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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I am not boarding this hype train....yet but it does seem like they have made good progress making the game playable.
  2. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

  3. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Frankly, I don't think he will. Nothing against him or you, but I doubt he will notice it/has the time
  4. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I was once infected with the hype. It was fun, but itchy. I am glad I don't have it anymore.
  5. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I know. Death to the hype train. All hail the soft release!
  6. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I :murder: hype train
  7. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    You know I am joking right? Just checking
  8. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    we better call for the hype train! THIS IS PROOF that Rocket fixed the FPS issues clearly #DayZ2nitem8s :P
  9. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Good. >:(
  10. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    But why? We know that it isn't coming until the server issues are solved!
  11. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Don't tell me the hype train is gaining steam! I am tired from last week!
  12. m.w. vindicator

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    I don't know how it works. But I know they are different. I don't think they are related
  13. m.w. vindicator

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    Guise. Server FPS is what Rocket is talking about. 15 server FPS does NOT (NOT!) mean 15 client fps. You could be seeing 60fps on your machine, while the server is going at 15 fps. They are different number entirely!
  14. m.w. vindicator

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    Going in Blind is the DayZ way! No meta gaming m8s
  15. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Finding a military spade would be useful as a weapon and from entrenchment. The russians (especially the spetsnaz) use their spades as CQB weapons I have heard
  16. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    That would be cool. I don't see a secondary attack for a baseball bat though :D But the shovel, you could strike with it vertical or horizontal
  17. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Shovel would have a lot of blunt force trauma, but little piercing. A bat would be the same, but lighter and less deadly. And ax, would be very lethal if it struck home on an unprotected head or shoulder, killing in moments. I would prefer a crossbow though. Getting close to zeds is not fun. Hopefully it will be easier to aim. The current crossbow goes all over the place and is zero'd weird.
  18. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Well with the release a short distance in the future, but most assuredly in the future and not imminent, what else is there to discuss? We all know the images and tweets, etc
  19. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Off-topic, but this thread is pretty pointless anyway :lol: and it is too quiet Great video from Beagle, a ShackTac Member.
  20. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    are they working through the weekend?
  21. m.w. vindicator

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    You can have 120 client FPS when the server has 15 fps. It is a different thing. Rocket is talking about reaching 15 server fps. 15 client fps is not acceptable. And also, I have a laptop that I play on. I get 30 fps on Arma 3 unless I am surrounded by 20 explosions. I think it runs fine personally
  22. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Well only thing that is holding them back is getting 15 server fps. Once they reach that, it'll come out. My guess (that I will magically pull out of thin air) is two weeks from now. You know, cause programming like lol, bro?
  23. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I missed ten pages. I suspect the recent post by Rocket ended most of the speculation. Tis a shame. It was fun while it lasted XD I am glad he communicated with us though :)
  24. m.w. vindicator

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    We should make a Stalker lobbying group :lol: A would love so see a Sunrise suit or something similar. The Gas mask from Stalker, and the loner overcoat. I don't need artefacts of mutants, but Stalker like clothing just makes sense. The clothing that is pratical in a hostile anomaly filled radioactive zone would also be practical is the zombie apocalypse. The Sunrise suit is not factory produced either. It is mostly made of common items. A kevlar plate carrier, Rubberized fabric, oxygen tank. Nothing fancy. It should be craftable. Wearing a camouflage BDU+kelvar is already possible in game. Getting a hooded BDU would be easy. Now simply add a gasmask and you are golden! Oh, and some good boots :) EDIT TYPOS EVERYWHERE GAHHH