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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    I'm so glad i have this flashlight in the Zombie Apocalypse

    I don't think there should be any class that spawns the player with any sort of weaponry. Other low-tier items are fine.
  2. Inception.

    I wanna eat u

    I concur with this; only having it as a last resort seems better than merely being able to eat anyone whenever you can - lettuce face it, what normal person is going to eat someone when they're anything other than starving?
  3. Quit the alpha!!11!!!!! shit and discuss the suggestion.
  4. Inception.

    Playing without a mic (or when you can't use a mic)

    In actuality I haven't played the game for a long time, however I tend to play it solo.
  5. Inception.

    Playing without a mic (or when you can't use a mic)

    I am able to type rather fast so playing without a microphone does not bother me all that much.
  6. Inception.

    More Spray Pain Color Options For Latter Please! :)

    Deathlove. Please use the MultiQuote feature or edit your previous post(s) to avoid making multiple consecutive posts. None of this please - that goes for all of you.
  7. Inception.

    Interview With Brian Hicks @EGX London

    Play nice, ladies.
  8. Inception.

    Well, I combat logged.

    I do not feel what you say to be correct. Killing on Sight is not exploiting game mechanics (or lack thereof, perhaps), whereas combat logging is doing exactly that. There is also no accurate way to differentiate between one who kills on sight with one who has actual motives (a 'valid' reason to kill, in a sense) whilst you are being shot at by the aforementioned player; therefore, to combat log in said circumstance could be unfair to a player who doesn't just kill on sight. Combat logging because you think your foe is a KoSer is, I find, nonsensical. -- This discussion is only going in circles; it has had its time. Unfortunately, many of you have failed to be civil. Locked.
  9. Inception.

    Help me Analyze the Situation

    Locked at OP's request.
  10. Inception.

    My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

    That is what's wrong with the playerbase.
  11. Inception.

    Lovely People out there...

    This is not exclusive to DayZ, any other game, the gaming community itself or the internet. This is people. Someone told me to fuck off and die at work last night because we close earlier than he wants us to. Dismiss death threats completely; if you take them personally then perhaps the internet is not a place for you. It is a sad reality, but that is just how things are.
  12. Inception.

    I do streaming

    Please use this topic: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154295-dayz-livestreams/
  13. Inception.

    .49 Is not an improvement

    This topic is of no use and is non-constructive. Use the designated topic. Locked. (That saying is so old, my mother would share it on facebook.) Please do not call other users idiots.
  14. Inception.

    DayZ Standalone State & Perspective @Dean Hall

    No, not everyone went and played Epoch and Origins.
  15. Inception.

    DayZ Standalone State & Perspective @Dean Hall

    You say that it's what players make out of it but then you say it is not a particular playstyle? When was DayZ ever established as an open world team tactical shooter with a few realistic elements?
  16. Inception.

    DayZ Standalone State & Perspective @Dean Hall

    The validity of your argument has gone straight out of the window That is subjective. That is subjective. That is subjective. I do not find it fun, therefore it must not be fun for any veteran DayZ player. That logic is not logical. Are you serious? Remove those things and the Standalone isn't as vastly different from the mod(s) as it is now. Nothing should be safe in DayZ. Since when? Why do you not simply go and play Epoch? It is evident that you dislike the difficulty of the Standalone and one's inability to keep their gear safe. Your idea of fun =/= everyone else's idea of fun.
  17. Insults and non-constructive comments will not be tolerated. If you are unable to abide by this then I suggest you take yourself elsewhere.
  18. Inception.

    pookie was bad now is good person

    This topic is not for discussing the OP's English skills, or lack thereof. (Yes, I understand that it can be incredibly painful to read for some to read, but still.)
  19. Inception.

    Mistakes you see people do all the time in DayZ

    Knives can't stop Skodas
  20. Inception.

    I want to apologize to the DayZ dev's.

    Are you feeling okay?
  21. Inception.

    For those of you that have lost faith in DayZ...

    So this, therefore, classifies him as a troll? I hardly think that is logical; by your logic, you yourself would be a troll in Walrus' eyes, or anyone that you don't agree with.
  22. Inception.

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    This is not Game of Thrones; saying you know nothing is not constructive here. Perhaps you should elaborate upon why you feel said user knows nothing in regard to the subject?
  23. Inception.

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Non-constructive and inutile comments are a waste of time. Take some time to think before posting.