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About shinii

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  1. shinii

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

  2. Alpha or not, Rocket / Battleye let hackers get away with it, they should be doing things for the players/audience best interest to make the game more enjoyable, yes it's alpha- that doesn't mean they dont input a better anti-cheat system?
  3. Meh, title explains it all. Everyone camps cherno/electro and rushes to kill people. Hackers/Snipers camp the hills. Hackers teleport you into the sky, when you die they take anything good you have. Hackers chasing after you in a ILLEGAL vehicle after you spend 4hours trying to fix a military truck in the quarry near solnichy. sigh. sorry rocket, but i'm bored of it- i'll return once everything is fixed, or when standalone is out and battleye actually CARE about the hackers.
  4. God damnit. I too hate hackers. I cant believe people dont go north because of hackers though.. I understand the whole glitch thing at tents.. but meh. Hackers are gay- FIX battleye you cakeheads :C
  5. I've been playing with a squad of 5-6 for a very long time, decimating players and such, but as time goes on, i'm seeing less and less players going inland for better loot- and pro/geared players camping cherno/electro killing newbs/starter gear players? What the hell? :/
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I was hoping you wouldnt do mine considering I just found some good stuff. -_- Gonna login to see if i'm elsewhere. ._.
  7. Logged in, found an ATV with 3 spare jerry cans, right next to it a red car.. Both of the vehicles was loaded with loot, range finder, m107, night vision, various other stanag weapons. Took the car- drove down the road and accidently crashed- swarms of zombies started attacking us, we took shelter. There we found loads of different repairing equipment for the wheels and windscreen. After defending after 2 waves of maybe 15-20 zombies, we headed down into Berezino. Looted the appartments, found 2 ghillie suits and 1 camo. Hid the car, logged out. Good day with the patch, happy, gg. happy looting everyone.
  8. shinii


    Someone help me, I'm in the debug zone and none of the admins have teleported me. DayZ = life no dayz = ... no life. ;c
  9. First off- sorry to the moderators for making a double post about the same thing- I didnt think you'd have to reply to this specific topic for approval to be moved from the debug area.. soo- yeah. I was playing, maybe like 5-10 minutes ago, the server went down- I was near stary sobor near the northwest dear stand (DE 55) When I came back I got kicked from battleye for some reason, when I rejoined I was in the debug area.. I killed someone that was there also because he scared me. ._. I heard you guys can move me so can I get moved? Ingame name: Jay Player ID : 30248198 thanks.
  10. shinii

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, are you looking into anything to do with tents- ie. multiple tent spawning due to lag/bug, items disappearing, the whole tent disappearing, players not being able to open/destroy tents.. (tents revive on server restart with contents that were already in it before server restart, even though it was destroyed..)
  11. This was on either LU39 or FR117..
  12. +1 to the survivors that didnt disconnect vs us. and beanz.
  13. Okay, I checked the wiki, thanks Drogur. It says: Tents (as of can have 53 item slots inside. (excluding firearms) There is no way to tell if the tent is full, take care as you can lose items by overloading. Once overloaded the items will appear on the ground, around the tent. It's given me some valuble information but that doesnt tell me if weapons still take up 10 slots per weapon? :/ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.