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About toldenburg87@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. toldenburg87@gmail.com

    Camp Hunter

    So I.m not a Bandit or anything more of a lone wolf without a group but I think I've found my purpose in this infected waste I hunt bandit camps which means I find a camp take the gear and proced to destroy the camp of all items. then take my new found gear to the cost and drop it at some new spawns feet I've done so a couple of times my main one was on US35 I belive I destroyed the main groups camp. and have done so on other servers as well I dont server hop for gear or combat log just out to have some fun
  2. toldenburg87@gmail.com

    us35 Walkingdead

    So about an hour ago I was on US35 (Walking Deads server). I came across a giant Camp about 20 tents loaded with gear I was promptley shot and killed shortly after I Respawned I found a car and went back to the camp no one was there this time so I grabbed what gear I wanted and proceded to run over all of the remaning tents. muah hahaha
  3. toldenburg87@gmail.com


    So today i was playing on us 173 when a fellow in a ghillie suit runs up and messeges me this game sux. shortly afterwards I was teleported to some creation with messeges appearing on my screen about welcome to thunderdome. and about the survivor will get a prize, needless to say I dc'd before anything popped up. I know kinda pussy but after logging out and googling this game sux found a hackers website wondering if this has happend to anyone else and if so lets hunt and kill these hackers
  4. toldenburg87@gmail.com

    Hackers on US 853

    this has happened to me as well on us 173
  5. toldenburg87@gmail.com

    DayZ Stories

    So the other day I spawn and it tells me the wilderness and im thinking to myself oh great now to randomly wander until I find someplace when all of a sudden a helicopter fly overhead I being newly spawned and not caring about my lack of gear send a message over chat and wouldn't u know he was friendly and stops to pick me up after flying going no apparent direction we decide to head to NW airfield as we are heading there another person sends out a shout from stary so we stop and pick him and his crew up at this point the original pilot had to go so he gave us the chopper. all of us decided to continue on to the NW airfield as its much easier to fly than walk lol. upon arriving we spot a crash site and promptly land to check it out i decide to stay in the chopper on the m240 when a lone bandit walks out of the trees and opens fire at the chopper with a akm. lol tiny gun i returned fire with the 240 destroying the little bandit after my team returns from the crash site we sit the for a minute deciding what to do now "not our best idea" the bandit had buddies sitting in the trees who start shooting the others run for cover while i sit on the 240 waiting to spot where the shots are coming from when bam im dead found out from my team the bandits had walked around the chopper and put one in my head "damn" oh well not like i looted anything still was all fresh spawn lol
  6. toldenburg87@gmail.com

    the hatter

    hello all just wanna say that i play on Chicago 84 I rarely KOS and like to be that random person that shows up helps out and vanishes. if i die in the prosses oh well respawn go again ive helped many shot few and die quite abit by no means am i a pro but if ur on and im near give me a shout and ill help out. if ur one that ive helped please post for credibility and if i kill'ed you you probably deservid it but hey its survival of the maddest. also if ur on chicago 84 and wanna join up find me in the server