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Everything posted by jubeidok

  1. - Red Orchestra's ability to stabilize your weapon by resting it on cover or pressing it up against a pole or doorway, corner of wall - Raven Shield's fluid door and cover systems - The Darkness' system where rubbing up against walls or faceplanting a wall affects your aiming (like SFRs suggestion) - Like ARMA 3 or Breaking Point, weight over slots. Slot system is too inconsistent. Why does a screw driver take up twice as many slots as a flashlight that its twice it's size? Why does a measly piece of paper take up a slot at all? Stuff like that would be avoided with a weight system, but I guess you would need to account for overall volume as well
  2. My axe got stuck in the head of the zombie that I killed that alerted the other 50. Wasn't able to get it out in time so I had to abandon. I bolted upstairs into the nearest house and pulled out my rifle with exactly 49 rounds left. I managed to stay calm enough to make every shot count, but it wasn't enough. One last zombie remains and it's creeping up the stairs towards me right now. OMG, what do I d....nm, it just clipped through the stairs.
  3. No, but they will still serve as a funnel and a way to slow them down. Now, when there's 50 chasing you it wouldn't be a such a good idea to paint yourself into a corner. Especially if you only have 49 rounds.
  4. jubeidok

    Best size squad?

  5. jubeidok

    More Backpacks?

    Can't we just have a magic bag where we can store 9-10 massive weapons like every other shooter?
  6. Great, so now those 2-3 zeds that may chase you will be even easier to deal with. I look forward to feeling even safer in this zombieless apoc. Sarcasm aside, it is a good thing, but I really couldn't care less until we get back to the point where we can whip around to look out a window and see a guy run by, then a couple seconds later a stream of 50 zeds on his tail.
  7. I am pretty pleased to see that the poor man's UAV is gone in the the latest experimental build. What am I talking about? Any time you saw a red chain in the lower right corner it generally meant someone was now within a certain distance from you, given you weren't actually having connection problems Not sure what that distance was. I don't know how many people actually knew about this, but it pretty much meant you knew when you could free loot and for the many campers out there, when to start camping. I wish I had never known about it, it completely changed the way I played the game, but now it is gone so rejoice! Now you have to go back to properly scouting an area or just deciding when to or when not to say "fuck it, I'm goin in". I can't help but notice how dead the experimental servers are right now. I'm willing to bet it has something to do with this, lol. Either that or peeps are just unwilling to play in the new nerfed night time lighting.
  8. jubeidok

    new night time lighting

    Awe man, there truly is no end to the excuses that people will make to justify being pussies in a video game. LOL.
  9. jubeidok

    Please dont balance loot spawns

    I think you misinterpret what kind of testing we are doing. They have internal testers that will test the functionality and stability of the items in the game. We're here to give them gameplay metrics like average life spans, looting paterns and stuff like that. We also help with testing server load and economy as they would otherwise need a massive test team. I think your "suggestion" is really about making it so that "you" can find the things that "you" want, but have yet to find. Nice try though.
  10. jubeidok

    new night time lighting

    Turn that lil flashlight on that you spawn with and you can see. Sound logic bro.
  11. jubeidok

    new night time lighting

    Nope. Pitch black is only unplayable to people who are pussies and too scared to use their light sources. It's a game, it's not real, it's ok to take chances.
  12. jubeidok

    Real Secret Military Base

    Used to be the L shaped unsearchable mil building. In the mod it was a dead end road leading to a lil grey shed. I was always hoping they would change it up to something searchable. They finally got the wall collisions in on 47, but the doors are locked. I really dislike the internet for stuff like this though, go out and discover the world for yourselves. It's so much more enjoyable. And man do they need to secure their files or something. This whole idea of checking the code for what's going to be there before it's even there is f n retarded and in my opinion, just a little bit sad.
  13. jubeidok

    Sniping Is Back

    As we all know by now, the jittery scope bug has been fixed, but since I hadn't really noticed anyone talking about it, I thought I'd let you all know that the bullet impact FX for long range shots is back in the game. Here's a lil proof, a cap of an 800+ meter shot on an idle zed. Now, get back out there and start sniping!
  14. jubeidok

    How is hardcore mode different?

