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About Acix

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    In the Bushes Hunting Your Team

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    Long Range Target Acquisitions Extraordinaire
  1. I don't even know what you're trying to get at
  2. Join more heavily populated servers, when u keep trying to join 0-2 player servers, usually youre gonna have some issues
  3. Acix

    Cigarettes ?

    Cool or not, Cigarettes are real... you know this being a sim and all
  4. Acix

    A quick guide to using the Mosin Sniper Scope

    So not sure if this is intentional or not but spin-drift on rounds can cause them to move to the left and either up or down depending on range, so that could have been implemented...
  5. Acix

    How to run DayZ mod

    Install through dayz commander not steam... download install arma II and OA, Run each of them until u get to the title screen and then exit allowing battleye to configure for each of the games. Then download dayz commander and install DayZ and any other DayZ mods/versions you wish to play and have at it. Hope this helps
  6. They are working on implimenting a fix where if you jump servers X amount of times in Y amount of time then u lose the character and spawn back on the coast...
  7. Black and White occurs from loss of blood/health which can occur from lack of food and or drink, so it's happening to you because you are slowly dying from dehydration. Hope this helps... best of luck
  8. haven't seen anything in the SA videos that impress me yet... looks worse than the mod imho, who cares about a motorcycle helmet... fix broken mechanics... zombie animations still look retarded
  9. nothing about the recent changes to the mod, breaking point or what ive seen in the SA excite me in the least... everything is looking worse and worse, the SA videos seen fro rezzed and E3 look like dumbed down versions of the mod built to have stupid new loot and a very poorly overhauled UI and bag system along with adding crosshairs and such making the damn thing look like WarZ. Not impressed at all
  10. Not to DayZ fans, but in general Yes. Sad to have to tell u this but Next Gen Consoles are a bigger deal than 1 game being made and released someday
  11. Download DayZ Commander and Use it to install and update all your files... you'll have a much less difficult time than manually patching
  12. Acix

    REMATCH, Some people just want to kill

    that video was terribad... gimme back that 5 min of my life....