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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    September Rant Topic.

    ChainReactor is correct; we are indeed volunteers and receive no monetary benefits from moderating the forums here. I am afraid I do not understand entirely what you mean here (apologies). As the rules state, non-constructive posts, namely ones just calling something bullshit (or, calling another user ignorant), are not tolerated. However, Grindstone's post contained more than just a few words, and he elaborated. What you edited on to your previous post - the one calling bullshit - makes the post fine (and acceptable), as there is more content; something to it. I mean not to single out only yourself, but rather it was just a recent post that caught my eye as an example for other users of what not to post.
  2. Inception.

    September Rant Topic.

    Comments like these are non-constructive and rather inutile. If you consider what he said to be bullshit, then elaborate upon why you think so. That goes for everyone.
  3. DayZ.code, dayz.weapons, dayz. equip, dayz.vehicles Those things apparently have been deleted thus I cannot play/join any servers. Do I need to update to for that to be fixed? EDIT: This didn't happen last night...any reason for it?
  4. Inception.

    What Video content do you look for in DayZ videos?

    Funny shit, whether it be solo or with other people, always takes my fancy.
  5. Inception.

    DayZ is a game about theft.

    If you wish to keep this topic open, please do not insult other users. That goes for the rest of you; be civil.
  6. Inception.

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Your previous replies were hidden due to their excessively off-topic content.
  7. Inception.

    I'm back and having fun terrorizing you people

    Topic cleaned. Take your insults and go play CoD comments somewhere else. In Max's words, we are better than this.
  8. Inception.

    Global ban need help

    You will receive no help from us.
  9. Inception.

    No Audio at all...

    I don't think our forum punishment system covers murder.
  10. Inception.

    DUPING must be fixed ASAP

    No, you won't. As you know, I hid your previous post; posting guides on how to dupe is not acceptable, regardless of your intentions. The developers are already aware of said issue(s). You needn't post topics telling them to fix it.
  11. Inception.

    Canteen / Water Bottle with Rope

    Indeed, as degude posted, it has been suggested before. Make sure you use the search function before posting to avoid multiple topics of the same idea :)
  12. Inception.

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I have shot, and can shoot, accurately without auto aim. Unless you are specifically referring to the PS4? (I haven't used it before.)
  13. Inception.

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    No, it isn't.
  14. Inception.

    Every so often you meet a player that changes you. This is Michael.

    I, as a Michael, approve of your Michael's actions.
  15. Inception.

    MMORPG no. of player

    Which makes DayZ more exciting. The game has always been like that, since the mod. Meeting people every minute dulls the experience. I personally would prefer an even larger map.
  16. Inception.

    new guy help please

    :D -- No one talking to each other isn't a rare occurrence; it's generally out of fear. Do you have your weapon raised when you try and chat with other players?
  17. Inception.

    Sniping is a cowards technique?

    If you wish to keep this topic open, do not make stupid comments like that.
  18. Inception.

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Merged with the DayZ Livestreams topic. Also, you have recently posted two other topics advertising your stream. Cross-posting and multi-posting is against the rules; please make sure you follow the rules before posting.
  19. Inception.

    Dear hackers, please stop

    47 000 hackers will take his/her place.
  20. Inception.

    Dear hackers, please stop

    According to my calculations, there is a 100% chance that this will not work.
  21. Inception.

    Post a pic of your gaming station

    Topic cleaned. I understand that some users here have a major phobia of sticking to topics, especially ones that include the posting of one's gaming setup, but it is preferred that you stick to the topic.
  22. Inception.

    Fix the Steam forums

    Every action made by Pacifist and Terrorviktor was justified, I have read the topic myself. You were temporarily banned for continuing with the derailing of the topic, as well as flaming other users. Pacifist/Viktor went through and hid the comments. They are both excellent moderators and are fine gentlemen. Nothing more need be said. The Steam forums are separate from the forums here. PM me if you have any more questions.
  23. Inception.

    Fix the Steam forums

    Provide examples of said actions please.
  24. The topic. Stick to it.