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About Serpentice

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  1. when I tried the kitchen knife before the patch it didnt work
  2. i see them everywhere but don't know what they are for
  3. Serpentice


    ive found tons of food but very little drinks. look in places that are not popular among other players.
  4. Serpentice

    Can you only see the map during the day?

    I assigned it to M is that way not supposed to work? I don't see why they would make binding it an option if it wasn't.
  5. I've found a map but when I look at it the screen is just black with my cursor. I haven't been able to get on a day server yet so I'm not sure if the map just hasn't been implemented yet or is only visible with light.
  6. So I was just hanging out in a barn with some friends. They went afk then I got bored and started to dance to the mario theme song in game when all of a sudden this dude runs in so I blasted him haha Skip to 2:34 if you dont want to watch the rest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99u841SrrBo&feature=plcp
  7. Serpentice

    Bandit Montage

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99u841SrrBo&feature=plcp Hey guys just uploaded a video of me and my friends killing some people check it out I don't think you will be dissapointed. True bandits will relate.
  8. Serpentice

    Admin of US 883

    So me and 2 friends were killing eople in cherno. A sniper killed one of my friends and it turned out we were fighting the same people over and over again. They kept coming back and all of us total racked around 10 in the whole session. A couple hours after fighting the same kids. The admin comes into some chat and we were all able to hear him. He goes oh so you guys ike to shoot at me and kill my friends? Next thing you know we are kicked from the game. I don't have any proof but maybe you can check some info in the server or something. We were kicked around 5:15 Eastern time. It's not our fault he was a sore loser.
  9. Serpentice

    Making a downside to killing other players

    If you want to make it harder dont snipe and kill noobs on the beach. Go to the airfield on a populated server or stay in a city on a populated server. Every person isnt going to cry like a little bitch when they kill someone there are plenty of people who are cold blooded killers. To be honest they are probably more likely to survive the zombie apoalypse not people who start breaking down after killing people. So it is more realistic that your character is less likely to be the crying type. If you are bored with player killing in dayz change the way you play or go play a different game. Punishing people for killing just because you want more challenge in doing things that arent challenging is stupid. So the result should be go do something more challenging not sit around and hunt people that barely have a chance to defend themselves.
  10. Serpentice

    Pending Update: Build

    Sometimes I find myself logging in and out of servers just because it is night time and i dont currently have NVGs. Beause I dont like to play on servers with a lot of people, I usually end up on a couple night servers before I find one with low people with the sun out. I would hate for something like this to cause punishments on players because it was mistaken for server hopping.
  11. Serpentice

    Boss zombie

    I dont know how I feel about boss zombies, but I do know I would like to see different types of zombies that could make the game different. I find myself getting annoyed with the zombies instead of actually taking them seriously. They pose almost no threat to me and there are limited strategies needed to kill them. I would like to see different types of zombies that make you play the game a different. Is a boss/tank zombie what I'm looking for? I'm not sure, but I do know I'm tired of the same old zombies who do the same old stuff.
  12. I like this idea. I also want to see some type of elite survivor skin maybe. Something you get after 1000 zombie kills? Or something you would clearly have to go out of your way to do in order to have the skin. I think it would be cool to have the skin look like some type of spec ops uniform.
  13. Hey guys I've been playing for about a week and I think i've gotten the hang of this game pretty well. One problem I only have one friend to play with and he is barely online. I am well aware of how to get loot and survive on my own and with a friend. I have 4 AKs and tons of medical supplies so you wont have to worry about me not being geared up. I have skype(check DayZ profile) and I set up a steam account today but I haven't actually downloaded it yet(I don't know how to chat on it yet either so if you could skype me and walk me through that would be nice). I don't go out of my way to kill players. If you're interested in adding me to your group hit me up!
  14. Serpentice

    Tent Questions

    Thanks for the help!
  15. Serpentice

    Tent Questions

    How many slots do they have? When the server restarts will it still be there with the contents?