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Everything posted by ☣BioHaze☣

  1. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    the constant crashing has made this patch unplayable for me. I'm hoping the hotfix may include a fix related to this (seemingly) common glitch, (supposedly) copied over from .45.....
  2. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Thanks for all the hard work, devs! I'm amazed at how the long time complainers, still keep complaining.... /insert rant This game is a "work in progress". Nothing released at this stage is aimed at "customer satisfaction" because there is no finished product. Our SUPPORT of DEVELOPMENT is what has brought us this far and is what will see DayZ through to it's completion. Patches are going to break things FOREVER. It is through the process of progressive development that all bugs and glitches become fixed and eventually (hopefully) a high level of stability is achieved. /end rant
  3. ☣BioHaze☣

    The lone wolf

    People who want to role play apocalypse survival tend to pick lone wolf as a way to achieve this. I had adopted a super cautious play style during the early days of the mod, which means I've played alone and avoided player interaction for most of my hours in DayZ Mod/SA. I fancied myself a "zombie hunter" (28 days, 1,000+ kills longest run alone) for awhile and sometimes on rare occasions acted as hero/medic when the circumstances were just right. Admittedly during this time, helping new spawns was some of the most rewarding game play. After a long time I became "lonely" in DayZ and sought "interaction" full well knowing it wouldn't end well. I didn't want to join a clan so I found a high pop server and thought I might test my luck. Long story short, met a few legit friendlies, ran into a hacker, got teleported, mortars, died, regrouped with friendlies, took C4 from hacker box, leveled comm tower NWA, played with a couple of people from that 1 night for a few months repairing vehicles and making campsites. These days my latest roommate happens to be an avid gamer who found he really liked DayZ and I've been lucky to play with him over the last few patches. I also bought my brother DayZ through Steam because he got a gaming laptop recently. My days of lone wolf are most likely over.
  4. ☣BioHaze☣

    NWAF Self Defense, Droping bandits

    You must not be paying close attention around here but it's widely regarded as immersion breaking and the camera mechanics may likely be tweaked in the future to make it so you cannot peak around corners or through walls using 3rd person. For the record, I play where I want, how I want, and that means mostly not switching to 3rd person for anything no matter what server I am on. Now go play CoD on DayZ as you most likely do. (I can make random shit up about you too, eh?)
  5. ☣BioHaze☣

    NWAF Self Defense, Droping bandits

    I like your videos. However, I do not like use of 3rd person to look around corners....
  6. ☣BioHaze☣

    Save the Cows!

    This gives new meaning to the term, "Big Mac attack".
  7. ☣BioHaze☣

    What exactly is Ghosting?!?

    ^Whoa.... This sounds like a good solution except it's not really that simple. Maybe have this tied to a clock at about 15 minutes long. Ghosting is game breaking and should never be done. Here's to hoping there is a perfect solution in the future.
  8. ☣BioHaze☣

    Please lower food spawn rates! Make hunting useful.

    When I was playing the mod food was less plentiful and fresh meat gave you more health/blood than canned/packaged food products. It was much more advantageous and efficient to hunt and cook and stock your pack with meat instead of cans. I imagine in future builds things will lean back to this sort of balance.
  9. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Solid first post Husti. Thanks for the pic. Don't let the KoS get you down. Some people just want a deathmatch (IMO there are 1,000's of games better for pvp, where the competition is much tougher).
  10. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    The game is in ALPHA!! None of what you said matters because at anytime Bohemia can say fuck the hive, wipe all your asses, start fresh. If you play the game knowing you can lose your stuff at an instant for any reason, you're doing it right.
  11. ☣BioHaze☣

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Friendly reminder. Never get attached to your gear. Thank you.
  12. ☣BioHaze☣

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    DevTracker says: Dean Hall @rocket2guns Also, 0.45 is released on experimental for testing. If success, it will go to stable Wednesday. Great job to the team! #dayz View on Twitter
  13. ☣BioHaze☣

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    This game will be greater (look, feel, content) than any of us ever imagined. Including Rocket himself. (*I also believe character movement should be kept with a "measured" feel. Not clunky, but paced and deliberate. It's bad enough we were all marathon runners before the apocalypse; we all don't have to be acrobats too.) Due to the amount of money thrown at monitors since Alpher, I believe DayZ Beta & 1.0 are a mere matter of time.
  14. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I'm curious to try this build. I was away from the game for awhile. The only thing I really wanted was more zombies really.... If the zombies are reasonable everything else can get piled on after.
  15. ☣BioHaze☣

    Just saw Rocket again.

