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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    shrub and machete master making the airport party

    This is great. When's part three?
  2. Inception.

    NWAF accidental discharge

    It is DayZ related and many other users post these kind of topics. It's quite fine in the General Discussion.
  3. Inception.

    How long do you reckon SA will be like the mod?

    Are you saying that it is currently like the mod and are asking how long it will remain this way, or are you asking how long until it shall be like the mod?
  4. Indeed, I would just find somewhere else to play; I have seen multiple complaints against said clan on here and the DayZ Steam forums.
  5. Inception.

    I really dont get the point of bambi killing.

    Ladies. Keep it civil.
  6. Inception.

    I have been banned for no reason

    You will need to contact BattlEye, as neither the Forum Team nor the DayZ Staff can help you with your issue, for neither we nor they issue Global Bans.
  7. Inception.

    need advice on global ban

    As stated, please do not post your Global Bans for neither the Forum Team nor the DayZ Staff can help you for neither we nor they issue Global Bans. As Creeper said: patience.
  8. Inception.

    The new cow

  9. Inception.

    Definition of Bandit vs Murderer?

    I always considered bandits to have morals. At least, that is how I played when I was a bandit.
  10. Inception.

    The lone wolf

    I don't often play seriously (refer to Death By Crowbar's excellent list), but when I do, it's generally by myself. I prefer observing than involving myself in conflict, for I find it to be rather interesting how players like to player.
  11. Inception.

    I find it sad that NEAF is still getting camped

    I am not sure why anyone expects the 'situation' to change.
  12. Inception.

    banned by battleye for no reason

    There is only one god, and he does not share power. '...you just have to believe me in this...' The logic there is flawed. Whether or not you are a cheater is irrelevant - posting here will not help you, nor has it helped anyone in the past.
  13. Inception.

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    Don't G000gle me.
  14. Inception.

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

  15. Inception.

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    You only need ask.
  16. Inception.

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

  17. Inception.

    Fun Community.

    Servers or Recruitment fits because it is a community. General Discussion does not.
  18. Inception.

    Fun Community.

    Exactly, I wouldn't touch them after that if they still have the same management.
  19. Inception.

    Fed up with this game

    Well, what is it that you want?
  20. Inception.

    Removing the 'Hide body' option

    Oh, I am perfectly aware of the realism factor, but I was referring to the OP's reason for posting.
  21. Inception.

    Helping People Die

    Where is your intro music from? I recognise it but can't remember its origin.
  22. Inception.

    Removing the 'Hide body' option

    So, essentially, it's about getting gear?
  23. Inception.

    I lost my pants!

    Yes. I intentionally lose my pants.
  24. Inception.

    Removing the 'Hide body' option

    In what way would it benefit everyone?
  25. Inception.

    950 m Running-Hit

    He realised. Moved.