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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. m.w. vindicator

    Standalone suggestion - Add Utes to Chernarus+

    This would be very cool. The ocean extends really far out. I am pretty sure Utes island could fit without extending the ocean. I don't know how hard it would be to add this to Chernarus. Unfortunately a simple Ctrl+C then a Crtl+V wouldn't do the trick.
  2. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ mod on Namalsk

    I noticed there was a loot pile next to the BMP wreck. Hey Rocket or team, could you ask them for their scripts/code? It would be cool to see that in Chernarus soon. Also are the wrecks in Namalsk random like heli crash sites?
  3. m.w. vindicator

    Utes - Deathmatch style gameplay?

    Then make a game mode without a money system and limited supplies. there is a more advance medical system module you can add to a mission. You can choose the amounts of AI easily. Arma 2 editor is very adaptive and you can do many things.
  4. Stechkin APS should be added. I mentioned this several days ago and I don't think it was noticed. The Stechkin APS is a Russian selective fire pistol. Select fire means that it is semi-auto and full auto. http://en.wikipedia....ki/Stechkin_APS The pistol is still used today by law enforcement in Russia. The weapon is not rare. It would be a great utility weapon because it fires 9x18mm Makarov (which hopefully will be more powerful in standalone) which is a common ammunition. Against Zeds the user could use semi-auto to get head shots. Against players the user could use full auto to out gun regular pistol users. The weapon would be relatively quiet like the Makarov. The gun could come with or without the stock. The version with the stock would have increased stability but would take up slightly more inventory space/weight. The pistol can be stored in the stock so it doesn't take up much more space that way. Here is pic dawgs
  5. m.w. vindicator

    Utes - Deathmatch style gameplay?

    I could make a Utes deathmatch game mode in a few days in regular Arma. And I am a noob editor. It could be a team game mode or free for all like dayZ. The player could have different starting classes and I could even place weapons and vehicles around the map. I will never understand why all the people who love to death match will not play regular Arma. The game is made to do that yet people insist on doing it in DayZ.
  6. m.w. vindicator

    Suggestion: Details in Houses -> Atmosphere

    in the future, yes. Maybe a 6 months from now when a lot of more important things are added and functioning better.
  7. m.w. vindicator

    The Apache Mod

    All the road signs would be unorganized messes that even the Russians couldn't read. The map wouldn't have any consistent legend or markings and would be quiet useless. Zombies would use guns and lay ambushes similar to regular arma 2 AI.
  8. m.w. vindicator

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    I agree with you. I came of a little harsh when I said you don't know what tactical is. BF3 can be tactical and sometimes I play it that way with friends.
  9. m.w. vindicator

    More enter-able buildings, wil it work?

    Dude I saw her! I was lagging so she didn't detect me and flee. She looked completely alien. I am going to add it to your urban legends thread!
  10. m.w. vindicator

    Why the multiple map/watch spawns?

    M9SD is rare while M1911 is common. Of course you will find m1911 while searching! It is like me saying" I am trying to find food but there are just empty cans everywhere" Well no shit, it is the fucking apocalypse! The watch Anomally is different because maps and watches never spawn a lone
  11. m.w. vindicator

    Small but usefull suggestions

    visual protection? there is a word for that an it is called concealment. Closing the helicopter doors would at least give you concealment. Ammunition is going to be much different in standalone. Bullets will be individual items that can be moved around.
  12. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ theme Song

    What should be the theme song for DayZ. Short Cage Hero by the Heavy would fit well, but Borderlands 2 and Arkam City used that song. What others songs would be good? "Short Cage Hero" by the HEAVY Post your song that would fit the mood of DayZ! Just Found something awesome. Check it! This feels like DayZ.
  13. m.w. vindicator


    Unfortunately those who need to see this will never bother reading it and will just post about how the AS50 and L85 AWS need to be removed.
  14. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ theme Song

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyDZscyf8lU something like this? Marty O'donnell and Mike Salvatori are great composers.
  15. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ theme Song

    whooo! great song!
  16. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ theme Song

