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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    I was killed by zombies

    Perhaps your comprehension skills require a bit of polishing.
  2. Inception.

    So i was on Reddit...

    Moved to Gallery.
  3. Inception.


  4. Inception.

    Post Your Gear So Far

  5. Inception.

    Wait for Host..

    Use the report button should that be the case.
  6. Inception.

    Wait for Host..

    The attitude your recent posts have emitted is unnecessary. Please make your comments more constructive.
  7. Inception.

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Please do not post links to youtube videos promoting hacking.
  8. Inception.

    Target Practice

    As of the most recent posts, a somewhat pointless topic has become a pointless topic. Locked.
  9. Inception.

    apologists are delaying development.

    Your rude behaviour is unnecessary, dude. The same goes for the rest of you. -- This topic's discussion has had its time and evidently the ladies and gentlemen participating said discussion are unable to be nice. Locked.
  10. Stay on topic please.
  11. Inception.

    How many have you killed and why ?

    Not a single soul, excluding pre-Alpha testing.
  12. Inception.

    Since the zombies aren't working...

    Please don't make stupid suggestions. (I swear you were once a mod, no?)
  13. Inception.

    Rank system based life length? kills etc....

    It has been suggested before and the majority of users didn't really like the idea. So you probably won't get that different a response. Personally, I'm not for skills and such like that.
  14. Inception.

    Dayz Epoch Server

    Moved to Private Hive Discussion.
  15. We actually have a rule for users that break rules just because others do.
  16. Please don't respond to other users aggressively; if you have a problem with the posts of another user, please only report it and don't reply like that. Same goes with you OR3GONIZ3D, and the rest of you. Please be nice.
  17. Please try and keep your posts constructive and not fool of unnecessarily foul language.
  18. Inception.

    Banned/Falseley banned

    As DemonGroover and others said, you'll need to contact BattlEye Support; we can't help you here I'm afraid.
  19. Inception.

    24 hours of game

    Try and make your 1000th (and beyond) post more constructive, please.
  20. Inception.


    Making a topic in all caps just being aggressive does not help anyone. Please try and make your future topics/posts more constructive, but I will leave this one open.
  21. The post is opinionated and not necessarily factual, so it won't be pinned. But if it is a good post then it'll generally stay on the first page due to popularity.
  22. By commenting. It says during the report process not to use the report function as a method of communicating with Moderators.
  23. Please do not report the post only to suggest it being pinned.