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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. m.w. vindicator

    For Standalone - Dynamic minefields.

    You are supposed to know it is there. The minefield would be marked with signs so it wouldn't matter if people put it on DayZDb or whatever other site. Just like we know where the swamp is, we'll know were the minefieild is, and we'll have to avoid it.
  2. m.w. vindicator

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    A "mass grave" located a the bottom of the bridge.
  3. m.w. vindicator

    Exploding Bear Trap

    Would that work against a vehicle's tire??
  4. m.w. vindicator

    For Standalone - Dynamic minefields.

    This actually doesn't sound that bad. I would rather the mined areas be pre determined. Other wise you might log off for a server restart only to rejoin and find yourself in the middle of an expansive minefield. Just like there are swampy areas, there could be minefields. Area that someone tried to Cordon off before the plague. Or maybe the mines are a relic of past conflicts. These areas would be deadzones that no one in their right mind would enter. It could add an interesting dynamic. To detect mines, you could prod the grass with a knife. That is on of the most reliable ways to find mines. I am strongly against unmarked and random minefields. A death to an unmarked mine would feel no different from a glitch death.
  5. m.w. vindicator

    Exploding Bear Trap

    This is cruel. I love it. Trap 'em and then blow 'em to bits n' pieces. Also Hey Nimble, I want to buy a precision shooter, you know a dragunov or Vintorez, what do you got?
  6. m.w. vindicator

    What about scope/lens reflection?

    As long as it is not the stupid battlefield way. The glint effect of the scope would be cool and it would rarely effect battles. I think the main benefit of having a glint effect would be for intentional signalling. Even the most tactic cool Special forces carry simple signalling mirrors in case technology fails. I would love to learn how to silently signal my buddies with mirrors in game. It would be enormously helpful for helicopter pilots. A man on the ground could signal the pilot with the mirror without giving away his position with flares or smoke.
  7. m.w. vindicator


    This has been suggested 3.45x10^23 times already. Surely you could have found one of those threads and posted there instead. I believe Fraggle is right. I am quite certain that Rocket knows of this idea and that they are working on implementing it.
  8. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    My family loves to vacation in Northern Canada. The lake water is frigid cold and I believe it is only around 60 Fahrenheit. That feels really cold. I would bet that the waters of a Soviet Bloc country in the fall and winter would be cold as hell. Swimming to the islands in Dayz should be equivalent to suicide. The only way it would be possible is if you: Had a water proof bag. One that you could put all your stuff in. It would have to remain very light, so you could swim. You would have to strip down and put all your clothes in the bag. Then you would have to quickly swim across the channel, using your body heat and movement to keep you alive. Upon your arrival at the island, you would have to quickly, dry off and put your clothes on. That would be possible, but would require planning and effort. I feel that it would work in DayZ.
  9. m.w. vindicator

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    Rocket is already doing this. He is putting the communities stories into ingame books. I have a few stories from various games and just random other shit. I might submit one. Wouldn't it be badass to have one of your works in the game.
  10. m.w. vindicator

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    A picture of the WarZ meta-critic page... Yeah I'm a fanboi.
  11. m.w. vindicator

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    too cliche
  12. m.w. vindicator

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    I know that the forums moderator remember the legend. Rocket surely I seen some of his absurd post.
  13. m.w. vindicator

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    A machete stuck into a wall...
  14. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing/outfit suggestions

    I already made a topic on clothes becoming dirty and having different textures/models. Post there instead of making a new thread. Here is the link: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/121926-clothing-durability-on-ground-models/
  15. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    Classy. Maybe you could start up a laundromat. I heard the previous laundromat in berenzino got shut down
  16. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    True. Being wet and naked could be lethal in the winter. Scuba diving in Norway is pretty hardcore The waters of Chernarus would be very cold in the winter months. Swimming to skalisty or utes would be impossible in the winter
  17. A centralized location seems much more realistic. I think the game's seasons and weather should be separate from real life though. I feel that having weather that is "real" wouldn't add anything to the game that normal in game seasons/weather would add. I feels like LOTS of work for little to no gain
  18. I have a thread on this too. I don't think seasons should be synced to the real world. That seems silly.
  19. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    Be careful though. You might loose some of the color in the clothes
  20. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    I am talking about visual inspection. An inspection button in the inventory would be cool to.
  21. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    I would love to seems advanced hypothermia. Currently in the mod you can shiver, but that is basically it. It should be easy enough to add the advanced symptoms of hypothermia. It fits the theme of disease/ailments in DayZ.
  22. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    I heard that during a winter weather wearing wet clothes is actually worse than being naked!
  23. m.w. vindicator

    Tides and water tables

    I am all for it. Imagine this: Your hiking in the hills roughly to the North East of Kamarovo (swamp is directly east of Kamarovo as far as I can tell) and you hear the sound of a car. It is night time and the car is driving without its headlights on to be stealthy. Unfortunately, for the drivers and his passenger, it is high tide. They accidentally drive right into the swamp and get stuck in knee deep mud and water. After a futile attempt to dislodge the vehicle, it is abandoned. You know, however, that low tide is in four hours. So four hours later you return and find that the tide is lower and you manage to free the vehicle from its possible salty grave. You drive off triumphantly! Hopefully it isn't to hard to implement. With time this game is going to be great!
  24. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    Updated OP
  25. m.w. vindicator

    Clothing Durability & On ground models.

    I see. I am no developer. This all just food for thought. Hopefully the devs think about this kind of stuff too.