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Everything posted by Xaiier

  1. Name: Warren Location: US (PA) GUID: 57488dc3471108c52adaf36aa776e0e4 Friend of ^^^ Looking for a nice fun server to play on.
  2. Ehh, wot? If you were truly immersed, that would be north-west, not upper-left. Nobody gives directions like that.
  3. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Just an interesting update: Google searching under images for "chernarus" comes up with quite a few pics from this thread. The first one is my 3d map and some of the colored heightmaps show up later in the listing. B)
  4. Xaiier

    Day Z for Mac

    No, some seem to just be incredibly stupid. In all seriousness though, yeah you do have to pay for the extra. You payed extra for the mac because it works better, and you knew it wouldn't be compatible with everything. You can't expect a game developer to change his game to mac just because you want him to. Truth is macs aren't a majority of the market, so game devs usually don't mess with it. There is a solution that has been provided, if you can't deal with that then perhaps you shouldn't have bought a mac in the first place.
  5. Xaiier

    Hacked Weaponry

    inb4 people raging about how it is allowed but is still unfair
  6. Xaiier

    Day Z for Mac

    I have a mac. I play DayZ. Problem? Just tell your stupid friends with macs to install bootcamp. Nothing makes me more mad than when stupid people buy macs to look cool and then whine about programs that are windows only and tell people to port it over instead of just using the already working solution. The only inhibiting factor is how damn expensive windows 7 is. >:( (though if you bought a mac in the first place money shouldn't be a problem, unless you bought a crummy one just to look cool)
  7. Xaiier

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    Hahaha, you are funny. Not only did you not even attempt to refute his points, but you went instead for a direct attack on his person based on zero hard facts. Silly kid snipers sitting on hills should stay off the forums, you just make yourself look dumb.
  8. Xaiier

    removing way points from the map

    Those aren't waypoints, those are markers. Everyone on the server can see those. You can make them with a double click.
  9. Xaiier


    It would be mostly useless, as for realism it wouldn't work on any gunshot wounds, and there isn't really another way of dying in this game that actually would be revivable from.
  10. Xaiier

    Suv from pmc

    Miniguns? In MY DayZ!!! Preposterous! Seriously though, that would be waaaay too OP to feasibly have in a game like this.
  11. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    He explained this in the first post, the contour lines are much harder to follow and tell an exact height, and there is no way to tell which parts are at equal heights unless you count contour lines which is rather tedious. Plausible, might require writing a mod for Arma to get it to work though. Would still be a ton of effort. I suppose that one could set his FOV to 360 and walk down all the roads taking screenshots, then paste them together somehow into the google interface.
  12. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Err...what? I tried that and it dropped to 60 MB. I suppose it was uncompressed? I wish I had realized that sooner, it's been freezing partway through upload all day no matter what I do... Should be up soon... EDIT: chernarus_8k.exr
  13. If you can come up with a way to have the game model the disorienting ballistic crack from subsonic rounds so that it isn't possible to tell where it came from then OK. Otherwise, just deal with the current implementation, as it is the only fair way to do it.
  14. Xaiier

    My map

    You need to find a map item first.
  15. O.K. Just let me push my magical "fix everything" button real quick here...yep there we go, all better! No, you are an idiot.
  16. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Cool. I made an 8k version but it is 500mb so it will take awhile to upload. It is estimating 1.6 hours... :blush: EDIT: taking a lot longer than expected... I would make it in 16 bit but I'm not sure if that would work, my program is very fussy about the settings. If you can turn the .EXR to your format easily though I guess that's ok!
  17. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Yeah sure, I can make one tomorrow morning when I get to work, this comp cant handle that. Hopefully it isn't too big to upload... :P Do you mind if I ask what you are using this for? I cannot imagine why someone would need a 32 bit 8k heightmap. Pretty high quality stuff considering it isn't even a real place... :P
  18. Somebody pays attention to the forums... Use the search bar, try "artifacting"...
  19. Xaiier

    Dayz of your dreams.

    Sounds like you want real life.
  20. Xaiier

    Finding a night server?

    No sadly, most servers will restart to reset it to day, so their timezone stats are horribly wrong. I too like the night if it isn't too dark, or at least dusk/dawn hours. EDIT: guy above me is right, servers with <10 people usually are night
  21. Xaiier

    US 1006 Hacked Items

    You dropped an AS50 AWS? I'm not sure whether to commend you or yell at you for being stupid.
  22. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    That is what my post above is about, icomrade also requested this. (you probably want to use the .BMP) This is a 4096x4096 32 bit .EXR. It should work, but I haven't tried it. chernarus.exr This is a 4096x4096 8 bit .BMP chernarus.bmp
  23. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Got this, once I figure out how to upload the 4k .bmp (and get it to be 16 bit) I will put it up here...photobucket does not like big pictures. UPDATE: icomrade, would a 32 bit .EXR work?
  24. Xaiier

    Will this computer run DayZ?

    Probably. Really can't be sure, it definitely isn't optimal though.