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Everything posted by phantomb12

  1. phantomb12

    Installing Glow Plug?

    I had found a V3S, and had installed a damaged car battery, two front wheels and two back wheels, but every time I had tried to install the Glow Plug to the chassis header thing it simply puts it in the inventory. Any reason?
  2. phantomb12

    Installing Glow Plug?

    It's pretty slow to be honest even on fourth gear. But a vehicle's a vehicle.
  3. phantomb12

    Installing Glow Plug?

    I had left it in the inventory, gave up and just tried to start the V3S. Apparently I am able to start the engine and drive, despite not putting it in the proper slot. Oh well, it works.
  4. I'm not sure if you guys are even active anymore, but you were all helpful in the mod, so I'll try again for old times' sake. A. BeautifulAsian B. Epipen/Saline/Alcohol Tincture, unconscious from infection. C. Severograd Police Station D. Guy in full OREL uniform with anti-stab vest and Gorka helmet.
  5. No. It is impossible to remove skins from a player at the moment.
  6. phantomb12

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sending my thanks to Cereal Killer. Good work out there, bro! Keep on healin'.
  7. phantomb12

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm gonna need a blood transfusion after a mishap with looking at a map and a zombie. Location is near the small house southeast of Gvozdno. Or southwest of Novy Lug, whichever helps you orient better. Steam ID is: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198024918452
  8. Yeah, all I get for ping is a grey question mark, and filter takes a very long time. What the hell happened?
  9. phantomb12

    Can't See Server Names/Ping

    Scratch that. SixLauncher shows the name and ping; but even local servers have an upwards of 700+.
  10. phantomb12

    [] Dude where's my Military?

    Just wait a bit, the tents have some trouble spawning sometimes.
  11. Yep, two survivors looking for another group of friendlies to tag along with, preferably within the Pacific timezone. Contact on Steam: Shark Punching Center
  12. phantomb12

    DayZ Stories

    Alright, so, here I am in Elektro, minding my own business in the fire station. Couldn't find much except a ghillie suit and a revolver with no ammo, so I book it to the church. Not even three minutes, and I turn around and a guy shoots me several times with a makarov. I yell a string of profanity at him, and sprint the hell out of Elektro, towards Cherno for some reason. Before I reach Cherno, I see some guy called "72" sprinting down towards Elektro. Tried to warn him about the crazy Makarov guy, but he just keeps on sprinting. Well, he was nice enough to not loot Pigorodky, so I take a hatchet from the barn and promptly get knocked out by a zombie. Not very fun, especially with under 4000 blood. I manage to wake up and sprint the fuck to Cherno with surprisingly no zombies following me. Before I enter the city, I notice two things. One guy named Dylan or something again sprinting around Cherno being chased by zombies, getting killed not more than two minutes later, and two stiffs on top of the construction yard with a Lee Enfield, lots of ammo and a Czech Backpack. There was also some sod with an AK running about that I never managed to meet in the streets. After looting the stiffs, I decided to check out the factory or what have you, and to my amazement, there is a bus. So I try driving this bus out of Cherno, and this one guy called Maz sprints towards it and gets in. We drive for a few more kilometers beeping around Elektro and shit, and stop at Nizhnoye to get some repair parts. Unfortunately, Maz got mobbed by zombies and died. I, however, manage to get away and loot Berezino, replacing my revolver with a 1911 and getting some morphine from the hospital. tl;dr, pretty shitty start turned into gold via some bus jacking.