  17. m.w. vindicator

    Ships offshore

    It has been mentioned before but no threads I could find are solely based on the idea of ships. Some private hives have put ships offshore but they aren't really interactive. I am suggesting that offshore ships be similar to helicopter crash sites. The locations and size of these vessels would vary. From small boats like we see today in the mod to large vessels. Some ships could be wrecked on the shore. Possibly an attempt to escape gone wrong. Maybe they were trying to navigate at night but wrecked due to the power at the light house being out. Only small amounts of loot could be found. Any survivors of the wreck would have taken things with them. Maybe a Zed or two could roam the wreck, but some should be abandoned. It would be interesting to see large vessels offshore. These vessels would be primarily civilian in nature. These ships could have been used for evacuation when something went wrong. Others could be normal ships that were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Hundreds of different scenarios could exist for why they were abandoned Maybe pirates attacked one ship. Maybe infected people boarded the ship as humans and then transformed and infected/killed the rest of the ship. It would be a mystery. Large vessels should be quite rare. there condition should vary also. Some should be nearly sunk and others could be in ship shape (sorry for the pun). If a player managed to get aboard, they would face mystery. Is there loot here? Are there infected on board? How did the crew die or why did they leave? The ships would be similar to dungeons. That being said, it shouldn't be instanced. I don't think military ships should be floating out there though. First off the military could handle pirates and a few infected. It is unlikely that a military vessel would fall to the apocalypse. Also a military ship on the coast wouldn't be good for game play. We can't have coastal cuties getting a naval arsenal floating next to their spawn. Sorry for the wall of text , but I am at school and don't have the time for formatting it to deeply. If you have a question ask me so I can go into detail. Post your thoughts, good or bad.
  18. m.w. vindicator

    Ships offshore

    It would be YouTube worthy!
  19. I think that the Stechkin APS should added to the military pistols list. It is not as common as the Makarov but it is a fairly common Russian Selective Fire Machine pistol and law enforcement use to this day. It fires 9x18mm Makarov ammunition and should definitely be included in the game. It would be similar to the Uzi but would fire more common ammunition making a perfect all-rounder. Good at killing Zeds due to cheap ammo and relative quietness. It could be used in semi-automatic mode to kill Zeds. when facing player the user could switch to full auto. Hopefully 9x18mm with be buffed in standalone to make the ammunition type valid for PvP
  20. m.w. vindicator

    Ships offshore

    Maybe players could repair vessels to make them more habitable. The boats could become floating bases. They would take about the same amount of time to repair as it would take to build an underground base, to be fair.
  21. m.w. vindicator

    Add the Mosin-Nagant 91/30 to StandAlone

    This thread has come up many times. I think Rocket understands that this gun is perfect for the game. The ammunition (7.62x54mmR) is already in the game so implementing it wouldn't be extra difficult.
  22. m.w. vindicator

    Ships offshore

    Your right about the waves. It would be difficult to shoot while on a boat
  23. m.w. vindicator

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    you just pulled some wild numbers out of your ass. You have no idea why other people play ArmA. I personally find it a lot of fun. What you consider tactical and what actually is tactical are two different things. While BF3 gives the player the option to be tactical, the game is mostly unorganized chaos. BF3 isn't a "realistic" game because that is not it's goal/genre. I agree with you about what makes DayZ Mod thrilling, and the lack of consequences involved with BF3 deaths. It is not uncommon for certain ArmA game modes to only give each player a single life.
  24. m.w. vindicator

    Ships offshore

    It would be sheer awesome if a player could reach Utes Island from Chernarus. The large vessels shouldn't be operable but small to midsize boats should be a valid method of transportation. The boats we have currently are too slow. They should have a speed upgrade. Also players should be able to move about the vessel.
  25. m.w. vindicator

    Ships offshore

    I see what you mean. I am not positive but in a C130 I am fairly sure the player can walk around the massive cargo hold. I imagine that these derelict ships would not be identified as vehicles, but mere objects like a building. This would prevent awkward vehicle mechanics applying to the vessels. As for flooded compartments, that would take more time to code, if possible. It wouldn't have to be complicated though.