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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Inception.

    Mad Solnichniy spawns

    Props on the Superman theme.
  2. Inception.

    DayZ should always be about survival...

    Sorry, I wasn't online. I have approved them.
  3. Inception.

    Music when you are playing?

    I listen to music all of the time when playing. Sometimes, I'll even take my headset off and have my stereo playing. Obviously you can tell that I care not about dying.
  4. I would like a zombie kill-count board (doesn't have to be public), for I do like to kill zombies. However no 'player/bandit' board.
  5. Inception.

    To The Chaps I Met in Elektro

    Stop with the GIFs please.
  6. Inception.

    Dayz Logs

    You posted this once already; do not cross-post. Use your original topic.
  7. Inception.

    Star and Musty's Potato Adventure

  8. Inception.

    Graphic deaths

    Just as long as it doesn't get banned in Australia as a result of gruesome deaths.
  9. Inception.

    If dreams could come true

    Technically, he didn't call you so; re-read his comment. I have asked you to stay on-topic once already. If you wish to continue this inutile discussion, send me a personal message.
  10. Inception.

    If dreams could come true

    None of the users you listed posting an worthless image; Spinnyd223's comment(s) were constructive and worthwhile, for the most part. "Your comment I'm now quoting is also an off-topic" - that doesn't apply to a Moderator when they are doing their job telling others to stay on topic/follow the rules. On-topic now please.
  11. Inception.

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I said nothing of the such, but rather that there were multiple IPs for the spambots and thus there isn't much we can do. Regardless - on-topic please.
  12. Inception.

    Dayz feels like..

    As it is now, this topic is rather bland. Perhaps you should elaborate upon why you think said things?
  13. Inception.

    Epoch Or Vanilla?

    No one took down your post at all.
  14. Inception.

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    If someone disagrees with you please report them to kichilron ASAP and he will remove them for you -- OP I fail to see the 'LOL' in all of this.
  15. Inception.

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    That comment sounds, and is, really stupid. Hardly rational. -- Stop insulting each other.
  16. Inception.

    hunting and executing medics LOL

    Okay, and?
  17. Inception.

    Super Zombies?

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182234-post-patch-zombie-feedback/page-34#entry1893744 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/182685-would-you-like-dayz-on-console/page-5#entry1891428 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/183514-can-we-add-this-whistling-addon-to-standalone/#entry1893746 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/183504-lootable-garbage-cans/#entry1893747 http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/183510-a-bad-day-on-dayz/#entry1893745 Stop it.
  18. Inception.

    Banned when i was hacked.

    You'll have to contact BattlEye Support; neither we, the DayZ Forum Team, nor the DayZ Staff deal with or issue BattlEye Global Bans. Sorry.
  19. Inception.

    OP Bolota and Firefights

    Yes, because whether or not a post his posts are constructive or not should not be taken into account when deciding whether or not he is a troll. Leave him be.
  20. Inception.

    Bandits, I am dissapoint

    They always have been mislabeled as bandits, but that doesn't make them so
  21. Inception.

    Why no killer tag

    What's the point in knowing someone's name, anyway? People can change their names easily.
  22. Inception.

    If dreams could come true

    Your post was hidden because it was a non-constructive waste of space. Read rule #9. Calm the language and the attitude please.