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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I think that is the idea at least. The number would fluctuate but overtime, it would return to the set number. Imagine the awesomeness of find a unique item. Like a RPG-7 inscribed "Rocket's Rocket Launcher". I would jump out of my seat. This would be possible with a central economy server :)
  2. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    There is no tearing apart hear comrade. Get out of here stalker
  3. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    That would take TONS of time and probably won't be possible. There would likely be one loner out there who got lucky and found NVGs or a hyper-rare gun. Even if a giant clan tried to control all the NVGs, I doubt they could hunt down that loner. There will probably hundreds of servers. The man power required to form a intergalatic (interserver?) empire would be immense. If some group did manage to capture all the good weapons and control the loot, I would applaud them, not punish them hahaha XD. I don't think it'll happen.
  4. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Right on!
  5. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Rocket has mentioned that there is a central economy server. Wouldn't that regulate the rare weapons and gear just fine? The economy would say that there can only be 10 AS50s across all servers. That the gun stays rare and there isn't inflation. If someone doesn't play for a really long time, then their loot can be redistributed into the server like you said.
  6. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    This is the discussion forums. We are on topic basically, so I feel this is fine.
  7. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I see where you are coming from. Many games are disappointing and promised features sometimes don't make it in. I am not asking for 100% realism. Maybe I gave the impression by mistake. 1. Well water would be safe, I give you that. 2. I am not really a hype maniac (anymore) 3. Ivan Butcha has mentioned that crops could be added. It may never happen, but its speculation. 4. You are actually supporting my point. Instead of antibiotics, use alcohol. Loot Diversity is key. 5. On Weapon degredation. I don't think it would come from shooting tons. If ammo is rare, guns won't be fire a lot. but 5 days running around in the mud can still cause issues even if the gun isn't fired. 6. I don't want realism across the board. As for the food, currently in the mod it seems to take maybe 2-4 hours to starve. I am not suggesting it takes weeks to starve. But maybe 7 hours to starve? I feel that would benefit gameplay. You could play for 2 hours and not eat anything. To me, that sceams apocalypse! 7. I am not angry, hopefully you aren't either. good discussion so far :)
  8. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    He thinks SA will be a reskin of the mod, which I think is false
  9. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Hopefully a combination of rarity, HUGE amounts of loot diversity, and degredation, will keep players busy. 1. Loot is rare so finding everything you need is VERY hard. Getting enough food to feed your self should be a constant concern. Water should be even more pressing. Personally, I think it should take a long time to starve, but food should be equally rare. Water shouldn't be too hard to come by, but clean water will be much harder to procure. Purifying water is an absolute must. E. Coli diseases, Cholera, Dysentery, and Typhoid Fever all come from drinking bad water. During the American civil war, thousands died to these diseases. You might get lucky one character and find lots of water, but nothing to purify it with, and eventually succumb to a disease or zombies because of your weakened state. The next playthrough, you might find purification tools, but not enough water. Or maybe no gun. etc etc. With good balanced scarcity, players will be constantly searching for something the need. 2. That brings me onto my second topic. Loot diversity. TONS and TONS of different items that are good for surviving. Food, water, clothing are the basics. Add many types of medicine in there + weapons + other stuff like navigation tools and suddenly a player needs a lot of stuff to survive optimally. Sure someone can get by without some items, but it will be more difficult. The more items a player needs, the higher the chances that a player lacks a certain key item. This will fuel most player interaction hopefully. Not epeen growing kill montages, but instead, the need for in game resources. Trading for gear, robbing for gear, and murdering for gear would hopefully materialize instead of random killing. It would be very satisfying to have a successful trade. A can of beans for some painkillers. A Makarov and a Mosin-Nagant for some desperately need antibiotics. Or maybe, since you have the Mosin-Nagant, you could just kill him. But what if you don't know he has them for sure? Would you use your bullets? Would you risk it? Of course this is all hypothetical, but from what the devs have been talking about, it could very well be possible. 3. And finally degradation. Maybe you find a great weapon, but none of the tools to maintain it and after several days in the rough terrain of Chernarus, it is starting to show some wear. Especially items that prevent zombie damage. Searching for armor to replace an old set would be a priority for a player. New shoes would be needed with all the running you do in game. Etc etc.
  10. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I can't speak for certain, but it seems this is the wrong way to play the game. Sure you can run around and die quickly, and maybe find a gun before being eaten by zombies. In that case, no the game isn't that great People who actually want to survive would take it slow, carefully loot and avoid running around like a headless chicken. Interacting with other players, either violently or not, will likely get a lot more out of the game. It depends, I am sure a lot of people will try to play the game like the mod, and be disappointed their old tactics don't work. I think if people embrace survival, and the devs do a good job, then the game will really shine.
  11. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I think the shipwreck should be declared a unofficial no-fire zone. A place to tell stories, trade coca-coloa for pepsi, and exchange cigarettes and vodka. It'll be great! And then some bandit will come and ruin the party... Which will also be really fun!
  12. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I agree with Katana. I doubt getting loot will be nearly as easy as it is in the mod. The central economy server will not allow the proliferation of tons of high end stuff. Sure, there will be great weaponry out there, but it will be rare, and someone else probably has it already. Guns are found in Barracks in the mod because most other military buildings aren't enterable. Who keeps tons of guns in Barracks anyway? Guns and ammo would be in an Armory, but it is probably already looted. So finding a gun and some food will probably require meticulous searching. I forseen people going to the giant apartments because of the potential! Likely, each room will have nothing in it. but one room could have great loot, or a trap. Bandit gangs could camp out a building, and ambush people inside. Possibly, some of these building could have dark interiors, further increasing the ambush potential. I think a lot of players will be drawn to this idea, because it sounds really fun!
  13. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    It is kinda like an off-shoot of Rocket's "Time to penis" theory/motto but it would be a much more virulent form of the infection. For those who don't know what the time to penis theory is, it goes as follows "The amount of time it takes for players to take what you got, and turn it into a penis". This is why things like spray paint will never be added to the game.
  14. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Just like WarGaming never stop adding tanks to World of Tanks, Bohemia should keep staff on adding new weapons for a LONG time. This game is based off the Arma/TKOH engine. GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS. The weapons in Arma generally feel great! Good recoil, good damage (for the most part). They only suffer in CQB, but that has been greatly improved in Arma 3. It would be a sin not to give DayZ the guns she deserves! Makarovs, CZ 63s, CZ 75, M9s, Glocks, USP, Nagant 1895, TT-33, APS, APB, OTs-33, P226, Gsh-18, Fort-12, M1911, Rugers, Lugers, Berettas, PB/6P9, MP-443, P99, Browning High-Power. The list goes on... This time next year, many of those guns should be in the game hopefully!
  15. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I saw that too. Interesting. I like the idea the russian testers mentioned. A guy with a knife and a guy with a screw driver. In the suburbs. Sounds like great territory for a robbery! Find another novice survivor with only a small weapon. Two on one, you could win a fight 9-10 times. But it would be tricky to do w/o getting wounds and therefore would be risky. The better solution would be to rob the sucker. Surround him and tell him to drop his gear or things will get real bloody. I would comply personally. I would rather live and lose some gear than die. THAT is what I want to see
  16. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I wonder if downtown Cherno will be bigger. All those apartments mean a lot more people would live there. Where do they all work? New industrial buildings? A large office? We shall see. The screen shots of other towns seem to make sense. with a good mix of residential + industrial/work buildings so I bet downtown Chernogorsk and Electrozadovsk will be sweet
  17. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Are the apartments around Cherno called Noveselki?
  18. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    The enfield is in the game because of Operation Arrowhead. The insurgents use it. The British don't use the enfield anymore!
  19. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    With time I bet there will be a massive variety of weapons. So many people in the community want tons of different types like you have said. Just look at Arma 2 mods. There are some that add 20 variants of the Kalishnikov + foreign variants. I personally would love to play with TONS of different pistol types
  20. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Kinda like this ---> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つGive DayZ SA
  21. m.w. vindicator

