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Everything posted by Inception.

  1. Lipemr, I have told you before to be nice. Stop insulting other users. As for you, tatchell, don't lower to his level.
  2. Inception.

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Yes, a total lie. You've got me.
  3. Inception.

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Yes. No.
  4. There are plenty of users that stick to the rules. Anyway, back on topic.
  5. What is that phrase, again? Two wrongs don't make a right.
  6. Try and be nice. Continuously calling, as you have been, other users 'fanboys' is almost as bad as everyone automatically saying 'alpha'.
  7. Play nice, ladies and gentlemen.
  8. Inception.

    Poll: Are you happy with update news/management?

    Yes, I know what your point was; it's the same point that everyone is saying. Please enlighten me upon how exactly I worked around. Most people already knew that. It's not new information. All we do is moderate the forums. I mean, I barely even attempt to defend the developers because the apparent lack of information on these forums is not something that bothers me.
  9. Inception.

    Poll: Are you happy with update news/management?

    You don't have to sign up to those websites in order to view the content there. You people make it out to be such a great effort. Sure, having information put in other places more often than the official forums is silly, but not as big as deal as it is claimed to be. I/we don't have anything to do with where the information is posted and how. We just moderate the forums. It's up to the developers; we have little to no influence.
  10. Inception.

    Me and a friend :D

    It is non-constructive and pointless. Whether or not you dislike that numerous people upload whatever screenshot(s) they have is irrelevant. The Gallery is for screenshots, videos and such.
  11. Inception.

    Me and a friend :D

    This is a stupid comment. Please don't make something like it again.
  12. Inception.


    Indeed, what files is it asking you to delete?
  13. Inception.

    Me and a friend :D

    Purple is a fabulous colour. Nice backpack. :beans:
  14. Inception.

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    Uh, no, because it is something that us Moderators do. Your comment was irrelevant to the topic at hand. Now, as I said, please stick to the topic.
  15. Inception.

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    I hid all the replies to his post. Don't make me ban you for disagreeing. (That was a joke). Back on-topic please.
  16. Inception.

    What are the most popular VoIP programs for DayZ?

    Fry76, take your apparent disliking for third-party voice communication programs elsewhere. That is not what this topic is about. Go and re-read the OP.
  17. Inception.

    Are you kidding me? How is this slander?

    Sigh. I am locking this topic for now. Boneboys will have the last say when he is online. You are lucky that it wasn't locked in the first place for two reasons: (1) The tags and the unnecessarily rude tone of the post, and (2) - let me quote something from the Rules, Roles and Guidelines that the OP of this topic obviously has not read, or chose to ignore: Boneboys is a busy person and cannot always reply to one's PM(s) immediately, so be patient. So, if you have a problem with me locking this topic, do as the above guideline says. EDIT: The topic will stay locked.
  18. Inception.

    Are you kidding me? How is this slander?

    Try not to turn this into a moderator bashing session, please. -- I personally do not care about negative criticism towards the game; I don't play it anymore. However, negative criticism presented aggressively or in 'rant-form' is not accepted and so I will lock those topics. In regards to the original topic that was locked... It can be considered slander. There is little to no solid information to support that claim. I am fine with users disagreeing with the staffs' actions, but if you plan to do so I would advise you to not consider one action to represent every other action ever made, and ever to be made, by staff.
  19. Inception.

    Are you kidding me? How is this slander?

    This topic isn't about zombies or anything like that.
  20. Inception.

    Are you kidding me? How is this slander?

    I am in now way affiliated with Bohemia Interactive, nor are the majority of the Forum Team. I don't know why people think this.
  21. Inception.

    Are you kidding me? How is this slander?

    This is a silly conclusion as it is untrue. Go and read through the forums.
  22. Inception.

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I am but a mere player who rarely plays the game anymore; I don't see why that sends a poor message (unless you were only referring to the devs' apparently lack of care for said lack of information); it makes no difference. I know that plenty of people care (and for good reason), but I do not know why you are telling me that. I was only answering someone's question. I mean, it's rather evident that the communication between the developers and the players/testers is rather lacking; otherwise, there would not be so many people upset with the communication (well, lack thereof). But it's not something I take to worrying about.