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Everything posted by Xaiier

  1. Xaiier

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

    Except rocket already tried it and it didn't work. Thanks for your input. Nobody cares.
  2. Xaiier

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    Well this is an original thread... In all honesty, you were at an airfield, if someone sees you they are gonna shoot you.
  3. Xaiier

    How do I Alt+F4?

    Most good servers changed Alt-F4 to open the commands menu so people couldn't use it to combat DC. Either esc-abort, or throw your computer out the window.
  4. Xaiier

    DayZ standalone mac compatible?

    If it is a standalone application it MIGHT be able to be run via an emulator such as WINE, but there can be no guarantees on that. Dual boot is easier and works better, it's what I do.
  5. Xaiier

    Account problem..

    If by "accounts" you mean Arma player profiles, then no. Your DayZ character is based on your game license code, and no matter how you change your profiles it will be the same character online.
  6. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Heres a new version with a better texture. Still may add things such as inland lakes, some sort of trees, and perhaps labels on the major cities.
  7. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    I'm just going to leave this here... Still not finished, need to clean up the texture or maybe find a better one...
  8. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    So after some messing around, I was able to use MeshLab to save the point cloud as a .obj file, usable by most 3d programs. Loaded it into Maya, will work more on it later. :lol:
  9. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Hmm...thats very interesting. I got rather irritated messing with all the strange file systems used so I kinda gave up on getting a super good image. It will take me a bit to get the raw data sorted out, but I will try and see what I can come up with. Could prove very interesting...
  10. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    Good job, you have prompted my first post on this forums... Anyways, I actually did a similar thing to you recently, pulled the height-map out of the .pbo and loaded it into a 3d imaging software then overlaid a normal map so I could look around the map in 3d. I am curious though, how did you get so much detail out of the height-map? I opened the chernarus file in one of the editing programs and then used it to save a vector image of the terrain it showed me, but it was utterly horrible quality wise compared to the actual shape. It worked enough for what I wanted, but I would like to know how to get the raw data. ^_^