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Everything posted by Dregdor

  1. Dregdor

    North American Trading Company

    ITS FREEKAZOID!!!! can i has your autograph?!?!
  2. beans for an entertaining read... that was seriously one of the most entertaining things i have eaver read on a forum. lmao. semi true too.
  3. Dregdor

    Any Advice?

    this is your problem. move north, there are plenty of other vilages with less zombies out there with good stuff. and look for barns.
  4. Zombies dont break my legs. my legs break zombies. B)
  5. Dregdor

    I am a noob. Hi.

    and zombies hate flares at night. you can run through cerno with a flare and zombies will avoid you
  6. im looking to make a refugee camp because im bored. trying to find a good spot, any sugestions? this is one idea i had
  7. seem to have accidentaly made two topics... please disregard this one, and my stupidity :blush:
  8. Dregdor

    Your worst moments in Dayz.

    was in the fire station in the NW airfield, and took some M4 fire. saw the smuck running across the field, and scoped him with my CZ. i then thought the best idea EVER. "Im gonna kill him with my shiny new grenade." frickin thing bounced off the frickin wall and landed on my feet. FML. :(
  9. Dregdor

    Can't beat them, join them

    wow... how did this thread get so many posts? good for you. i hope you enjoy sitting their sniping. (not a snarky responce, i like it too) though that being said... still makes me want to find you for a good fight. or quick kill... either or.
  10. Dregdor

    I am a noob. Hi.

    HI! and yes. practice with weapons in the ARMA 2 mission editor, and have fun. experement with the game. try things out, and then find some people to play with. and trust but verify, dont just say freindly and expect to not get killed. say "Drop your gun or ill put a few rounds through your head"
  11. Dregdor

    Guns, guns and more guns...

    DMR with my Mk 48 back up... kinda redickie
  12. Dregdor

    Hacker or Real?

    probably got sniped by someone, or bit off more z than could chew
  13. Dregdor

    Thank you WKUK,

    Sorry :blush:
  14. Dregdor


    hehe... i just had to look that up before i read your post :rolleyes:
  15. Dregdor

    People, please. Stop mislabeling.

    oooooh... im a Murderer... that makes more sence now! what is it when i take their morphine, just to shoot their legs, then bandage and blood bag them in the NW AF?
  16. Dregdor

    Infinite zombie horde bug

    http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z32/Kock07/arma2oa2012-07-3120-05-18-65.jpg ahh good times
  17. Dregdor

    Quit Playing Alone!

    haha, heavily heavily armed navy seal sniper squad with half a dozen green beret squads that got your back :lol:
  18. Dregdor

    Tips On Shooting?

    yes, it is harder than any other game i know of. try playing some of the single player missions, or practicing in the editor. it will help alot. and yes, most people suck at aiming in this game. even people who say they are good tend to suck :P so just remember, pracice makes you dead less often
  19. :D i agree though. or atleast a trade sub thingy. probably not a whining one, cause thats what the sugestjions one is for... Its people dont know how to make sugestions. they go "grahwng... i hate the killing of the people, and the... ARG!" which is fine, and people should vent when they get killed unarmed... cause thats kinda a dick move.. even by my standered. but :emptycan: OHH CAN! GET IT GET IT!!!
  20. Dregdor

    Scope attachments

    i dont think the engine will allow it in arma 2, but arma 3 you can which is coming out soon, and im sure they will port it over :)
  21. Dregdor

    Your vehicle experiences.

    mine from yesterday.... saw a tractor in the middle of a field. thought it was sniper bait, then my clan confermed that it is where it spawns (the one between polana and the factory) well, i camp it for a bit, seeing if someone trots up to it. no one does, but it is calling my name the whole time. so i run out there, jump in (funny seeing a wookie in a bright red tractor by the way) and drive off. not wanting to stay on the roads and get shot up, i do the only smart thing to do, and drive it through the forrest with a dark red engine block... well one thing leads to another, and i play bumper cars with a tree. it goes boom with me in it, but i survive. i bandage myself up, and have 640 blood by the end of it all. right as i dive into cover waiting for my clan mates to come and blood me up again, we get hacked to "The ThunderDome." normaly, i would honestly probably stay and fight a bit, but im at 640 blood. i log out. but, my clan mate was hacked also, (everyone on the server was) and when we log back in, we are right next to eachother at the NW airfield, and i get healed. gotta say, most convienient hack i have ever encountered :P. i then shot him in the leg, threw a flare on him, and left. (last part joking... but i did realy want to...)
  22. i know... but thats what makes it tempting... its a guarded strong point :P not just sniping a smuck that shot at my freinds at stary. i like the idea though, might show up... in a non merderous mode. if i ever have those...