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Everything posted by BobofTibia

  1. BobofTibia


    *Sigh* How about it's a MOD that is going standalone game with a playable version by fall, so it would be easier to implement later on and your concept of a bad idea is again not helpful and another opinion. Also, I would like to see your extensive list of MOD's using the ARMA 2 engine, because obviously you know how hard it is to code something into DayZ, you must have numerous mods available.
  2. BobofTibia

    Yep i am done, i quit

    Lol You never did support the MOD. What, you played it for a couple weeks, gave a few comments on the forum and you think your presence will be the end of development? You didn't spend most of your Dayz (Pun intended) creating banners or throwing money rockets way to help ease the team burden. Come off it mate. Again, paying for Arma 2 for a MOD thats not even out of testing yet..That's all on you bud. As well as it will be fixed, just not for a while most likely. Hell this mod may be dropped when rocket gets his stand alone out, so it could never be fixed with this version of dayZ, all this is, is a TEST. Complaining is just...Un-wordable. What else is there to do in-game other than to start all over again anyways?
  3. BobofTibia


    There is several games where I can think of people committing suicide to save them selfs from different creatures or happening. Where is this censor ship law for cannibalism? The Elder-scrolls series has cannibalism in a couple titles. As do a few other games, as well as zombies are humans that eat flesh, wouldn't that be cannibalism anyhow? And there are MANY zombie games. All of the arguments in this thread are easily debunked, thoughtless/clueless and not truly looked into, as well as opinionated, not helpful feedback. Come on community. Please, look at this: http://videotekavizi...6/arma-2-pc.jpg See the game rating tag? 18+. (M in most countries) Act like it. More then half of you shouldn't even own this game. Let alone the mod. There are far more demented happenings out there. Our world created the movie SAW and the like. Get off it, and actually do research on your comments people, after your done, think about what your going to post, if you don't like it, move on,or actually post something helpful. Please, just like religion and race and other flamable things, take your sense of morality to another game. Killing someone because they have a backpack you want is just as immoral, yet look what your playing. Your sense of morals is not the same as everyone else. Not everyone is a saint. Not everyone cares. As well, tranquilizers could be reworked to fit into the game with enough thought. Throwing something out of thought because you can't pull it off at the moment is just wasteful.
  4. I don't see how thats possible as your character logs off as soon as you abort.
  5. BobofTibia

    Zombie Spawning in towns

    Maybe a re-vision of that could work, but I doubt they re-spawning at all would be worthy of an addition. Maybe they still spawn, but a distance off from the current players in town.
  6. You must be hacking. /end Sarcasm. It happens from time to time, It's happened to me before too. Instead of dying you just respawn with everything you had. Most people jump on the forums and spam HACKERS RESPAWNING WITH ALL THERE GEAR!?!?!?!?! And the whole thread becomes a hacker protest. It is a bug people.
  7. BobofTibia

    Chernarus vs Ireland

    Made my day. Good job Survivor.
  8. BobofTibia

    Hacker on US34(With script proof)

    More hackers have been popping up because trainers/bots are popping up like mad and more people have been using them. BattleEye is complete garbage against them. It is more or less leechers using injection.
  9. BobofTibia

    Admin abuse?

    Or someone just stole your car. There is no such thing as secluded on a server that has 50 or more people on it every few minutes. Everyone is so jumpy to push blame on admins.
  10. BobofTibia

    Your rules for shoot on sight

    If they have better gear than me, I normally don't take the chance. Normally better geared players, are the more bored and blood thirsty ones. That said, if someone is running in my direction with an axe, they will also get shot if they get too close.
  11. BobofTibia

    can't open backpack

    It's a bug, I have this sometimes too, just keep trying, or log in/out and back in, or double click the bag.
  12. BobofTibia

    I thought helos were removed

    Seriously then, don't post if you don't know, especially if you think the threads pointless, then don't add a pointless comment along with it, it gets everybody nowhere, answers no questions and in general is just an ass-ish thing to do. Even more so when it turns out you were wrong in the first place. And your opinion on someone else's question is not needed. Just like you, he was clueless to what was going on, he didn't know, you didn't know, and yet you wasted everyone's time. Good going.
  13. He is not the hero they deserve, but the hero they need. He is, ballcap man.
  14. This. And wait until more content is added. Rocket has had numerous interviews as of late, and it seems like some good indepth stuff is on its way.
  15. BobofTibia

    Stuck in endless hourglass

    This happens when you log off when in shock, it'll last 5 minutes in-game, all you can do is wait. You must wait, in-game. It's meant to deter people from logging off when in danger.
  16. BobofTibia

    can this computer run DayZ

    You can virtually cut costs in half or even more on the best gaming computers if you build it your self. When you go and buy a rig from a builder, your basically paying a grand or two just for their name on it.
  17. BobofTibia

    Help with FPS - trees are evil.

    I was about to ask, how does that help him? But your edit beat me.
  18. BobofTibia

    How to take an Alice Pack?

    But of course, anytime.
  19. BobofTibia

    Help with FPS - trees are evil.

    It could be your internet connection. How many bits are you running?
  20. BobofTibia

    How to take an Alice Pack?

    Scroll wheel, "Take ALICE backpack" Make sure all your stuff is out of your original backpack first or it could be lost.
  21. Sounds pretty funny. But I don't think an apology really changes anything, it is DayZ after all. He left it, and you got away, its free game.
  22. BobofTibia

    Pixel shader 2.0 suppoet required?

    If it's due to your pixel shader, the only thing you can do is upgrade your graphics card/get a new rig/computer. But what does the error say, may let us help you.
  23. BobofTibia

    can this computer run DayZ

    Besides the crap hard drive, thats not bad, wonder why it's so cheap. Then again, its the third generation i7's that go for a lot, not generation 2's. You troll you. Arma 2 is coded horribly. You'll most likely have lag now and again no matter what. Also, it might just be internet connection lag.
  24. BobofTibia

    Keep getting kicked, because of battleye!

    Start up the Betapatch .exe, OR start a game through Six Launcher, exit the game to mainmenu, and the number of the patch you are on should be in the "lower-right-hand-corner." Uninstalling through steam should be a last ditch effort, as you'll have to re-download all over again if you don't have a backup.