rather than in a squad, so an individual may achieve a better time than the three-hour requirement." - wiki Sounds to me like most people with 50+ pounds of gear wouldn't be able to sustain much over 4+5mph on foot for any prolonged period of time. Thereby you would hope a guy in a crafted leather outfit and no backpack holding an SMG should be able to run circles around the guy with the full military kit and full Alice backpack....
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    Furthermore, I would like all character running/jogging slowed down even further once vehicles are properly implemented. The more we have to sacrifice to make gains, the more those gains have meaning. If getting to Tisy on foot takes you 3 play sessions over as many days, you will cherish the loot you find there. This will also have the effect of making the map feel bigger again. The best games reward the difficult paths. If 2 infected are deadly, you will move slower, and with more stealth. If it took you a week to get a car running, you will guard it with your life. I find most shooters repetitive and uninspired games. I lose any empathy with the character when I can just respawn with no penalties or build up of my characters gear. Honestly, I hardly consider people who play only shooters gamers. DayZ gives me a reason to carry a gun in a game. DayZ makes me want to keep my character alive as long as possible. You cannot deny the visceral thrill that DayZ provides that no other game can. This is mostly due to the efforts you must make to build up and sustain your character and the more work that involves, the deeper the connection.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    If you think the devs could have just "flipped a switch" and added properly functioning bikes you must not understand how the SA needed to be built. Without a perfect global view of the state of development you cannot in anyway say that you know what's most important to prioritize. People have incredibly selfish expectations of DayZ alpha and often cannot separate what they want from what the game needs. Also, before you start saying you are speaking for a silent majority, please take the time to make sure you speak with all parties involved. When you only hear (or listen to) the opinions of like minded people, your views for what you think the public at large actually want become skewed.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    There was no specific numbers for player count given only a strong impression that player count and infected count will get boosts when optimizations happen.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    I had to leave the stream at the 2 hour mark. :( How much longer did it go on?
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    (The stream) It's pleasantly surprising! :D
  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    You may have misunderstood my statement somehow. I did not imply that I or anyone else strives for the lowest common denominator. I was merely saying that our world is subject to the influence of the lowest common denominator, like people's choices in food, music, and political leaders. Anywho, this stream has been great! It was pretty well focused and very informative. I'm a little sad that there's no infected but they are "in the shop", as we know.
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    Banana in chest holster confirmed!! :0
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Developer Live Stream - 14th March 2018

    People generally have tin ears, wooden palettes , and dim eyes/sensibilities, that's why the lowest common denominator rules our existence. Anyway, more on topic. I've moved Warren Buffet to 3pm, Elon Musk to 4, and changed my lunch plans with the Sultan of Brunei to dinner plans, all to be able to attend this live stream.
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    This is basically what I was saying in my initial post. There is little left with which I can cobble together an accurate picture of what any new build will bring. In the past, I could at least guess at what I might see in subsequent builds and beyond.
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    Of course you don't, you're too busy making assumptions. Empty cans (you remember when we pooped empty cans, right?), horde AI, contaminated zones, bullet extraction, buried loot, world containers, boats, should I continue? *Shrug* Believe me when I tell you I've KNOWN every aspect of what you think you're educating me about for a long long time. I also perfectly understood the meaning of the latest posts and what they meant for the first iteration of experimental beta. "Cest la vie, cest la Guerre", was meant to imply that I'm prepared for what may come no matter what the reasoning or the timing. Thanks for nothing "random guy #2,063" that will invariably disappear into the ether never to be heard from again.... Because you're so deeply invested in this process.
  25. ☣BioHaze☣

    0.63 Experimental Release Check list

    Dear new guy, They didn't. That's why I added the question mark. So many things have been stripped out, put on hold, or completely unmentioned, that visualizing a final concept of 1.0 has become more difficult. Do not question my reading comprehension before you yourself understand my statements. I've forgotten more about DayZ Dev than most of you know.