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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    Suicide repercussions...

    Welcome to the forums. The somewhat unnecessarily harsh nature of the post you replied to was dealt with accordingly by other users many posts ago, so you needn't have responded to it yourself. :) The passive-aggressive and public challenging of another user to a 1v1 is strictly forbidden until you have reached a minimum of twenty million posts. Chances are, he will have checked himself prior to your aforementioned wreckage anyway.
  2. Inception.

    I have a sugestion for game

    Well, explain why you believe this would be a good addition to the game.
  3. Inception.

    Just a question?

    In some cases, simply because they can.
  4. Indeed, however, it would be best if you linked the OP to the appropriate topics/articles/posts to help him/her out. :)
  5. Inception.

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Calling everyone a fanboy is not constructive. Please do the opposite.
  6. Inception.

    MP5-K Buttstock...WHERE?

    Please report duplicate topics.
  7. Inception.

    How to remove forum account?

    For reference purposes, we don't delete accounts. You can simply log out and stop using it, however :)
  8. Inception.

    Vision nerfed yet again?!

    Keep it civil please. No name calling. That's my job.
  9. Inception.

    Why did you buy this game?

    A friend told me about the concept waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the first few months of the mod being released and I was sold immediately. My first few months some of the greatest gaming experiences I have ever had the pleasure of having.
  10. Inception.

    My luck :D

    Please don't.
  11. Inception.

    Q&A with Eugen Harton (Highlights)

    Nice one. Mind if I add it to my signature?
  12. Inception.

    Making the ladies fight over me.

    Fixed :)
  13. Inception.

    Real Life Skills You've Learned from DayZ

    DayZ has supported my belief that the moment you choose to trust no one is the very same moment in which you destroy the possibility of finding someone worth trusting.
  14. Inception.

    Missed Connection: The Gorka Killer

    All DayZ SA related material goes in the DayZ SA sections - this topic here would belong in the General Discussion subcategory as it is fairly general :)
  15. Inception.

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I spoilered your image but in regards to it, in the future...please don't.
  16. Inception.

    "This is your story. play it our way"

    '1337 snipex0rz' =/= 'I dislike snipers and therefore they will not be implemented', necessarily.
  17. Inception.

    Tents and persistence. Again

    No need for the bickering!
  18. I would advise you not to call the developers fucking morons (and users for that matter). It is very simple to get your complaints across nicely.
  19. To quote the recruitment rules, this section is not to be used for ex clan members or anyone else to post their dislike of a certain clan; doing so will result in action being taken. If a clan is breaking the forum rules, please report them to us. This applies to servers as well. If you have an issue, please PM the owner/user(s) involved.
  20. Inception.

    I Gave Up On DayZ 0.55 *Humor*

    Moved to Gallery.
  21. Inception.

    if u think that u had a bad day(z)

    Looks like a lightsaber to me!
  22. Inception.

    DayZ Standalone- Story Time

    Moved to Gallery.
  23. Inception.

    Well that works

    When in possession of beans, everyone is your enemy.
  24. Inception.

    this game just isn't the same anymore

    Moved to Suggestions. There is no need to be rude, or a smart-ass. If you dislike his/her suggestion, state your opinion like the big adults we are. There was no need to say that.
  25. Lettuce not go there, please,