    I had the pleasure of running into him on one of my bike rides the other day.
  16. ☣BioHaze☣

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    My medic friend introduced me to some new friendlies. Always nice to raid in a group once in a while.
  17. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rarest Item?

    I was just given Magnum ammo by a friendly random guy I met. That's a first on a couple of levels. He offered it to me straight away saying that even if he found the gun he would not want it. I gave him ammo for his m4. I found a whole variety of scopes the night before and I believe I've had them all in at least worn/pristine condition once. I found my 2nd walkie talkie as well. I'm not sure what to do with it yet.... I need to explore the updated areas of the map more and stop hovering around the old haunts.
  18. ☣BioHaze☣

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Not at all. I won't give up a ballistic helmet for such nonsense. Here I am in full military gear and was not KoS'd by this fellow who then teamed up with me to loot NWAF. He had held up in a small town for 3 days on his own and was happy to meet a friendly.
  19. ☣BioHaze☣

    combat logged

  20. ☣BioHaze☣

    combat logged

    You are completely ignorant if you think the mod "is irrelevant" to any discussion regarding DayZ. The degree to which that statement is wrong requires a 400 word essay to begin to elucidate. No, I'm not a moderator but a long time internet forum user who knows that it's best to lurk somewhere and get the tone of a place before starting threads and acting high and mighty. :rolleyes:
  21. ☣BioHaze☣

    combat logged

    :facepalm: We only want to keep things as tidy as possible in this cluster fuck reborn of a forum. Yes your post is a unique and beautiful snowflake but we don't need an entire original topic, especially on a subject as old as the mod itself.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣

    Rarest Item?

    i havent had the entire map yet. no magnum or shotgun. if they are in the game now, I'm not looking in the right places. people having trouble finding the vests i don't understand, i see them all the time. the server i play on just restarted when i was at NWAF. Maybe some good stuff awaits me....
  23. ☣BioHaze☣

    Figuring out who to trust

    A lot of the OP has a grain of truth, which can be said for many stereo types. At this stage of the SA I am basically trusting no one and if I can altogether avoid you I probably will. I was cornered by 3 guys last night (picture in screenshot thread) at the jail in NWAF and they restrained me, gave me the food I needed in exchange for a scope i didn't even need, took some blood, but replaced it with saline and left me fed and unharmed. They said they usually KoS but he said he decided to trust me because I reached out over direct chat when they came inside instead of trying to run or fight. The younger player in the group said, "What are you doing out here ALONE!" I explained that I have played solo for most of my time since I started playing the mod June 2012. I'm happy when people just don't try to kill me. Some guy ran up to me with a kitchen knife and I had a shovel screaming, "You better have water on you when you die!" I knocked him out with the shovel and told him, "I would have let you drink from my bottle, asshole." I will interact a lot more as the SA progresses. I'm sure new game mechanics and overall boredom will force me to find company sooner or later..... maybe. :ph34r:
  24. ☣BioHaze☣

    combat logged

    If you're new to DayZ and have just experienced something in game and are considering posting about it ask yourself this question, "Is it possible that what I am thinking or what I have just experienced was experienced or thought of by another player either in the mod or in the standalone prior to my thinking of it?" Just considering the mod is over 18months old should answer that question every time as "Yes, most likely someone else has thought of this and probably made a thread about it." Then search the topic with keywords. Find the most popular thread on the subject.... it might even be a sticky thread! Add your wonderful story and thoughts about the topic, read other peoples long eloquent well thought out posts on same. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 *A simple log out timer will solve a large part of this and will likely be implemented. You will of course be able to quit the game but your character will remain on map to be killed/looted/whatever'd for a set amount of minutes upon disconnect.
  25. ☣BioHaze☣

    A Realistic-ish Way to Identify a Bandit

    I think having stats that change based on humanity is more interesting and important than identifying bandits. The steadier hand of the bandit but slightly slower run. The long time lone wolf survivor should maybe have slightly lower visibility profile for zombies or more sprint stamina. Heroes run faster and can perform medical tasks a little faster perhaps. Not terribly important but cool to think about.