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Everything posted by DANZ_SEVEN4


    Gamer Exit Private Hive(US)

    Are those custom bases for GE points up yet?
  2. Great server, the custom loadout options make it even better, something i haven't seen with any servers i've been on :)

    Video editor?

    Free ones aren't that great to be honest man. Look up Sony Vegas Pro.

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    There are probably way more complications involved with this than any of us know, but it wouldn't hurt to throw some ideas out there for the people who want this to happen :)

    MRE Meals

    My ideas would be to add a variety of dried foods, beef jerky, dried fruit .etc the type of food with long shelf lives, or Glad Wrap bags and maybe salt as a preservative for any fresh meats you may get. Also rotten foods that have gone off or contaminated water so if it comes down to it, and you absolutely HAVE to eat/drink and all you can find is rotten food/water, you will have no choice but to eat it. The side effect being you will get sick. After all it is a survival game. If they are going to implement a system where you can get sick off expired food this would be handy. Wouldn't be so bad with other canned foods such as Spaghetti, Sweet Corn, Beetroot, Cans of Soup either, each with it's own nutritional value. Won't make much of a difference on the effects of the way the game plays, but it's just good to know you have variety of foods to choose from which makes the game seem more realistic since people don't only keep cans of baked beans and two types of soda drinks in their cupboards.

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    I'm in the same boat as CaptJaws. It could work. Battlefield 3 on Xbox required a second disc for the graphics that you could install on to the hard drive, same with Max Payne, AC3, and many other newer games coming out. If these games that require so much space and have demanding graphics are able to do it than there is a possibility that this idea could work also. Even as a marketplace download that wouldn't be a huge file size. Not too sure about the standalone's file size, but Arma 2 : OA is around 8gbs and that is not that much if you ask me. I'd be willing to free up some space on my Xbox hard drive for a game this great. As for the buttons, they could use certain combinations or have added menus that list the gear based on what uses its for. If it were to happen, it'd probably be a slightly dumbed down/simplified version of the game, in terms of the menu/inventory system, much like the version of Minecraft they have now on Xbox. But i'm sure Xbox gamers are willing to compromise. I know many people who want/love watching this game on Youtube, the only problem for them is having a PC capable of playing it. As for the comments about Consolekids/Community/Consolefags, man, think outside the box there are other gamers out there other than yourselves and there's a huge amount of money to be made in that area imo. Rocket and his dev's probably already know what they want out of this game, and from what i've seen so far they're great ideas. I doubt some kid who plays xbox posting a rage thread in the forums is going to get his way. Any changes would only affect Xbox gamers anyway. So calm down. I have a Pc capable of playing this game anyway, so i'm not too fussed, just glad to see a fellow Kiwi doing good in the gaming community.

    Gamer Exit is Recruiting!

    These are really good forums

    Unofficial fan made trailer

    Adobe After effects might help with the text too .. js heh

    Unofficial fan made trailer

    That's pretty cool man. i see how you implemented the track with the music in the beginning. Constructive critcism if i may? I'm assuming that you are trying to promote Dayz, so i've just come up with a few ideas for you. What i think you should do is add 'Open world environment' in the beginning, and extend the music at 0:00-0:05 secs on the video to double that, say 10seconds, just to add to the Hype of the actual music track starting at 0:05, also adding the "open world environment" information in, which is, i think and important part of this game. At the same time, your video will have a shot chernarus in the background, from a high point in the game, displaying the huge environment around you. panning to the right or left, whatever you feel is good. You can extend the track by looking at it closely in your video editor, it's basically just copy and paste, and trial and error until the music sounds like it flows together. This will give your viewers time to .. i forget the word .. 'marinate' on what this games all about. The first few seconds, should draw them in to wanting to know what this game's all about, then hitting them with that 'whoa' when the music starts at 0:05, along with the action gameplay at the same time. Assuming your target audience is people who have never played before, it should be good. That's just my idea

    Zombie spawn distance?

    Yeah i get this glitch happening quite a bit, Just looking at the updates/patches going on at the moment, i have hope that they will fix a lot of bugs going on in-game. It's cool though i'm finding different ways of dealing with them. Didn't quite know whta i was doing before, running through the middle of town wasn't such a great idea.

    Ghillie Suits

    do you respawn with your ghillie suit on?

    Stuck at Wait for host.

    Same here man, just earlier on today, about 45minutes ago. Everything was fine, i was in a game, it booted me out, then ..wait for host. I've had to do heaps of fixing up since i first got this game, its still in the process of being finalized, we just gotta get used to it i guess. It'll be fixed soon enough

    NZ/AUS Need team players.

    Hey people. I'm new to Day-Z and i'd like some people to join in with me, i find it very difficult to play by myself, or run from zombies, as they have learnt how to open doors and walk through walls !?lol?!. Teaming up with some fellow Kiwis or Aussies would make the survival experience a lot easier for all. If you are keen, add me on Steam DANZ_SEVEN4, or leave a comment whateva. peace. Danz ;) only asking for NZ/AUS 'rs mainly due to the ping difference

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Being fairly new to this game, starting without a weapon is extremely discouraging. I like the idea of not having one, but the AI of the zombies makes survival almost impossible. Getting chased by a zombie for miles who runs ridiculously fast and can make you bleed to death with one open hand bitch slap kind of makes a person not want to play anymore. If the blood didn't pour out so fast and eating could slowly replenish your blood levels, that would make more sense. Don't get me wrong guys, i'm not raging, its just a viewpoint from a new player. hope it helps.

    Zombie spawn distance?

    I'd say so. I've been closer without being run at by zombies. I don't know of anyone else is having the same problem, but whenever i get away from one, they run at a ridiculous speed until they catch up then slow down again when they're right behind me. gets very annoying. aren't zombies supposed to be a bit slower than that?

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Its understandable if you spend hours getting equipment just to have someone shoot you down to start all over again, with nothing at all.