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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    Keeping a laptop cold?

    Sorry for the lack of specificity - just a regular desk fan.
  2. Inception.

    Keeping a laptop cold?

    Next to/on your desk. That's what I do.
  3. Inception.

    Keeping a laptop cold?

    Have you tried an external fan?
  4. Inception.

    DayZ Internet Problems, Please help.

    Make sure you have no programs open that you have allocated a large amount of bandwith for, i.e. programs that constantly download things. Also, make sure you're obviously not downloading something at the time. Do you have some sort of firewall enabled? Try restarting your computer. That fixes it for me sometimes.
  5. Inception.

    Adding dynamism to gunfights

    I am not referring entirely to this topic but rather to a multitude of topics, and reports included. Now, if you would please, let us go back to the topic. If you have any further questions, concerns, complaints or comments, PM me.
  6. Inception.

    Adding dynamism to gunfights

    You two need to stop. Seriously. Countless topics have gone off-topic due to the comments of one, or both, of you. If you have nothing constructive to say, do not post. It is as simple as that and it goes for everyone else as well.
  7. Inception.

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    It'd be best for you to make your own suggestion topic, as opposed to posting your suggestion(s) in a completely irrelevant topic.
  8. Inception.

    The Apple selling business has really gone downhill.

    Looks like the shoe business has crashed and burned, too.
  9. The topic is not for discussing whether or not base building and construction will be added, but rather for discussing what one will build/fortify when/if it is added, hence the title of the topic. Stick to the topic, please.
  10. Inception.

    Wouldn't Feel like DayZ Without it.

    Moved to Gallery. -- I'm surprised you made it through that door.
  11. The problem is your original comment, as well. The tone of it was unnecessary.
  12. I do not like the attitude with which you have been posting, as seen in your above posts and the following: If you wish to continue posting, I would advise you to be nicer. Please do not respond to other users like that, even if they have been provocative. Use the report button if necessary.
  13. Inception.

    Thanks Dayz, that's me done with you now.

    I'm trying to do schoolwork lol. -- This topic will do, and has done, nothing other than ignite flame wars, and it's already too hot in Australia as it is. Locked.
  14. Please stop reporting zWazy, as what occurs outside the forums is of little concern to the Forum Staff here. If outside advertisement is against your Teamspeak's, or community's, rules then you should simply ban his Teamspeak client.
  15. Inception.

    CZ527 rifle

    Katana certainly lives up to his member title. You, on the other hand, had no reason to respond to rudely. Cut it out.
  16. Inception.

    Game crashes once I press the play button!

    Hopefully no one took his 'advice'.
  17. Inception.

    How did this zombie thing.

    Thought I'd be kind!
  18. Inception.

    How did this zombie thing.

    Please elaborate.
  19. Inception.


    The fact that (1) you have no evidence to support this claim (thus, it is mere slander), coupled with the fact that you cross-posted this in two other areas, means this topic is not worthy of staying open. Locked.
  20. Inception.

    The Problem

    Fair? When has DayZ ever been considered 'fair'? It is because of its unfairness that it is considered unique.
  21. Inception.

    Happy to....

  22. Inception.

    power of the note

    Whilst a great post it may be, in no way, shape or form is it worthy of being pinned.
  23. Please do not post things like this without evidence, for it is but mere slander.
  24. Inception.

    when is coming the note to stay?

    There is only one Grammar Nazi, and I do not share power. Stick to the topic and stop posting images that have no relevance.
  25. Inception.

    Happy to....

    The point in this topic. What is it?