    Quick status update for week 8 November

    I agree. I have died because I don't like shooting people randomly. One time recently I was in a barn near the coast. Some dude ran in with an enfield. I typed "friendly" and went to put my ax down. But before I could do that, the guy shot me while I was in the inventory screen looking down. I just wondered "why the fuck would you do that". It is so shallow. The guy was too lazy to interact. I posed ZERO threat. There was no reason to shoot me other than illegitimate thoughts "like what if he finds a gun". IT is SOO easy. Whenever I find a fresh spawn that I don't want to deal with. I simply tell them to run away. It is super easy. The killing is not an authentic scenario in the apocalypse. Have you ever seen a movie or read a book where a character finds a unarmed person and then stand there for a second before blasting them? They would not open fire, but rob them, or tell them to leave. In the Road (spoiler for those who haven't read it In the end, my frustration is petty and I can just respawn. Like I said many times, people do fun things and don't randomly shoot. Just my opinion :) /rant EDIT SPELLING
  22. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    Right. Unarmed people won't pose a threat to those with guns or melee weaponry. I am saying new spawns with literally nothing could kill each other with their fist. It would be stupid I think personally.
  23. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    It is the Infinite Tuesday Theorem. duh :P
  24. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    I hope rag doll gets into the alpha within a month after release. It is so much more immersive. I love when someone gets launched from an explosion on their feet in ArmA 3. The 120mm on the ArmA 3 blight tank is awesome for that
  25. m.w. vindicator

    November Round-up

    On my phone but here we anyway. I agree Chernarus is quite destructible. It is fun to go into the editor an destroy all of chernogorsk. I think remember rocket mentioning that he would look into the ability to pick up sticks and other items from the grass and forest floor. One of my worries is with the proliferation of weaponry in new spawns like the ability to kill with fists, and maybe the ability in the future to pick up sticks and rocks is that people will try to kill each other like animals with rocks and punching instead of teaming up. Idk but I doubt in a realistic scenario people would start killing each other with their fists