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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. m.w. vindicator

    Musket's and Minie' ball ammunition.

    Modern bullets are much more lethal than old musket balls. Minie balls are better but .303 British has way more stopping power than a Minie Ball. This is not staying that Minie Balls are weak though, just not as good as modern rounds using smokeless powder and brass cartridges. I believe it would take longer than 10 seconds to reload a musket, maybe for game play's sake it would be shorter. I disagree with your statement about bolt-actions being horrible weapons. A Lee-Enfield is still an effective weapon and many modern sniper rifles are bolt-action. Bolt-actions firearms are some of the most accurate weapons on the planet.
  2. m.w. vindicator

    North and West Shores

    Those areas exist for technical reasons. Bohemia didn't just add them 4 teh lolz. I do agree though. Another city or coast way up north would be interesting.
  3. Modern weapons use special chemicals as the propellant in a bullet( it is called smokeless powder). Simple black powder cannot be used to make modern bullets. There is a lot more science into making bullets and guns than just some parts. I personally can't assemble a weapon from a pile of garbage. And by some miracle I do make something that resembles a weapon I wouldn't dare fire it. A firearm thrown together like that would surely explode in the face of the user. This could severely injure the user. I would suggested something similar to Khyber pass guns (link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khyber_Pass_Copy). These are made from existing parts. Gun parts cannot be constructed with a simple hammer. If the player found the parts to make a gun then maybe the player could assemble then with advanced equipment. One cannot simply just put parts together to magically make a weapon. Homemade melee weapons are much more plausible.
  4. m.w. vindicator

    an alternative to NPC camps

    Apache25 stopped being active on sept 25. That is the same day that googlebox Registered. Same person lol.
  5. m.w. vindicator

    an alternative to NPC camps

    Apache25 is now googlebox. It is ironic because he never searches for anything on the forums
  6. m.w. vindicator

    Question to Rocket: Gun nerfing

    This guy knows what he talking about. Some of you seem to forget that DayZ is an arma 2 mod. Arma 2 doesn't use the blood system for health. I believe it uses a 10 hit point scale. pistols in arma usually range from 4-6 on the ten point scale. This results in two/ three shot kills with pistols (which is realistic). DayZ's system is different so the Arma 2 balance effected it much differently.
  7. In arma 2 i shot down a chopper with an RPG once. It was completely bad ass.
  8. m.w. vindicator

    Change the M136 to something more usefull?

    Since when was the FIM 92F Stinger an anti tank gun. It is a MANPADS and isn't used against armor, just aircraft.
  9. m.w. vindicator

    Barbed Wire vs Vehicles

    It is a TANK TRAP ie. it stops TANKS. I think it is safe to say it can stop a small car or a jeep
  10. m.w. vindicator

    Throwable Hatchets!

    The hatchet in dayZ is pretty big to throw. Smaller ones ... Maybe
  11. m.w. vindicator


    1 in 1 a million chance to spawn at any given second. Spawns at a random coordinate but at least one click from any player. If a monster is on a server then 200 other servers lose the ability to spawn a monster until the original monster died. This would cause extreme rarity ( not AS50 rare). And once a monster spawned in a server they would be rarer on other servers. At any given time there should only be one or two monsters in the game. The map is so big. A player spotting the creature would be a phenomenon so rare that if probably would only happen once every 4 or 5 months. The odds of spotting a monster would be abysmally small. Off course the player unfortunate enough to find it could be doomed. If he/she did manage to kill it, there should not be a reward. Some bragging rights and some folk tales to tell is all. You might say "This is so rare that it is useless". I disagree though because if players know that there could be a monster, imagine all the people who thought they saw it. It would be like this... Player Alpha "Dude dude dude! I just saw something walk behind that fence up ahead!" Player Bravo "Guys be careful we could have a bandit over here" Player Alpha "No no it wasn't a player" Player Bravo "So you are freaking out over a zombie...." Player Alpha "It wasn't a zombie, I am not a dumbass" Player Charlie "Dude did you just see Slenderman" Player Alpha "Dude! you are right. Guys I think I saw slenderman" Player Delta "ZOMG that so rare, NICE!" Player Bravo "You guys are so dumb, slenderman doesn't exist in this game" Player Charlie "Yeah he does" Player Bravo "Does not" ...and so on. This would add to the immersion and the horror of the game and generally improve the experience in my opinion. As a final note I think the monster should be elusive. It shouldn't hunt the player and only attack in self defence. Hell the "monster" could be a rare animal like a bear or a cougar or... slenderman or a bloodsucker.
  12. m.w. vindicator

    “Hand’s Up” Emote

    I binded my surrender key. Like others have said it doesn't work very well. Certain mods make good use of it. For example the SLX and Warmods. Also you can easily disarm some who is wounded. This could be very useful in DayZ. one could disarm a unconscious player so that the player couldn't instantly shoot you.
  13. m.w. vindicator

    Additional ammo storage on guns

    Duel bandoliers + ghillie = chewbacca. FUCK YEAH!!!
  14. m.w. vindicator

    My DayZ Wish List

    Easter eggs ftw. Chernarus is a ripe territory for badass Easter eggs
  15. m.w. vindicator


    The other guy? Or me. I don't know what your talking about
  16. m.w. vindicator


    Haha maybe. I was joking and spelled it wrong. Maybe if I said. "I was at the institution were learning is the priority" he would be happy
  17. m.w. vindicator


    I play ArmA a lot actually. I don't know why he said that. It was saying someone should organize a reddit rescue force vs jihadis. That would be really cool. Whether or not it was played in dayz or ArmA doesn't matter.
  18. m.w. vindicator


    U mad bro? What did I do to offend your stuck up elitist ass
  19. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ: Night Life, the way it should be IMO

    I think power should be out by default. The player could repair generators and local power sources to bring electricity to an area. survivors could turn on the lights in a town if they desired. Maybe if the lights are on in a town Zeds don't spawn inside the town but on the outskirts instead. Lights would lure in players. It would be cool though and would add a lot to the sand box.
  20. GPSs and other electronic devices could randomly fail in the presence of such strong electrical forces emitting from the lab. Maps shouldn't show the player on them. The lab should have a few answers but many more cliff hangers. The player would make up the story from there. It would be really really sweet if you could attempt to finish the work of the scientist.
  21. Have you ever played stalker. That game has some scary ass laboratories. A lab like that would be so risky. If rocket ever makes an area like that he shouldn't tell the community where it is located. He should let the players find out for themselves. I don't think too much "Super cool" loot should be in a lab. I think endgame story should be located there. The place should be ridiculously difficult to get through. It should be pitch black. Zombies should roam the halls. Bypassing them would be nigh impossible. If the player fired a gun it would echo throughout the facility, alerting many zeds. There should be notes and lab reports that fill in the player to the back story of the infection. There is my rant.
  22. m.w. vindicator

    More ambient tracks possible?

    I keep my music at a low volume, but it is not off. I do like the ambient music a lot though
  23. m.w. vindicator

    Using Fire and Smoke and Associated Suggestions

    Like someone mentioned earlier the fire idea is dangerous. Gas should be more rare so that a griefer can't burn down every building. Fire shouldn't spread very much even if it isn't realistic. I would love to see a building damaged by fire or a few trees burn. Doesn't anyone remember when fire could burn whole forest in minecraft. That would not be good, I think. Building are destructible in ArmA 2 so theoretically one could destroy a building like the fire station. If I ever found satchels I wouldn't hesitate to plant them in a Grocery Store and blow the place to hell.
  24. m.w. vindicator

    Stand Alone Title

    how about: The Last DayZ