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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. I dislike the power that those communities leaders have. The BMRF and ZNU servers are pretty cool and have a pretty vanilla experience. But if they disappeared someone would take their place. I think they have invested money in buying hardware to host the servers and are afraid that their investment won't hold in SA.
  2. I saw KorroBravin in chat!
  3. ROCKET IS TALKING ABOUT BUYING IT annnnnnnd he crashed hahaha alpha you cheeky bastard!
  4. Forumer meet-up would be the tits
  5. 100 servers could hold 5,000 players. That is probably enough for the forum, reddit, and 4chan communities. *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/*
  6. It hard to read the giant wall's of text. But my finals are over so I think I'll start soon.
  7. Cross-server characters seem necessary for certain gameplay mechanics. But Katana has a point. Persistent items would be really hard to keep track of with multi-server characters. Rocket mentioned stashing loot in the apartment blocks but what would be the point if someone could just server hop and steal everything you hid. There definately has to be barriers to changing server. Disabling logging out and in inside buildings would be helpful. Short 10min timeouts help too. No one would wait ten minutes between their barracks runs.
  8. The clone bug really adds a whole new meaning to "third person"
  9. An interesting thought I just had. What if Rocket and Team gave the map creating tools to content creators so they could start working on their maps now. This would mean that modders can add new maps sooner.
  10. Is that what you meant?
  12. I would kill all you vampires. With my Mosin-Nagant for the 8th story left-side of the 253 block in Chernogorsk. :lol:
  13. All of those are viable solutions. They should all be added. The text system isn't terrible but is rather inadequate
  14. Hicks' twitter page EDIT: also the twitch stream is buffering super slow for me.
  15. Another thought that I don't want to edit into my post yet. I think letting YouTubers like TotalBiscuit, Sidestrafe, and Dsleyxci have the game and let them TEAR the game apart. Unlike many Streamers who simply ignore flaws or discuss them in strange ways those three that I listed are critical of games. Dsleyxci has criticized his favorite game (Arma) before and isn't afraid to do so. TB can be ruthless. Sidestrafe is also critical and represents another point of view. I am sure there are many other content creators that also fall into the critical category. Letting the cash grabbing sensationalist play the game doesn't really help anyone. But if critics can get their opinion out, EVERYONE wins.
  16. I don't like all the streamers. Rhinocrunch is an asshat who repeatedly fucked himself with dumb as shit decision making. I personally don't watch Frankie. but I digress, the point is that the game needs some testers to play and why not let streamers try it out, and post their opinions. It could give the devs some good feedback. Now ofcourse, the public test would also give feedback but the streamers could give a controlled amount for a few days or so before the rest of us get it. You make a good point that the streamers are also motivated by money, etc. But I don't think this is a bad thing. Giving people earlier access could help their channels grow and we would be able to enjoy the content. It seems like a win win. Devs get feedback from a particular group of people. The larger community gets to watch. Who loses?
  17. I never used to believe people when they said "Redditor are idiots" but now I totally understand what they are talking about. That thread is a giant heap of whining imbeciles. The upvoting system simply brought the stupid gifs to the top of the thread anyway.
  18. When it goes public we can test it. Before that, no
  19. WHO FUCKING CARES IF THE STREAMERS GET IT A FEW DAYS EARLIER. Undoubtedly, they have done more for the game than any of us cry babies and clowns here on the forum. CHkilroy and Sidestrfe brought THOUSANDS of players to the mod. FFS it is seems fine to give it to the streamers!!!!!! THERE are so many impatience whiners in that reddit thread it is insane!!! Fucking entitled sons a bitches. YOU don't deserve shit! I don't deserve shit either! Just because I come to this forum or post on reddit doesn't make me special. ANYONE with a toaster can do that!!! But the streamers actually post and advertise for the game. They actually do something for the game. The rest of us have done nothing but give Bohemia some money for Arma 2 (which also doesn't entitle you to anything DayZ). If the streamers got the game a week, month, or year earlier, it wouldn't piss me off. I would be happy for them. But APPARENTLY, some fucking morons think that in some convoluted way that *in three year old voice* Wocket iz cheating me. I wan DayZzeee noaw !(*$&!*@13 !! Fucking moron couldn't even read far enough to realize they were asking a question. Unbelievably idiotic. Way to go cry babies. You got what you wanted. Feel good about it? EDIT: the more I read that reddit thread, the more entitled bitches I find. Pathetic
  20. m.w. vindicator

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    That would be interesting. I have not seen that in any other zombie/infected lore. Would be fun to watch. "Will there be a status update tomorrow like yesterday's and today's"
  21. m.w. vindicator

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    I would bet that there are many.
  22. m.w. vindicator

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    EDIT: For me this is an image I can click on and view. Can anyone else see it or do you have to download it? I don't know how to post an image that isn't on the web EDIT2: Rocket beanz woo!!
  23. m.w. vindicator

    Another Quick Update 5 December 2013

    That is an excellent point. This is a problem I think many of us have been battling. We want it noaw, but it isn't ready now and it a bummer :lol: