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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    New tip for the game; slaves

    No, he's not. This is some cheap impostor.
  2. Inception.

    ATC Tower with 4 campers/bandits

    Indeed, such is a rarity among the forums. Good decision, Tiger. -- The topic no longer has any real point, so I'm going to lock it.
  3. Inception.

    Dean and matt problems

    Simple: They are wizards IRL.
  4. Inception.

    Green Mountain Serial Killer Q/A

    What is your favourite cereal?
  5. Inception.

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    Indeed it can. Bill is too old for going off-topic, Irish. :P On-topic now. -- I don't see why you needed to edit that on. They're just helping out - no need to be rude.
  6. Inception.

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    Please make your future avatar more...appropriate. Topic merged.
  7. Inception.

    My huge suggestion list (long topic)

    What you should do is add, at the bottom of your post, a basic outline (1-3 sentences) of each suggestion, to make it easier for users. Nice job.
  8. Inception.

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    Flawed logic, to say the least.
  9. Inception.


  10. Inception.

    Our two true gods

    I know who I'm not going to be wearing pants with.
  11. Inception.

    [Suggestion] Improved suggestions area

    Ah, that would require for the entire IPB BOARD to be altered. Although a nice suggestion I doubt it will/can be implemented.
  12. Inception.

    [Suggestion] Improved suggestions area

    What did you have in mind?
  13. Inception.

    [Suggestion] Improved suggestions area

    Because your feelings are wrong in this case. -- The creation of the sub-forums you have suggested under the Suggestions forum only takes a few minutes and can be done. However, the real problem lies in us staff having to move every future topic into their appropriate sub-forums - and topics are always posted in the wrong places.
  14. Inception.


    Moved to Mod Recruitment.
  15. Inception.

    Music, Mod nostalgia

    I completely agree. That was one of my favourite things about the mod.
  16. Don't post next time if that's the case please.
  17. Yes, the forum is entirely to blame.
  18. You only need one topic.
  19. The topic. Stick to it.
  20. Inception.

    scope moving by itself

    Do you mean that the scopes were swaying when you were aiming down them?
  21. Inception.

    The best base spots in Chernarus

    So the top of Cherno hotel is a good spot?
  22. When I say this is one of the best things I've read all year, I'm not even kidding.
  23. Inception.

    Saving PsiSyndicate

    Moved to Mod Gallery.