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Everything posted by Xaiier

  1. Xaiier

    In Game Communication?

    You want to use direct chat. (, and . to switch) No more global chat. I have seen it occasionally though but not sure how. If you have a mic use capslock to talk directly. I think voice is 80m range and text is 40m range in direct chat, but I'm not sure.
  2. Xaiier

    bring back respawning

    Way to read the post, moron.
  3. Ah, I had noticed this effect, but I didn't connect the dots. Was playing on a server as it restarted. Logging back in took about 30 seconds and FPS was beautiful for a good hour or so, after that it started to drop. Similar issues on other servers, the longer I play the worse my framerate in populated areas gets. I don't remember this happening before
  4. Theres no snow in DayZ. Also, the last thing I want is to have to carry a bunch or climbing equipment for mountains that really aren't all that steep.
  5. My pants. Seriously though, thats a bit expensive for that setup.
  6. And if you are getting sniped from >200m?
  7. Xaiier

    Confused about ALT+ F4ers

    It's a server option to have alt-f4 open the commands menu. (I think) The term is still used though to refer to any sort of quick disconnect.
  8. Xaiier

    Making ammopouch to store bullets?

    What? Please explain how one could somehow accidentally put the wrong bullets into a magazine? It is kinda obvious if they fit or not. Also this just overcomplicates the ammo system.
  9. Xaiier

    Character Classes

    Bahaha I was drinking coffee and I nearly spilled it. Beans to you sir.
  10. Xaiier

    Rocket - PLEASE fix the bags!

    Never had trouble with this. Are you talking about when you have two guns and are switching between them or if you have just one?
  11. Xaiier

    Character Classes

    nope.avi So unbalanced it's not even funny. EVERYONE would pick soldier.
  12. thisistheinternetwedontreallycareaboutgrammarsojustdealwithitifyoudontlikeitjustdontreadit
  13. Yeah probably, my MBP runs it acceptably and this things stats are a bit better. It is a "gaming" laptop, kinda obvious that it should play a "game" though.
  14. Xaiier

    DMR or M107?

    DMR can't be zeroed, so you have to get good with the mil-dots. Much harder to make long range shots (>500m). M107 can be zeroed. DMR isn't a 1 shot kill unless it's a headshot, though it does fire very fast. M107 is a 1 shot kill. DMR works with NVG's, M107 doesn't. DMR ammo is common, M107 is super rare. It really depends on what your purpose as "marksman" is. I run with a DMR and I hang back a little and cover my friends from medium range, while my friends have a M107 and a M24, so they handle the longer range stuff.
  15. Xaiier

    Revive other places from death.

    Because when you get hit in the face with a .50 cal or get sprayed with an entire clip of bullets all you need is an electric shock and bam, right back up again, no problems. Right?
  16. Your computer should be fine for running this. I advise using the high settings but turning off AA and postprocessing. Makes it look dang nice but ends up just screwing you over because you can't see through leaves and such while people with less good computers on low settings can. Also, the blur while turning is super annoying.
  17. Xaiier

    Everywhere feels empty.

    Usually new players complain about seeing too many people (and getting shot thereafter). Don't complain, you have it good.
  18. Xaiier

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, what is the plan for dealing with the discrepancy between ACP/1911 magazines? When we switch a 1911 mag to ACP will we get only 6 shots? Will switching it back give us 7 again or will we only have 6 still? Or is it possible to make two ACP mags, one with 6 and one with 1 bullet? (Also, could we get the ability to combine half empty mags? plz?) Also, what about stuff like m24/DMR rounds? If we have 3 m24 mags can we make a DMR mag with 15 shots? (or whatever they had)
  19. If you really want to know, I think this isn't very original. Theres already like ten billion million trillion billion million threads about whats wrong with DayZ and how implementing a logout timer would help with DCing, but either way rocket already has a plan for combatting it so we don't really care about your opinion.
  20. Xaiier


    Or maybe it's because of people like you who post in all caps for no reason. And really big text.
  21. Xaiier

    Bugged Ghillie Suits Still

    If you log out and back in you will be on the beach again, but the ghillie will be gone. Same thing happened to me yesterday... :( EDIT: Ninja'd :P
  22. Xaiier

    Chernarus Height Map

    You mean like a HQ B/W bump map of the terrain?
  23. Xaiier

    If someone DC's on you, then move!

    You assume that most people that play this game have an IQ of something over about 10 or so. ;) Informative post for n00bz though.
  24. Xaiier

    Inventory Wipes, someone explain.

    It's an ALPHA it has BUGS. Deal with it.
  25. Xaiier


    AS50 mildots are incorrect. Nothing you can do.