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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    Haha, thanks; when I said that, he went prone, looked around and then sprinted for his chopper. :D
  2. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    Yeah, after I got his gear and checked the heli, I server hopped.
  3. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    I know, but I thought that they were taken out of the game for the time being.
  4. I have just witnessed a chopper landed outside Cherno in some town starting with V. I saw the pilot get out and attack another guy. The other guy got some shots off, but the pilot killed him. I sat there watching it from the hills for about half an hour. No sign of another player. I went up to the chopper and the pilot was unconscious so I kill him. He had NV goggles, Range finder, Silenced M4A3 CCO...shit like that. The chopper has 95% fuel, but the engine is damaged and so are some other things, so it can't fly. I then bolted for the mountains, and heard another chopper. It landed near the downed chopper before I could get to the hills, so i had to prone in a bush. I lied over direct coms saying "there are seven snipers pointed at you and your chopper. Leave now." he left, thankfully. Are choppers back in the game? P.S. I DO HAVE VIDEO FOOTAGE. IF YOU WANT TO SEE, JUST ASK. I NEED TO UPLOAD IT SOMEWHERE, THOUGH. OOps, I posted this twice.
  5. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    I will upload it to Youtube, and the server is US329. The chopper is between Vysota and Kopyto. It's in the field west of Prigorodky, which is north east of Cherno.
  6. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    Oh well, at least I got his cool shit :D
  7. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    That's what I was thinking, but I was wrong.
  8. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    Not directly in Cherno; between Vysota and Kopyto.
  9. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    I knew it was hyperbolic to the max, but it worked.
  10. Inception.

    URGENT: Two flying choppers?!!!?

    I had to know if the choppers were in the game or not, as if they weren't then that would mean hackers, and hackers could infect everyone in the server.
  11. I'll never get bored of this game.
  12. Inception.

    How well geared are you?

    I am currently grouped up with 6 other players [6-8, I can't remember] and this is what we have... [pictures included above. Click the link!] 1 AKM 2 Bizon PP-19 SD’s 2 CZ 550’s 2 FN FAL’s 1 Lee Enfield 1 M107 1 Winchester 1886 2 AKS-74 Kobra’s 3 M1014’s 2 FN FAL AN/PVS-4’s 2 AS50s [1 is with a member who is offline] 2 M1911s 1 Revolver 3 NV Goggles [With offline members] 1 M16A2 1 M4A3 CCO [with an offline member] 2 Silenced M4A1s [1 of them is with an offline member] We have GPS's, etc. Sufficient medical supplies, food, water, fuel [a crapload of fuel, I must say], etc. I didn't bother showing them in the pictures. We have four vehicles: S1203, V3S, Tractor and an Old Hatchback. [All of them are in different spots ;D]. We know where a URAL is being held by another group so we shall take that soon. [Yes, take. Not TRY, but just take.] Of course, you may not believe the other weapons that are with offline players, but I don't really care. That's your choice. The server is US 669, if you wish to play on there and get raped by us ;P. If you do happen to find our vehicles, you'll die before you can get to them. Our group consists of players from different sides of the world [e.g. I'm Australia, some of them are America and some are of different nationality], therefore that renders our camp protected 24/7 by at least two players. One of them shall be using an AS50 and one shall have an AR. So don't even bother trying to take our stuff :P. [No, I am not making this up. Believe me.] P.S. One of our group members is the admin of the server, so don't bother trying to hack. Have fun in DayZ!
  13. I apologise if this has been said before, but this is what myself and my group do in DayZ. 1. If we have high value equipment, we kill anyone that is a threat [such as people who are near us and armed, people who are bandits, etc]. 2. If you are unarmed, I/we do not shoot to kill. 3. If you run up to us saying "friendly", we may or may not shoot you. It depends on the situation. 4. When travelling in a large group, it's normally a "shoot on sight" policy. Say I died [either intentionally or unintentionally] and I do my basic Cherno/Elektro root to find basic weapons and supplies, I won't shoot anyone unless shot at first. I normally team up with people who are friendly. But once I acquire high-value equipment, I trust no one. But what I don't do is shoot anyone for no reason, especially if they are unarmed. I currently have 3 bandit kills and 1 murder. [Murder was from being shot at and firing back. His Makarov was no match for my M107.] It's just how it is.
  14. Inception.

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Erm, why is there an age requirement?
  15. Good morning DayZ survivors, Title says most of it, so I'll share this story. I was in Cherno last night and there was a lot of gunfire [Makarov, AK and M14 bullets mainly] near the centre. I had no weapon, so I was extremely disadvantaged [i discovered that there were 33 people in Cherno with me, and they all had some sort of firearm]. Luckily, it was dark and raining, so I couldn't be seen as easily. I had then accidentally agroed a few zombies, so I ran towards those very tall towers [you know, the skinny ones with a platform and a 360* coverage of Cherno] and climbed up, unaware of the sniper who lay above me. When I reached the top, there was an M14 facing right at my head. I frantically direct commed him saying "Friendly friendly friendly, don't shoot I'm unarmed, pleaaaaassseee don't shoot". He didn't shoot [thank god; even though I was unarmed, I had an Alice backpack with plenty of food, water and medical supplies]. He typed in direct com "get up here. Keep your legs in, and look for hostiles." So we did that for a few minutes. As I was loaded with flares, we came up with the idea that I would go down below, find an enemy that is within my sniper buddy's line of sight and throw a flare him, giving my friend a clear shot. After doing that for half an hour, we decreased the amount of players in Cherno [from about 30 to 7, although some players died from other people than our selves]. A great achievement. He then said that he had to go eat dinner. "Here, take my weapon and ammo. If you see anyone and you have a clear shot, light 'em up," he said. He basically entrusted his days of work finding weapons and gear to a total stranger; he broke the #1 rule in DayZ [trust no one]. I could have killed him there, and taken everything, but I realised that since he helped me, I help him. So I picked a few more guys off. The last four players left in Cherno at the time were myself, my sniper friend, and two other snipers who's location was unknown. Cherno becams silent; no agroed zombies, no gunshots...nothing. My friend came back about 10 minutes later, so I offered to give him his weapons back. "Naah, you keep it," he said. I was confused. Entrusting someone with your character, and then giving them your weapons, unarming yourself? I never knew that such a person would exist in DayZ, but I was wrong. Eventually, a sniper pinpointed our location, and fired at us. Missed the first couple of shots...I fired back, I think hitting up once in leg, but he managed to get two more shots off, killing my friend and myself. [Props to the enemy sniper for such an accurate shot.] So there you have it. Probably the nicest guy I've met in DayZ. Not only did he let me live, but gave me his stuff whilst he was AFK, and eventually letting me keep it. He was cool about dying and loosing his stuff, too. What's your story? I think I'll go and loot the Balota airstrip. I've heard talk of a heli patrolling that area. I'll notify someone if I hijack it. ;] -Inception.
  16. :huh: well someone had repaired a helicopter and was flying it around...