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About panzer36

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    SS Sweden
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    Put that cookie down and gimme' dat' can of helnz beans!

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  1. Server hopefully be fully working will all scripts unt map completed this weekend. (2013/08/09-11) - [HDF] Panzer -
  2. panzer36

    Day Z Videos

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMxkF_FXGIQ&feature=youtu.be New video I made, please leave a comment what you think about it.
  3. panzer36


    Skype: sortzer AKA Charger... Very experienced player.
  4. panzer36

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Problem is with, still I get texture glitch 60% of the time I "flush". And some servers I can't join, says bad version or so.. With patch and I got leatest one.
  5. panzer36

    DayZ - Helicopter 2F-Playing

    Was 4 AM so only me and my friend online.
  6. panzer36

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #55

    Stupid thing, just tried destroy a GAZ (Grey) and then I got kicked and tried again, and my ATV was destroyed instead.. And the GAZ was gone..
  7. panzer36

    DayZ - Camping As A Man! - real fire -

    Blow the bus to get warm, then I realised that I could make a campfire..
  8. panzer36

    DayZ - Camping As A Man! - real fire -

    Sittin' there with shame..
  9. OFC, to bad they nerfed that one aswell with revolver!
  10. MY baby is used in most airdrop troopers, AKA as FN FAL. http://www.google.se/imgres?num=10&hl=sv&biw=1858&bih=995&tbm=isch&tbnid=rRmZFnLsgGXHhM:&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Legermuseum-Delft_-_FN-FAL_with_infrared_light_and_scope.png&docid=OtFq2ceCDF2a1M&imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Legermuseum-Delft_-_FN-FAL_with_infrared_light_and_scope.png&w=1500&h=621&ei=u6EZUL21IYeE4gSzlIHICw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=570&vpy=674&dur=2128&hovh=144&hovw=349&tx=235&ty=87&sig=101808695504061090324&page=1&tbnh=83&tbnw=200&start=0&ndsp=40&ved=1t:429,r:26,s:0,i:154
  11. panzer36

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Still got texture thing sucky bad ass glitch... Always near military stoff.. -.- Still a Screenie tho... http://postimage.org/image/j07titsgz/
  12. panzer36

    Texture thing.

    Look, I'am at the airfield stuck in the fire station (don't want to leave before texture glitch is gone), and it's the damn Humvee and those bodies around it wich makes those mouting shitty stuff.
  13. panzer36

    Good with some Zombie Love

    Tried upload pic but didn't work.
  14. panzer36

    Good with some Zombie Love

    So fun to see peacefully zombies.