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m.w. vindicator

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Everything posted by m.w. vindicator

  1. m.w. vindicator

    Extremely Rare Food + Starvation Effects.

    Yeah 40days would be to long. There is a middle ground but finding it would be difficult without trial and error. I suspect stravation time will be tweaked after SA releases.
  2. m.w. vindicator

    Good Map Suggestions?

    Apology accepted :)
  3. m.w. vindicator

    Extremely Rare Food + Starvation Effects.

    I believe that Rocket is already addressing this. He mentioned it about a month ago. He said that once your hunger was low enough you would start to suffer. Another thing to consider is that humans can usually survive several days w/o food. Going without water is another story but humans can survive a while without eating. 5 hours seems like a short time period to starve.
  4. m.w. vindicator

    Good Map Suggestions?

    If you had the ability to read you would have noticed I was talking about rural Colorado. Not the regular city that everyone has seen before. I was talking about he wilderness, which actually hasn't been done in a video game. Stop being so ignorant and the stereotypes are rather offensive. If you lack the care/ability to be able to google something, you are clearly too ignorant to even begin to discuss the subject. Enough with your ridiculous "Ireland!" Bullshit. Your Ireland BS is no better than the "'murica" stuff that you are accusing me of supporting. (which is also false b/c if you could read, you would have noticed that not once did I use that phrase/idiom). Grow up. You started as a slight annoyance with the occasional weird post. But now, it seems everything you say is a sorry attempt to troll, or is a offensive/racist remark. I am done discussing anything with you unless you can actually put together a valid argument/discussion. I know this is the internet and seriousness isn't always necessary, but you just offending me.
  5. m.w. vindicator

    Good Map Suggestions?

    I don't expect everyone to know where Colorado is. I do expect for you to be able to type C-O-L-O-R-A-D-O into google. You are always making snide remarks about "murica". :facepalm:
  6. m.w. vindicator

    Good Map Suggestions?

    The rolling hills over great plains Colorado. The smell of sagebrush is soo nice :D My family went out there for vacation twice. Endless plains over waist high foilage. The only interuptions of the plains would be the occasional town, river, or foothill where three would grow. There would be less zombies on the map due to the lack of population but there would be a wide variety of wildlife. Pronghorns, foxes, buffalo, mule deer, elk, cattle, birds, wolves, and the ever elusive mountain lion/cougar. I heard a rumor that if you are out in the bush for 4 hours or more, there is a high chance that a mountain lion watched you. Offcourse this isn't red dead redemption were animals go full retard and attack humans. Wildlife attacks would be very rare and would require certain circumstances.
  7. m.w. vindicator

    [SA] Lower running speed/add Sprint

    really kid. Grow up this is the internet people can be who ever they want. No one is calling you a fag so how about you return the favor and shut up
  8. m.w. vindicator

    [SA] Lower running speed/add Sprint

    There was a thread on this same topic not to long ago. Let me see if I can find it, i'll post the link. My thought on the subject are posted there. EDIT!: FOUND IT!! http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/145785-dayz-walking-simulator/ Basically I would like a system similar to the one in Arma 3/ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. which are quite similar. those games feature a slower jog/combat pace as the normal movement speed. Both games have walking and sprint. IN DayZ I think one should only be able to sprint for about 2-4 minutes.
  9. m.w. vindicator

    reading and boardgames

    if you have a bookmark in your inventory you can put it in your book to remember your last page. I do like the ideas like instruments, cigs, games, and books. After you have gathered the supplies to survive a while, why go out and die?? After I have a good pile of loot I will sit down, take a deep breathe, and start reading, or gaming, or playing music!
  10. m.w. vindicator

    idea for climb walls and go on roofs

    Yeah I agree. Arma 3 has physics and idk about TOH engine.
  11. You are missing the point. This is just a suggestion for the future. The big problems like zombies are already being looked at/ being fixed. As for more guns, this game isn't about the guns. WHile I would love more and more guns, it isn't really a critical feature.
  12. I feel like a percentage chance of damage received to a player also damaging items is good enough. Your purposed system would technically be more realistic but the game play value of this added realism is marginal at best. I am no expert but I feel you are underestimating the time required to do this. Also note that most of the programmers and designers are very busy with other projects that have significant game play value like the network bubble. The way I see it, the first bullet should be stopped by the vest depending on the caliber (7.62 or larger rounds should penetrate all armor). The second bullet would get through the vest and damage the player. The clothing the player was wearing under the vest should take damage and any items stored in that clothing should have a % chance of also taking damage. Larger items would have larger % chances of being damaged.
  13. m.w. vindicator

    Something To Make People Team Up

    This sounds terribly gamey and unauthentic. "God, I am tired and barely have any food. Better go kill some bears for sum 1337 lootz"
  14. m.w. vindicator

    idea for climb walls and go on roofs

    Please change "BF4" to "BF2" PR. Quick before trolls. This would be nice but getting it to work in the engine would be a trick. I really do like the feature in PR but with the virtual reality engine it could be tricky because the engine is designed for big open engagements and no building to building CQC. The changes that are in DayZ SA and Arma 3 help a ton, but using a grappling hook and having all the proper animations could be tricky.
  15. m.w. vindicator

    Please improve 9mm damage.

    That would be very unauthentic.
  16. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    I agree. The game should go alpha with no zombies. This would drive off all the people who don't want to test and leave the testers behind. Ignorant people who just saw it pop up on steam would surely be driven away by a zombie game with no zombies.
  17. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Correct. Good job for realizing that my post was mine and my words were mine also.
  18. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    nope. Everyone should start with the same basic stuff. You make your own story. Spawning with random military uniforms would mess up the progression through gear system/mechanic. And for sure no one should spawn with a protective vest. Everyone would want to have a vest to start and people would suicide to get the best starter gear. Gear will be a commodity still because find everything you need would be nigh impossible. Some players might find excess food but no warm clothing so they would want to trade some extra food for a good coat. Sure they could shoot someone they see wearing a coat but if they did that the coat would be destroyed.
  19. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Quick question for a admin or Rocket or who ever. Can you wear a hat and a mask at the same time?? A Gas mask and kelvar helmet or cap and balaclava? Because I would really like to play as a character who appears similar to my forum avatar. A ushanka headlamp combo that I crafted with a ushanka and headlamp. Gasmask w/ an extended tube leading to a tank.
  20. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    I believe he did. When he was talking about moving the camera in closer in 3rd person I am pretty sure he said it would still be an option. If it isn't an option I would be pretty mad. 1st person only servers should still exist even w/ improved 3rd person.
  21. m.w. vindicator

    DayZ Developer Blog 7th September 2013

    Two shots from 5.56 on an armored target. Might not be 110% turbo realistic but it is 150% good enough for me. Better than the current three-five shots to kill!! wooooo!!! EDIT: I am just starting to sober up. it is 400 am and I got back less than an hour ago. I can still taste the rum. Disregard me till the morning
  22. m.w. vindicator

    Please improve 9mm damage.

    VBS2 is what you are think i believe!
  23. m.w. vindicator

    Please improve 9mm damage.

    leg shots shouldn't be able to insta-kill. Ever. They can only cause death from bleeding (mild to catastrophic). Even getting shot by a .50 cal in the knee shouldn't instakill. Instead you should get your leg blown off and bleed out in 10-30 seconds while unconscious, but not an instakill :P
  24. m.w. vindicator

    Please improve 9mm damage.

    So if you lose 3L of blood you would probably die.
  25. m.w. vindicator

    Please improve 9mm damage.

    I agree but some people would rather die than play as a cripple for hours