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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    Famous Quotes That Apply To DayZ..Post Here

    'Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.' - Sophocles.
  2. Inception.

    To the 'LOST' clan

    You, my friend, have a deal. Santa hat and nothing else.
  3. Inception.

    To the 'LOST' clan

    Can I come too?
  4. Inception.

    My First Rape Encounter in a game

    No. You cannot be raped in DayZ, nor can you be without clothing entirely.
  5. Inception.

    What would YOU class as HARDCORE?

    Epoch, or any sort of mod that involves traders, or anything of the sort, cannot in any way shape or form be associated with anything hardcore whatsoever. -- First person is a necessity for anything hardcore, personally.
  6. Inception.

    How many hits?

    Topic cleaned. What he said.
  7. Inception.

    Any News on REAL Snipers?

    Topic cleaned.
  8. Inception.

    What are Map Markers for?

    To make it easier for the players, basically.
  9. Inception.

    Why are the devs making the gaming so diffcult?

    Because it is not worthy of being closed. -- A weapon is pushing it, but transport?
  10. Inception.

    A couple new sub forums

    I think a singular topic for each would be sufficient, not entire sub-forums. Both of those things are gameplay related, though.
  11. Inception.

    the bambi steak

  12. Inception.

    Can/should DayZmod Epoch be like DayZsa?

    DayZ was never supposed to be one thing. Both the mod, and the standalone, are what the player makes of them. Any sense of the earlier days of DayZ have been lost amid Epoch and such. However, to contradict my first point, here is what I wanted DayZ to be, and, I feel, what Dean Hall's goal was: Vanilla DayZ will forever always hold a special place in my heart.
  13. Inception.

    I feel bad, even if I shouldn't

    Shouldn't? There is no should, or shouldn't; you merely feel what you feel, for feelings just are.
  14. Inception.

    Bloopers and cut scenes from "MESSAGE TO HACKERS" :)

    You already posted the video in your original topic; no need to create a whole new one.
  15. Rocket doesn't accept donations, for starters. Also, I don't feel badges and such are necessary.
  16. Talk about clusterfuck :D
  17. Inception.

    Just met the cutest couple...

    *badum tss*
  18. Inception.

    Dayz SA to be a failure

    The post you replied to is over a year old. Please don't resurrect topics without adding something significant to the conversation. Locked.
  19. Inception.

    will I get banned if I server swap?

    No, but your reputation will most likely be tarnished.
  20. Inception.

    Nature- Is It In The Final Plan?

    Everyone uses grammar, some better than others ;)
  21. Inception.

    Do you want a new shared hive?

    No US 6969 = dumb
  22. Inception.

    Suicide Option?! | DayZ Standalone Discussions

    Hi, It is important that you read and understand this announcement page, hence its position at the top of the page of each forum. Please do not ask users to subscribe; if people enjoy your content, then they will generally subscribe and/or click like on your video(s).
  23. Inception.

    The President's Letter

    Thoroughly enjoyable. Soundtrack was superb, as Steak said. What's the name of the piece playing at around 9:00?