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☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

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14 Neutral


About ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    PC Gaming, Arma, Battlefield
  1. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Epoch Group (Looking for players!)

    Been a while since I've played, but sounds like it could be fun.
  2. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Add me on steam below, or preferably, join our TS address: ts.dayzmedics.com
  3. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Online. Pm me, add me on steam, or join our TS @: ts.dayzmedics.com
  4. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Add me via steam, or join TS. \/\/\/
  5. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    [ONLINE] - Add me on steam, or join team speak.
  6. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Still need assistance?
  7. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    Sorry to hear.
  8. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    We added you, and have been at the location. Cannot wait forever, sorry man. Mission cancelled.
  9. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    A bit far from me, but let me check with the doc.
  10. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    [ Online ] - Join our TeamSpeak @ ts.dayzmedics.com for assistance, or add me on steam HERE.
  11. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance in the Mod? Find a medic here!

    ~ ONLINE ~ Taking Requests
  12. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Steam is being a total bitch atm. Wait it out, then try adding me if you need assistance.
  13. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Add me.
  14. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm on it, add me kind sir. Link in sig.
  15. ☠ Cereal_Killer ☠

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am practically there now