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Everything posted by Dancing.Russian.Man

  1. I did the exact same thing. I in the entrance of the flight-control tower at the airstrip near the shore, casually looting the place. I always check under the stairs first. And oh look! Someone was crouched there with an AK-74. And of course, he had it pointed directly at me. So I flipped out, smashed F to set my AKM to Full Auto, and unloaded half a clip into him. The thing is, right as I started firing, I heard "No, nononono wa--" and then he was dead. And I found no clips on him. Edit; First post below OP is right, though. Just because someone says "Friendly", doesn't mean that they're not going to kill you.
  2. Dancing.Russian.Man


    You don't regenerate blood in DayZ.
  3. Dancing.Russian.Man


    Can of food: 200 Blood. (Found everywhere.) Cooked Meat: 800 Blood. (Found as Raw Meat by gutting killed animals.) Blood Pack: Restores all blood. (Found in Hospitals and Medical Boxes around them.) Note: Blood Packs cannot be used on yourself. You need another player to give you a Blood Transfusion.
  4. Dancing.Russian.Man

    ghost killing and spawn system

    #1 - Doesn't this just endorse logging out during a firefight if a player thinks they will lose? Or when running out of supplies? I sure could imagine myself running around in a Ghillie Suit and SVD Camo, and just log back to my tent if I get hit. #2 - This would still enabled ghost killing, just make it slightly harder because you might not end up right where you wanted. #3 - I probably like this idea the best. I hate running 40 minutes to a meeting location only to hear that my friend got himself killed and has to start all over. Or have that happen to myself. #4 - Sounds like you want to enable spawn-killing in the game. Whether it's people that log out when you shoot at them, or people camping your spawn points while waiting for you to log in. And wouldn't the spawn points have to be server specific? I don't really see that working unless you're a regular to one server, which isn't that common, as far as I can tell. And if it was cross-server, they would get switched way too fast, and cause lag on all servers as they try to keep up on what server had its point captured.
  5. Dancing.Russian.Man


    The Hunting Knife is not a weapon. It's a tool to be used in gutting animals. You kill an animal - any animal - and scroll your mousewheel near them. You'll get an option "Gut animal", which will create a set amount of Raw Meat into the carcass. And then you just need firewood with a hatchet and make a fireplace with a box of matches.
  6. Dancing.Russian.Man

    Looking for 'Legit' Bandit Crew

    I guess I'm a legit bandit. (Though I've barely ever killed anyone. I don't tend to shoot people in the back unless they look hostile.) I don't disconnect in the middle or after firefights without a good reason. (And never in the middle of a firefight.) The only time I use the disconnect thing, is when I'm unarmed and being chased by zombies with no buildings around me to hide in.
  7. Dancing.Russian.Man

    is DayZ working at all?

    Nope. The servers are working fine. Sometimes I have to wait 2-10 minutes in a loading screen for the game to load, but it works.
  8. Dancing.Russian.Man

    Very annoying.....

    Connection issues between you, the server, and the other player. I've had it happen to me. Had to shoot someone 4 times with an M14 AIM, and they would only break their legs. 2 more shots was enough to kill them.
  9. Dancing.Russian.Man

    Incentive for not being a bandit?

    Can't be bothered making yet another thread about this. But. DO NOT PUNISH PLAYERS FOR BEING BANDITS. NOT IN A WAY THAT AFFECTS THEIR PERFORMANCE. What I'm talking about is the things you mentioned, slower running speed, Bandits require more food, etc.. How is that going to work? That's just bullshit. "Aw man, I shot like 3 guys with my sniper, 500 meters away. MAKES ME SO HUNGRY." There used to be a Bandit skin that people would get after they reached low enough humanity. Otherwise, they played just like anyone else. All I want to know is, why was it removed? At least it was a clear warning of who might shoot us in the face.
  10. Don't make Bear Traps as common as Wire Fence. Just, dear god, no.
  11. Dancing.Russian.Man

    Anyone else died like this? :S

    "Have no fear, Vlad is he--" The thud will make it funnier. Especially because of 1:39.