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The Poacher

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About The Poacher

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    On your land, killing your livestock.
  1. The Poacher

    Play what you paid for

    Used to be alot of populated Arma 2 multiplayer servers before DayZ rolled around and put an end to that. CTI was awesome. '7th cav tactical realism' or something is a pretty fun co-op server, one of the few decent arma 2 servers left.
  2. The Poacher

    Robin Hood the Anti-Hacker Hacker.

    This hacker isn't the hero we want. But he's the hero we deserve.
  3. The Poacher

    Worst 30$ spent.

    You realize that DayZ is literally a stripped down match of ARMA 2 multiplayer with zombies and loot spawns right? Did you even play it back before DayZ launched and there were actually Co-Op and CTI servers? Please tell me more about how Day Z is better than ARMA 2.
  4. The Poacher

    /reddit Bronies/ sanc server gone?

  5. The Poacher

    What gear do you get attached too?

    Toolbox. I could care less about the rest.
  6. The Poacher

    Strange radio transmission

    Reminds me alot of this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/723-i-found-a-radio/
  7. I may attend just to spread some of my holy hand grenades around now that I think of it! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU
  8. The Poacher

    Highest Settings, better graphics card?

    Even my Laptops 3-4 year old Radeon 4670 runs this game just fine on near-max graphics (no anti-aliasing).
  9. The Poacher

    Just Found a Fighter Jet

    Yeah, what possible value could destroying loot buildings have?
  10. The Poacher

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    I don't really care that you hacked honestly, I can see why you did and it just makes me /shrug as I play CTI on Takistan. But you're a brony. There's a special circle of hell reserved for your kind.
  11. The Poacher

    Ready for Dogs in Day - Z?

    It will probbably work like an ARMA 2 squadmate. Play some campaign and familiarize yourself with the AI controls.
  12. I think it's something with Day Z. I've never had vehicles that were made out of glass like they are in DayZ when i play vanilla Arma 2
  13. The Poacher

    Idea: Chernarus, the quarantine zone

    How so? Nothing would change besides the addition of hostile military NPCs and rearranging some loot tables.