    Exactly, on a full 40 player server there is 30 players behind low cover camping in third person while the other 10 are the only ones running around playing the game. What makes it even worse is that those 30 campers all geared up or server hopped on a 5 player sever, got to their fav spot and then logged into a full 40 player server and waited....and waited....and waited. I'd like to see you disagree with that. =P
  15. jubeidok

    new night time lighting

    Bah, so many pretenders here. I'm pretty sure what you're all really using for reference is how dark you room is at night when you first turn out the lights and how after a few minutes you eyes adjust and you can now see everything in your room perfectly. What you don't understand is just how much light is actually still there and how small your pupil is while the lights are on. Not as much light is needed so the pupil is small so not to let too much light in. When the lights go out the pupil size is greatly increased to absorb as much of the light bouncing around as it can. When there is no light bouncing around, there is no light to absorb, therefore you don't see shit. So distance form any major city center and the materials around are major contributing factors to how well you will see at night. Starts do no light up our world, so a clear moonlit night is your best chance in the environment we have in the game. This should cause great contrast, bright white light and really black shadows with not much in between. Pretty much how it was in the mod's early days.
  16. jubeidok

    new night time lighting

    The fix is really quite simple. Just have it like any other gfx changes, force the user to restart the app to apply the changes. This would also do away with FOV changes on the fly that allow people to get better "zoom" out of their scopes.
  17. jubeidok

    How is hardcore mode different?

    Here's a good example. This would not have been nearly as intense if I had chose to use 3rd person...
  18. jubeidok

    new night time lighting

    It's funny seeing so many people hating on the idea of pitch black nights. How on earth did the mod hit such a level of popularity that eventually lead to the standalone? Because that's what the start of this game was and it was also the most intense moments of the game I have experienced to date. Pitch black nights. Zombies everywhere. Flares everywhere. Makarov shots going off left and right. Chemlights were an upgrade from flares as they couldn't be seen from as far away. The night was even a bit of a relief, as the zeds couldn't see shit either and they weren't agro'd by light so you got a chance to get your ammo stores back up in prep for the next day. It was brilliant. It's such a different game now, it's not even funny. But I'm addicted, so I'm still here, still playin. =P The one thing I will give you guys though, is that night time gameplay is irrelevant until zombie numbers start to match what they were in the mod and have a proper AI ruotine. Cause night without zombies is just plain boring.
  19. jubeidok

    Playing Cards

    Awe yeeeaaahhh, drunken loot runs for the win! =) Was always a blast doing drunken police chases in GTA IV.
  20. jubeidok

    How is hardcore mode different?

    You just can't say it, can you? When I go to the Battlefield or CoD forums, I don't see a single person bitching about the first person view. Not a single post about how the game should have a 3rd person view option. The point is you are given the option to use a security blanket or not to. You choose to use the security blanket. Way to go, Linus.
  21. jubeidok

    How is hardcore mode different?

    3rd person is a crutch. The FOV argument is a pile of shite, it barely changes. You get to see everything without exposing yourself. That is the only reason and you know it. If you're going to use the crutch, at least man up and admit that you use it cause you like being able to see things without exposing yourself.
  22. jubeidok

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    No, much much lighter. A really light grey scale. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I'm quite sure than night in 46 was lighter than 45 and now 47 is lighter than 46. They even shifted a lot of the servers from a 15:00-17:00 cycle to a 16:00-18:00 cycle in an attempt to showcase the change. Anyone else find this to be the case?
  23. jubeidok

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    No, one you have "met" a player they will no longer red chain for you. So I think that means once the player is drawn for you, line of sight, but I'm not 100% on whether or not they can ever be a red chain for you again if they go out of your range and then back in range.
  24. jubeidok

    The heck did I just see at NWAF?

    I see guys doing that all the time. I'm convinced there is something cheap centered around doing it. The first guy I saw doing it was waiting at the control tower of the old NEAF, guarding a friends body. There was three of us outside and he was up on the upper level doing that crap, no fear of being shot. My best guess is that it's some weak sauce shit that efs with your collision box. Or, it's a recurrence of a bug that was present when the alpha first came out, and that is that on his screen he actually had a gun out and aimed at you. Just waiting for you to do something aggressive towards him and catch you off guard since you don't think he has a weapon out. Anyone other thoughts?
  25. jubeidok

    Woot! No more poor mans UAV!

    Ya, I suppose that one too. It's pretty sad if so though. I mean, it's not really that hard to hit the space bar and both sides are dealing with it, but ya, they introduced some new bugs that can lead to frustration. You can still crouch run however, if you drop into the crouch from a run. So there are workarounds.