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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Sorry, I did not see that part in his comment. Thank you taco. -- On topic please ladies and gentlemen.
  2. Inception.

    Minor topic...But needs to be discussed

    Yeah, this. -- Nice idea OP.
  3. Inception.

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Please do not insult/abuse other users. -- The topic was fifteen minutes old. Don't bump it.
  4. Inception.

    Good day to be a hero!

    DMentMan, please stop posting memes and .gifs.
  5. Inception.

    Looking for people to play DayZ "Hunger Games" with.

    Topic cleaned. Please stay on-topic.
  6. Inception.

    Question about the mod

    The ARMA II servers do indeed have different servers to the ARMA III servers; they don't share servers as they are two different games.
  7. Inception.

    Fix teh damn issues

    As said, please do not post non-constructive rant topics.
  8. Inception.

    Problems finding love?

  9. Inception.

    Yo Mods..

    I swear I locked this topic. Goddammit Gecko.
  10. Bots have been demolished.
  11. Inception.

    Yo Mods..

    Just came home from school. Fun fun fun.
  12. Inception.

    1 fact 90% of you didn't know before.

    It was a joke. -- Pointless topic is pointless. The rest of you are just ridiculous. Especially Demon. But he's groovy.
  13. Inception.

    Dayz and what it should have been.

    This kind of behaviour is not acceptable. As is your attitude in the following post: Also, please try and avoid having a ridiculous amount of text in all red.
  14. Inception.

    Drop button..

    Nice idea. It'd spice up player-robbing as well.
  15. Inception.

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Please do not turn this topic into a Frankie discussion. Stick to the topic.
  16. Inception.

    Hi, im new and have a few questions

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/ is the website you are currently on now. There is a forum section for the mod (where you have posted), and a forum section for the standalone (if you go back to the forums' homepage and scroll up, you will see the designated forums). The mod requires ARMA II and ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead, whereas the standalone (called DayZ on Steam) is as its unofficial name, DayZ Standalone, suggests. If you decide to buy the Standalone/DayZ, please be prepared to encounter many bugs and issues as the game is still being developed.
  17. Inception.

    payday 2 M4 and weapons compared to dayz

    Perhaps you missed orlok's post: The following comments will be in regards to the OP or I will hide them.
  18. Inception.

    To the man I killed in Balota Airfield barracks

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/153786-forum-rules-roles-and-guidelines/ 'Dumb' falls under that rule. Perhaps instead of abusing other users you should read the rules and guidelines. -- OP, this original topic here was somewhat pointless (not to mention the stupidity that the topic descended into, courtesy of other users) and so I am going to lock it. Locked.
  19. Inception.

    What the hell is going on?

    Your wish is my command.
  20. Important information. Temporarily pinned by kichilron.
  21. Inception.

    What the hell is going on?

    Similar to this I assume. Back on topic please.
  22. Inception.

    New glitch

    Put it in the bug tracker.
  23. Inception.


    If this happens, just PM a Moderator and they can move the topic for you. :P
  24. Inception.

    dayz books

    He gets all the $$$ -- Nice idea, valtsu. Something like that in-game would be great.
  25. Inception.

    Allow Private servers

    Well perhaps you should explain how it will solve many of the current problems?