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Everything posted by jubeidok

  1. jubeidok

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    It's not a rumor, it is fact. Good squads could even tell which direction you were coming at them from. So if one of your squad is say 50 meters to your north and calls out a red chain, then a few seconds later you get the red chain, you would know that someone is coming in from the north. I learned this from a very well known streamer and DayZ'er and they are a very tactical squad.
  2. As long as gear continues to spawn in a predictable manner, server hoppers will always be there. The only way to stop it is to make actually playing the game the more efficient way of gearing up. Everything must be able to spawn anywhere. But then there will still be reverse server hopping, which is what I call people who server hop to find action and get kills. Just as dirty in my opinion.
  3. jubeidok

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    Damn, I thought injecting a lil logic in this thread would put it to rest. =( OK, OK, let's try this, the other solution to this problem...
  4. jubeidok

    Where is everybody?

    Ya, I'm starting to believe my character is equipped with repulsor technology.
  5. jubeidok

    Hoppers are back !

    Where did you get the winter mod?
  6. jubeidok

    Sniping Is Back

    Maybe you never snipe, but before this last patch, the particle FX where the bullet lands wasn't drawing at distances over 150 meters. So sniping was just a big guessing game. The video was to show that it is once again possible to track your shots and adjust your aim accordingly. The scope is zeroed at 800 and the target is far beyond that, so I now have to start guesstimating at how high above the target I need to shoot in order to hit. The impact FX helped me do that. I'm sorry if you though this was an "OMG look at this awesome snipe!!!" kind of thread/vid. It is not.
  7. jubeidok

    REALLY NEEDED Opening and close Door Sound Effect !

    Yup, I had suggested this before too. Would be so cool and very fitting for this game.
  8. jubeidok

    REALLY NEEDED Opening and close Door Sound Effect !

    Dude, I've been campaigning for this since the mod. Now that there's a standalone, I would imagine this is inevitable. No way you could get away with no audio for such a thing in a game built in this day and age. Also, let's not forget about all those rusty, banged up vehicles with the stealthiest doors/boots in existence. Audio overall is severely lacking right now and I eagerly await the first big audio patch for the game. Ghost Recon and Rogue Spear on the PC would be some excellent reference material for this type of thing, Those game's sound design saved my life so many times. =)
  9. jubeidok

    The spirit of day z is dieing

    The funny thing about these kind of threads... How do you know how many times someone observed, but didn't kill you?
  10. jubeidok


    Cars, garages, blue railings, train cars, radio towers, barns, stables.... These are limited to certain guns however, so the one thing I will give you, is that anything should be able to spawn anywhere.
  11. jubeidok

    Walkie talkies removed in the new patch?

    I noticed there is no longer a chat channel reserved for the radio. You used to change it from direct to whatever frequency you had the radio set to. Now there is only direct chat. Anyone know how to speak on the radios now?
  12. jubeidok

    Realistic gunshots (bullet damage)

    a) Only cowards and thumb suckers shoot people in the back. Fight with some honor, man. b) Headshot. BOOM!
  13. All I want to know, is how does 3 pistol rounds to a player's face equal ruined gear?
  14. Everything and anything, as should be with all spawn points. Formulaic loot spawn patterns has always been the bane of this game.
  15. jubeidok

    .45acp rounds

    On your next life, you'll be lookin for 9mm and will find plenty of .45.
  16. Here is a short video that I think really highlights a problem with the melee system... I don't really get it. You can pretty much headshot with any gun and it gets you a kill. You can headshot with your fists and it gets you a KO. But when you now score those same headshots with melee weapon, you don't get ish for your efforts.Is it a bug we are looking at here? Are melee weapons actually making contact with another area of the players' collision box before hitting the head? I've had this happen with an axe as well. Snuck up behind and cracked some dude atop his unknowing head with a firemans axe and he gets KO'd instead o killed. I can't help but think, if you're going to put a one punch KO in for player characters who throw a punch like one of those boxer puppets from the 80's, can you at least make it so that a head shot with all other items greater than a fist can equal the same results? Some should even be an instant kill, especially when they don't see it coming. Seriously, I don't think you really have to worry about anyone comparing you to Halo or BF3+ or CoD. I think people would accept it; you get snuck up from behind and meleed, you're dead. Pretty universal at this point. Anyways, just wanted to share this with everyone and see what kind if response it gets. Based on all things I've seen people constantly whine about, this one doesn't seem to come up a lot and am wondering why?
  17. jubeidok

    the art of doing camping

    Good thing grenades are in our future. =)
  18. jubeidok

    long horn

    Ya, it's a pretty badass sounding gun as well. Have you managed to figure out what the default zeroing is set to?
  19. The thing I find funny about the hardcore ragers, is that when you sort for hardcore servers in my area with <150 pings, you will get over 100 hardcore servers with under 5 players, 2 full and on a good day, 2 more that are half full. There are more hardcore players running around in safe, cushy, barren environments than there are playing with a real risk involved. When those numbers change, let the shit talking begin. Until then, hardcore players seem like just as big a bunch of pansies as all the regular players are.
  20. ...I saw the server list. I was instantly reminded why I always end up switching back to experimental. That server list is like a bunch of lil panzies, screaming at the top of their lungs; NO, COME PLAY ON MY SERVER!
  21. Would you want to be seen hanging around town with that loud and obnoxious kid that runs around begging for attention?
  22. Holy crap. I just spent some time on an exp regular and an exp hardcore server and LRS' are spawning all over Hobo. Wont be long before the whole server is having snipe wars across the valley. =)
  23. jubeidok

    Long range scopes out the wazoo!

    I've been hitting up several perches in and around the Hobo, have yet to see or hear a single other sniper in that area. I am amazed actually, can be quite the challenge tryin to hit a target down in that city while up on one of the ridges. I have one spot where I estimate it's probably around a 1200m shot. I made a group scatter, but don't think I've ever hit anyone.
  24. jubeidok

    Story of a sad friendly survivor

    I love the part where you tore a shit into some rags. Those be some mad skills, bro. :)
  25. jubeidok

    Come get us!

    I always get a good laugh when I see players so desperate for a kill. Let me guess, thought Elektro was still a hot spot only to be campin around for an hour watching the tumbleweeds roll by. LOL.