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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    I agree and you make some good points. I realize that the Arma 2 engine didn't put too much effort into dynamic lightning and it is very understandable. Flashlights and such aren't as important when you are making a mil sim. I simply want the devs to create a solid lighting system because lighting is more important in DayZ. I hate all the gamma/brightness meta gaming stuff.
  2. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    I am glad you understand :)
  3. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    If you don't change the filters on a gas mask it will start to loose it's effectiveness. After a while it will be used and become useless dead weight.
  4. This is just for fun. Since we will be having clothing in standalone, what kind of clothing will you wear on your adventures through Chernarus. Avoid the obvious stuff like: "I am going to wear a camouflage coat" cause that is what everyone will want to do. or "Good shoes" everyone wants good shoes. I personally would love to wear a Russian Tank Crew Helmet or maybe a helmet like my avatar is wearing. Or a Russian ushanka hat. Also a cowboy hat. A trench coat would be a lot of fun! Would would you guys love to wear during you adventures. This would be cool
  5. m.w. vindicator

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    don't we all!
  6. m.w. vindicator

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    Rocket I would like to report my findings. It appears that the community would prefer not to wear any clothes. Surely you will understand and not put any clothes in SA
  7. m.w. vindicator

    What clothing will YOU wear???

    *starts raining* *dies*
  8. m.w. vindicator

    Finally! I found NVGs!

    I haven't seen anyone with them since I switched to a private hive. I am sure that the main hive doesn't have as many as it did back in August and September.
  9. m.w. vindicator

    I'm creeped the f*** out.

    I right man, Fucking shit this is it!!!
  10. m.w. vindicator

    Slightly sllly buuuuuuuuuuut

    I agree. Off-Topic: Nice signature!
  11. m.w. vindicator

    I'm creeped the f*** out.

    I was in Chernogorsk once and I was walking around looking for loot when... I saw a FUCKING ZOMBIE!!!! :o I was like what the fuck and I ran the hell away but more kept coming!!!!. :blink: Since when are there Zombies in Arma. Is this some kind of Easter Egg from BIS!! :huh:
  12. m.w. vindicator

    Slightly sllly buuuuuuuuuuut

    Razor Scooters or motor scooters? PS your title sucks :emptycan: , change it broski :facepalm:
  13. m.w. vindicator

    RPG-7 and M79 Grenade Launcher

    OG7 HE rockets in Arma are super effective against infantry and soft vehicles. PG7V AT rockets bring down most armored targets in 1-3 hits. PG7VL Rockets are the deadliest but I haven't used them much.
  14. m.w. vindicator

    Coats (Hot and colds)

    Okay Dr. When was the last time you went out in the rain. With out proper rain gear you will get wet. And when you get wet you can get cold very easily. Going hiking in the woods with a regular shirt on during a rain storm could actually be dangerous. That is why IRL NO ONE does that. Back in the day, people used to die to the elements far more frequently than today. Not very many people die today because of modern technology. But all the technology is worthless in the apocalypse.
  15. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    The can idea is pretty unanimous and no one game can claim it. I am not suggestion DayZ copy things straight from the other game. These are things that would benefit the game. Flashlights that work would benefit DayZ and you can't say that it is copying. Unless you actually don't want working lights ??? :huh:
  16. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    I don't see how the genie metaphor has to do with anything :emptycan: . But as for the rest of your post: I don't really think flashlights would reflect back enough to blind some one. I don't know why anyone would put that in any game. I just want lighting that is controllable and doesn't penetrate walls like SABOTs from an Abrams. I agree about the line that can't be crossed for borrowing ideas.
  17. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    All problems with the current system. While flares and chemlights are better than a flashlight they leave much to be desired. I haven't found NVGs ever since I transferred to private hives...
  18. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    You are correct. That is why there the flashlight needs improvement. Same goes for the inventory system. Currency would be nice because then you could trade and buy things even if a barter can't be set up. The problems with bartering are ages old and currency could fix that problem.
  19. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    It would be copying if DayZ used Nosalises, Watchers, Bloodsuckers, and Snorks. Another thing that I like with Metro is the Military Grade Ammunition and the dirty post-apocalyptic manufactured ammo. While I don't know about players being able to make ammo. There are lots of factories around Chernarus so it is possible that the parts necessary to make bullets might exist. I have not idea on how one would make a bullet. There procession is complicated I am sure. But since when has something being complicated stopped DayZ? I don't necessarily want a currency system but if it was implemented, bullets would be the way to go.
  20. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    My point exactly!
  21. m.w. vindicator

    Proof that Standalone will be delayed till 2013?

    Dean should put HUGE lettering stating that the game is incomplete. Just so no one can misread it :D
  22. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    That is what I was trying to tell him. The devs can code many things into the game now with time and effort.
  23. m.w. vindicator

    Coats (Hot and colds)

    ^I believe they added White Warm clothing to Namalsk.
  24. m.w. vindicator

    What DayZ has to learn from other games

    I guess seeing isn't that important to the game. Just kidding, seeing is really important. I don't understand your logic. What do you think is important. Here is a brief list of what I think is important 1. Optimizations (already a WIP) 2. 75-100% enter-able buildings (already a WIP) 3. Simple and effective Zed AI (already a WIP) 4. Seeing at night ie. flashlights, headlamps, etc. 5. Inventory 6.Clothing/Customization 7. everything else Prove me wrong. This is good discussion.
  25. m.w. vindicator

    Wishlist of new weapons.

    That works too