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"Lost" Alice

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About "Lost" Alice

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    Because the green matches my forum avatar, Most won't understand this, not having ovaries and all. But color coordination is generally something I enjoy.


    Yes, I get shot at a lot, and I've learned quite a bit from it. But for me it's always been [Story > Gear]. I can always get my gear back, but I might have missed out on an amazing or unique experience. After a while of having end-game gear, it starts to own you. I don't need much to be a medic, my regular load-out isn't difficult to obtain. For me, helping people is much more rewarding and fulfilling as a Day Z experience, rather than just shooting everybody I see.

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  1. "Lost" Alice

    People keep thinking I'm saying "Daisy"

    Not at all! I'm actually curious about it too
  2. "Lost" Alice

    People keep thinking I'm saying "Daisy"

    I'm not your Buddy, Friend ;)
  3. I'm one of those annoying people that talks about their favorite video game(s) a lot. Has this happened to you? Halfway though the conversation the person you're talking to finally asks why you're talking so fanatically about killer plant life, and then asks if it's anything like Plants VS Zombies. This has happened to me in 3 different conversations I swear, and I don't know how to get around it without sounding like some OCD spelling nazi.
  4. "Lost" Alice

    No longer given option to pick gender

    LOL, oh you guys xD But this still bums me out a little :<
  5. This has been a problem for me for several weeks now, (as in I tried to here and there over the last several weeks but became discouraged when I couldn't play the female avatar) and I'm not sure how to go about fixing it, I've tried several different servers and am still getting the same issue.
  6. "Lost" Alice

    So I dressed up as the female avatar for Halloween...

    Does anybody else really want them to put back the dogs? I do >.> ^ Alice and her Dog
  7. And we took some pictures :-) I know the outfit isn't entirely accurate, I took a few (okay a lot) of liberties with it. There are more images, but I've been busy lately and post-production has been slow. This is just something we did for fun and somewhat on the fly. We had a lot of fun taking the photos :D and I hope some of you like them too ^.^ http://24.media.tumb...neo1_r1_500.jpg http://24.media.tumb...td8neo1_500.jpg [The rest of the photo sets will eventually be posted here] http://24.media.tumb...td8neo1_500.jpg (added 12/2)
  8. "Lost" Alice

    Once you get the standalone

  9. "Lost" Alice


    At first I didn't agree (or simply did not want to believe) the idea that intelligence leads to deceitfulness. But then I remembered reading somewhere that the more creative a person is, the more likely they are to lie. And creativity has always been associated with intelligence. This is a rather sad realization.
  10. "Lost" Alice

    Decrease number of psychopaths with Karma system

    While I agree with the Cap'n about the whole 'we can't punish bandits' thing. I think LansEllion has put a lot more thought and organization into his Karma idea than most other threads
  11. I saw them on the shelf today and I got randomly excited. I don't even LIKE beans.
  12. "Lost" Alice

    How do I solve this ?

    Well, That escalated quickly.
  13. "Lost" Alice

    Requesting to be moved into a playable area.

    Maaaan I wish it were that easy. You might have to just hoof it dude, that's what I've had to do when I was teleported to the debug plains on three different occasions. It's been a while, but I think you have to travel against the clouds? O_o Or was it *with* the clouds? gosh I can't remember.
  14. "Lost" Alice

    How do I solve this ?

    This happened to me when I first installed Arma + Day Z. I had to uninstall and re-install the entire thing :( I know it's a pain, but it's the sure thing that worked for me.